Asking $8000. Willing to make a deal for fellow board members. Located in Houston!
Antec Legend, 8 color 8 station All heads down press.
Built in 2006
All heads are functioning, and it keeps TIGHT registration, and i mean TIGHT.
We are Selling the following plattens (almost all are from Action Engineering. The ones that aren't are from Antec):
-(27) Antec Brackets
-(13) 18x22" Aluminum plattens (4 are BRAND NEW from action, 1 needs new rubber, but is useable)
-(4) 12x16" Plattens
-(4) 4x17.5" Sleeve Plattens
-(4) 10x14" Plattens
-(4) 4x18" Sleeve Plattens
-(2) 18x20" plattens
-(3) 14x14" plattens
-(1) 7x20" platten
-(2) Koozie plattens with 6 spaces
-(4) 4x30" Full sleeve plattens
-(1) 16x22" Action zipper hoodie platten
-(1) antec M&R pallet attachment (never used)
-(2) Antec Side Clamps
-(6) 20x22" plattens
-(1) hat attachement, with two color screen set up
-various knobs and replacement parts