I own a Sabre and definitely would not call it entry level. Is it a CIII? No. But it can pump out some decent numbers. We regularly run it at 55-65/dz/hr.
The Sabre has AC printheads and electric index. That alone is far ahead of other air-driven "entry level" presses.
What he said.
In reality I guess you have to define the terms.
Are there bigger and better presses? Absolutely
Are there lesser machines out there? Probably just as many as there are better machines... Some entire brands fall into the lesser machine category. I'd say s-roc and maybe mhm may be the only brands that don't have lesser machines and technically the s-roc does have an air machine that might fall under that category.
So in my opinion, mid level and on par as far as beefiness with machines of its size.