Embroidery => General Embroidery => Topic started by: Dottonedan on July 08, 2011, 07:32:21 PM

Title: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: Dottonedan on July 08, 2011, 07:32:21 PM
More nuncken rucker futzen no good emb stuff.   :'( :'(

Why can't I find a good embroiderer. Am I really (REALLY) asking for too much here?  Do I just not know the full limitations of embroidery?  I am wanting to find an embroiderer who actually makes the job look like it was supposed to look. I know it will have thread in it and I know I can't get detail....but C'mon!!  They didn't even try on the type, they had no detail in these star things and they completely left out the bottom distressed detail (all together).  Is this just (too much) detail for a 4.5" wide embroidery?

I am posting a request in Member to member If any digitizers and Emb. feel they can do this detail, please send me a quote for digitizing it and anyone else for doing the emb. work.  They will be taking orders from this and we have approx. 400 members of the dream team but I am expecting only about 100 polos. It will be contract polo's.

----- The TOP image is the supplied art.

----- Middle image is the latest sample from a new Embroiderer who did the digitizing as well.

----- Bottom image is the digitizing sew out from a digitizer in India (hired by the first Emb. company who messed up my other COL logo order for this same customer shown in another post. Since he messed up that first order, I was afraid to continue to use this guy who did the emb. work so I stumbled on the (middle) and gave them a try.

I think they just do basics stuff and don't quite understand that I WANT that distressed detail.

Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: Frog on July 08, 2011, 07:37:08 PM
Not my field at all, but I do have a question. Are you prepared to pay more than you do or have paid?
Perhaps you are just looking at a lower level, price point, and the ensuing quality.
Obviously, we don't want to discuss specifics in this section, but I still wanted to throw it out there.
Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: Dottonedan on July 08, 2011, 07:56:47 PM
1st,  I forgot that some areas are public and some require so many post.  Thats hard to remember so we should talk more about that.

I paid the price she quoted without blinking. That price is 425% higher than the bottom image (the guy from India). Keep in mind, this guy from India was the first Emb. guys freelance digitizer that he uses all the time.  I want to pay what ever it takes to get it to look accurate.
Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: Fresh Baked Printing on July 08, 2011, 07:59:21 PM
I don't know why you can't find a good embroiderer. I sent you samples (pics) awhile ago from my embroiderer.
Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: mk162 on July 08, 2011, 08:05:35 PM
you HAVE to use BJ, her work is awesome.  Speaking of which I have to send her a check.

I've got an incredible embroidery friend.  I can give you her info if you like.  She's up here, but she's fast, good and dang fun.
Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: Dottonedan on July 08, 2011, 08:09:46 PM
I don't know why you can't find a good embroiderer. I sent you samples (pics) awhile ago from my embroiderer.

Thank you for that. I am really ready to send out to another state to get good quality.   I happen to have stumbled on to these people in my semi local area while visiting one of my screen print customers. The Emb. shop is a black away. As I pass by and noticed, I went in to visit with them and turns out they do contract Emb. So we discussed it and they told me "no problem" we understand trend. We can do it. So I let them (considering they were in the next town).
Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: Dottonedan on July 08, 2011, 08:15:52 PM
Here's the thing.  I really took some time to explain to these recent people of what I went through with the first guy.  I really over emphasized that I needed this to look as detailed and accurate as legitimate possible. I explained that if it were to normally cost $40.00 then I would gladly pay $120 if they took 3 times more care to make it accurate.
Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: Frog on July 08, 2011, 08:26:36 PM
When you come up with some specific pricing issues, there is now a child board for that.  As with the other sensitive industry issues, Junior member status is required
That's ten posts.;D
Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: Prosperi-Tees on July 08, 2011, 09:48:08 PM
Hey Dan I have the same problem in my town and we are really considering going out of state for our stuff. When I seen on another post what Graphic Disorder is capable of it really makes the local embroidery shops here look like *&(^.
Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: Doug B on July 13, 2011, 12:51:00 PM
 Dan, If you need anything done locally, I'm in Jacksonville. I do digitizing and
we do contract.   ;)
Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: Denis Kolar on July 13, 2011, 12:58:06 PM
Request that they use 60 weight thread. It is a finer thread than a normal 40 wight that most of us use. That might help with the detail, but then again, as I said before, at the left chest size logo I do not think that there is no way to get that amount of detail. Even with the finest thread possible.
Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: Socalfmf on July 13, 2011, 05:21:12 PM
check your email

Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: Dottonedan on July 14, 2011, 01:24:35 AM
Request that they use 60 weight thread. It is a finer thread than a normal 40 wight that most of us use. That might help with the detail, but then again, as I said before, at the left chest size logo I do not think that there is no way to get that amount of detail. Even with the finest thread possible.

