So One Stroke has implemented a rationing sytem (sorta like Wilflex) that works like this:
--each month from now through November or December as I understand, you are only allowed to buy 50% of sales of your 2020 sales (horrible Covid sales levels)
--If you bought $500 worth of ink in a month in 2020, you can only spend $250 on ink that same month, now that business is much better, hardly enough to fill my needs.
*Convientley they have "Relief White" for sale @ $750 5 gallon but does not count against your stipend

* I have no idea if "Relief" white is any good, so I'd have to buy and try it to see (100% money back gaurantee but YOU PAY shipping back). Was using ELT-X which is an outstanding white, but I can hardly get enough for my needs with the rationing.
--Or I go with plan b and start bringing in different brands of white to cover all of the multi-faceted and vertisle qualities of ELT-X white...might save some money this way but will take a lot of testing (time).
What a savage business practice! I need to get in the ink business!
Got to hand it to One Stroke, complete SAVAGES