There is some kind of glitch with the other thread I started about this. I can't seem to open it at all...could it be deleted and this one take its place? Thanks!
Attached is a sample of the art I am hoping to print on black shirts toward the end of this week.
I would like to use CMYK with a discharge underbase and top white if necessary, but I have a six color press and it is manual, so I know I do not have the ideal setup. How others would approach this project with those limitations. I am thinking a DC underbase of 20% white + 80% base will go a long way toward minimizing or fully eliminating the need for a spot white, and the design does not have any areas that require a significantly bright white, but I can add that if necessary. I am going to be ordering the Union Triple Strength CMYK inks based on what I have read in a number of threads.
I would like to hire someone to separate the art, but my concern is with the need to adjust colors during the process and turnaround times on the output files. I would ideally like to use someone who is both familiar with sepping CMYK with manual printing in mind (lower lpi, more potential for gain, etc) and with the discharge underbase. I would also like to be able to resep it quickly based on any issues on press during testing. I may end up sepping it myself with ultraseps just so I have added flexibility, but from the testing I did last week using it, I am not thrilled at the results, specifically with regard to the underbase. I also know I would benefit from having a professional with experience handle this part of the process.
I am open to subbing the job out, but it would depend a lot on the pricing and turnaround time and I would have to see past similar work as I think I have a higher standard than many when it comes to this kind of stuff...Honestly, I would like to use this project to learn and am confident I can produce a quality finished product with proper setup and testing. I appreciate any and all feedback on this.