If you're attending ISS Nashville c'mon and join theinkkitchen.com for the 3rd Annual Nashville Honky Tonk Hoedown at Layla's. Event starts at 5pm, right after the show on Thursday May 19th. It's less than a 10 min walk from the show at 418 Broadway. Hear some authentic live rockin' country music (The Rische Sisters!), beers, and of course free t-shirts (courtesy of our Ink Kitchen sponsors.) All you have to do is visit any one of our participating sponsors at the show and ask for an invitation:
American Apparel: Booth 513
Hirsch: Booth 500
Price-It Software: Booth 108
Saati: Booth 728
SanMar: Booth 300
Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors the Ink Kitchen will be making a donation to Room in the Inn a great non-profit in Tennessee that works on homelessness issues. You can donate them yourself if you want at roomintheinn.org