Author Topic: Lift Cylinder  (Read 941 times)

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Lift Cylinder
« on: April 27, 2018, 05:59:07 PM »
How long should a lift cylinder last my press is going on 8 years now, the other day we had a full press all six heads printing and I notice the table drop just a little once the squeegee came down and then move back up a little, didn't seem to have any effect on the print that I could tell.  Today with only two heads printing table up and steady no drop at all..I checked and listen for air leaks noting, no leaks around the lift cylinder either, so I'm guessing the lift cylinder might be going bad under a heavy print load?  something is telling me to go ahead and get a lift cylinder in here for a backup.
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Re: Lift Cylinder
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2018, 08:02:40 AM »
My press is from 2008 and I replaced both cylinders last year so you might be do to change it out soon. Never a bad idea to have a backup just incase.

Keep in mind I don't have an Anatol press and I'm not sure if the previous owner ever replaced them prior to me doing it. But if not then these lasted around 9ish years. I guess everyone's situation is dependent on how often the press is running.

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Re: Lift Cylinder
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2018, 10:25:32 AM »
If there isn’t any air leaking the cylinder is probably ok. Sounds like too much squeegee pressure. That’s why it is only apparent when you run all 6 heads. Anatol only has 1 lift cylinder vs 12 choppers.
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