I just bought a gal of plasticharge from union ink I think the stuff I,m getting you can mix it with any color you like to make a discharge ink. Question can you use any mfg's ZFS agent to mix with your plasticharge ink? I got a job coming up with black shirts and the ink colors are white and grey ink, I know i,ve got to get a different emulsion for this stuff. If any of you are using plasticharge can I get some pointers.
Plasticharge comes in white or base clear. I assume you have the clear. From notes I took from the Union rep on the phone, clear can be mixed with Mixopake or Maxopake, NOT ULTRASOFT. My notes say 50/50 mix of base and ink plus the activator.
If you have the plasticharge white, you can mix Maxopake PADM 1030 for a brighter white. To get a less opaque print, decrease the ink percentage while increasing the clear percentage (to be expected, lol). You can go all the way down to 10% ink and 90% base.
I do not know about other manufacturers activator, but my thoughts would be no. Might be close, but might not formulated for the plasticharge product you're adding it to.
I've got some other notes, that I've posted on other posts, but this was what I had related to your question. I've only printed with the Union Plasticharge white. Tom Pitman has used some Union color discharge printing. Maybe he'll chime in.