Tangent question:
I was under the impression that it's not good, either for the shirt or the print, to have the hot shirts stack up on each other and stay hot. I know that I've had trouble with printing polyesters sports tees where the print crinkles and sticks to itself badly if left to stack up after leaving the dryer, I also thought it would increase any dye migration. Perhaps this is because my belt ends only a couple of inches out of the tunnel so the shirts don't get a chance to cool before stacking? My solution for the poly's was to rig up a cardboard slide from the belt with a fan blowing on the slide. I don't use a slide with cotton tees but I'll stop printing to pack the shirts flat every 20 or so, probably not ideal efficiency even if its only 4 steps away.
Any ideas or solutions for boxes to catch polyesters that doesn't continue to bake them into one big ball of plastic?