Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
I have 30 of the 125's and 40 of the 150's and haven't had that problem with any of them. I had some conversion frames that did but that was I'm sure my fault. Sounds like you may have a few duds. I've had great support with them so I'm sure they will investigate that issue.
I'm just dunking them for reclaim. I'm trying to find a large enough tub for the development end though.
I'm going to stop at a container store the next time I go to Little Rock. I know having a tank to dip the screens before developing would ensure that the emulsion would wash out of my image much easier. The only thing that won't be so great about is that right now I can develop without spraying out my registration marks but I'm sure after letting them soak first that that won't be possible.
At least you're lucky enough it's not pulling the fluid back out when you draw a vacuum to expose.
Definitely get back to me on the screen leak Evo... I don't think I have had a single report of any leakage so far, so you are the lucky first! Quick, go get that MegaMillions ticket! Anyways, shoot me an email or give me a call and we will get you all fixed up. Ron - ron@shurloc.com - (360) 805-4140
PS - I don't recognize your username, who are ya? :)