If you can do these two at that size with that detail,  Then they should be able to do my little distressed type at the bottom. It just needs to be one color brown.  Would making it 4" wide to work better?  The head on your skull (Big Slick) has to be around 2" wide.  The fish is probably 3 - 3.5"

(http://www.dkgrafix.com/sites/default/files/portfolio/fishing.jpg)   (http://www.dkgrafix.com/sites/default/files/portfolio/bigslick.jpg)
Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: Denis Kolar on July 14, 2011, 07:39:42 AM
Request that they use 60 weight thread. It is a finer thread than a normal 40 wight that most of us use. That might help with the detail, but then again, as I said before, at the left chest size logo I do not think that there is no way to get that amount of detail. Even with the finest thread possible.

If you can do these two at that size with that detail,  Then they should be able to do my little distressed type at the bottom. It just needs to be one color brown.  Would making it 4" wide to work better?  The head on your skull (Big Slick) has to be around 2" wide.  The fish is probably 3 - 3.5"

([url]http://www.dkgrafix.com/sites/default/files/portfolio/fishing.jpg[/url])   ([url]http://www.dkgrafix.com/sites/default/files/portfolio/bigslick.jpg[/url])

The fish is pre embroidered on the hat, and it is sewn before the hat is assembled, the scull is done (the detailed part) with the run stitch, and not satin which is used for type.

I was talking about details in the outer circle, around the letters DT. It should help if you make logo 4". Right now, the type looks to be around .25", and with the amount off stitching under it and around it, it will be very hard to embroider that small.

I will send you the PM with the name of really good digitizer.
Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: shellyky on July 14, 2011, 10:24:24 AM
IMO--i would have never taken that job to put that on a polo--i wouldn't see it as doable without getting rid of all distressing, changing the font like theyve done, and i dont even think i would have included that pattern in the ring.  its super intricate to put on anything that small...i wouldn't have high hopes for it as a finished product.  Single-line stitches are ok in some instances, but alot of times theyre just going to look like an afterthought...to get the distressing in there, you have to remember that needle is basically going to go down, form one stitch and trim--to me , thats a disaster waiting to happen for the sewer...its just too little.
Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: Dottonedan on July 14, 2011, 11:42:46 AM
I am really not asked for an exact duplicate. I do understand that it's small and needles and thread do have size limitations.

I think I'd of been more appreciative and  it would have helped had they...

1 filled in the openings of the type on the D, R, A and A. That would have been a closer representation of the original art.

2 had they used correct colors everywhere. I know they don't match PMS colors but they can come closer. I've ordered Emb for over 11 years while at my last job. I have maderia book colors.

3 had they achieved a complete fill on the inside fills of the wings in all areas. (see right bottom side).

4 had they even just removed the cross hatch/star things all together.

5 had they NOT filled in the center completely and just tried a little to indicate the spiral line fade to the center.
The guy from India actually had a better sew out than this last one except for the type.

6, had they actually included my distressed grunge googgely things at bottom of banner.

Maybe I am asking too much.  I do appreciate your offering of your viewpoint.
Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: GraphicDisorder on July 14, 2011, 11:47:55 AM
It for sure could have been better no doubt. 

But over all, that size of a logo, that much detail.  Im not saying its not possible, it is, but its more like art than embroidery at that point.  You really have to know what your doing to pull that off "well".  I think it will be hit and miss on something like that.  Personally I think a polo like that id go for a more simplified version anyway.  Just my personal opinion. 
Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: inkman996 on July 14, 2011, 12:02:31 PM
Personally a logo like that for the qty is to much of a PITA especially for contract.

If I were to take it on I would make a mock up of what I am comfortable embroidering first, not a sew out itself but an art mock up. Then we would discuss colors, unfortunately us embroiders do not have every color in the Madeira book, it is just like ink it sucks to buy a gallon of ink only for a dozen shirts. If we did not have the best colors in stock and we did not have a thread order up coming we would then have to discuss time line and see if you are comfortable waiting till we place a thread order.

Thread unlike ink does typically go bad. We toss spools galore out every year they get stiff and fragile not worth running if they have not been used in years.

So to sum it up the logo is way to detailed for an embroidery as a patch it would be possible to get much more of the detail.
Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: Dottonedan on July 14, 2011, 12:14:15 PM
I'll do that. I'd much rather dumb it down and get a good look than to submit a gobbely gook of jumbled thread.

Thanks all for the feedback. See this place is educational. ")  This is certainly not my area and I may be speaking like on of those know it all customers.

Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: inkman996 on July 14, 2011, 12:17:13 PM
I don't think your embroider is any good if they are not educating you on what is good or bad. They should have immediately told you changes had to be made instead of attempting to embroider a guaranteed failure. Plus there is no way they should go ahead and embroider anything without an approval on an electronic sample at the least.
Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: GraphicDisorder on July 14, 2011, 12:21:23 PM
I don't think your embroider is any good if they are not educating you on what is good or bad. They should have immediately told you changes had to be made instead of attempting to embroider a guaranteed failure. Plus there is no way they should go ahead and embroider anything without an approval on an electronic sample at the least.

I agree, I often have to educate the customer on not only what is possible but how even the possible will look.  Not everything tanslates well into embroidery.  Personally when we sew something that I am no happy with we stop, take pictures, show client.  Most are still thrilled and on we go, we are on the super picky side. 
Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: shellyky on July 14, 2011, 01:05:58 PM
I don't think your embroider is any good if they are not educating you on what is good or bad. They should have immediately told you changes had to be made instead of attempting to embroider a guaranteed failure. Plus there is no way they should go ahead and embroider anything without an approval on an electronic sample at the least.

bingo.  i get a file, i look at it--i tell them this this and this will have to change to look decent.  if they are ok with those things being changed i'll send them a crude mockup of how that looks...if thats good to go then i digitize it.  I would imagine it would be hard to 'sell' embroidery if youre not the guy doing it yourself--there are so many yes's and no's to learn instead of just taking the job.  As well as each machine sews different--if you get a decent file and take it to one guy and it sews OK, then switch embroidery people with the same file, it doesnt necessarily mean that file will still look OK.  When we outsourced digitizing and he would send me a picture of the sewout, it was good--then i'd sew it and have to make 10 changes for it to look good on my machine...thats the whole reason i learned to digitize, fixing the guys errors. LOL
Title: Re: More nuncken rucker futzen emb stuff.
Post by: Chadwick on July 14, 2011, 10:12:57 PM
Not knocking embroidery, but simple is always better, especially at that size.
My boss is really good at it ( embroidery ), but I always have to remember to:

a) 'dumb' it down
b) 'dumb' it down more.
c) cringe ( omg this is gonna suck! )

which leads to:

d) pleasant surprise with the outcome

Embroidery is a different bag of tricks.
What looks like hell as lineart on your screen or whatever, can take on a new look with thread.
Design towards the final medium ( or always try to at least )

Think about t-shirts..it's a rather sh*t medium, really.
But if you approach it from the proper mindset, it works well, as opposed to thinking fine art or something.
Same deal with embroidery.

That embroidery simulation thing that Corel put out..it makes a jpeg out of eps files that looks like embroidery
( DRAWings )
It does it wrong ( much like auto-trace embroidery ) in many areas, but it'll give you a quick idea.
( don't combine too many objects, ungroup everything )
http://www.corel.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=Corel3/Section/Display&sid=1047022946165&cid=1145399558571&gid=1047022985433 (http://www.corel.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=Corel3/Section/Display&sid=1047022946165&cid=1145399558571&gid=1047022985433)
It's helped me a couple of times.
