Embroidery => General Embroidery => Topic started by: tancehughes on April 11, 2013, 09:13:33 PM
Hello all, I recently purchased a 4 head tajima and I'm trying to learn embroidery. Well I have the machine running and actually embroidering some very nice looking text. My issue is that many times between letters the thread comes loose out of the needle and I have to re thread it. It does not come unthreaded during stitching, just after it cuts it and moves to the next area of stitching. Does anyone know what I need to do to fix this issue?
I will be posting embroidery questions off and on that are very basic in nature. Please understand that I am new so you have to talk to me like I'm stupid when it comes to this stuff.
yes, I do not know how to change it on a tajima but you have to locate the option for trim lengty and change that to medium or long. This should eliminate your issue.
You might also think about joining the Yahoo Group communite ibelieve it is called tajima users group. You will get much better advise on tajima equipment there.
Check out these links
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TajimaPlus/ (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TajimaPlus/)
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TajimaUsers/ (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TajimaUsers/)
good luck
Make sure your -Tail lengths setting- is set long enough.
It's the ALT setting from 2-8 (8 being longest tail)
Also, ample backing helps hold thread after trim.
http://www.hirschinternational.com (http://www.hirschinternational.com) - has a nice area of resources.
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You can slightly tighten up the top tension knobs, that should help with trims too. (The ones close to the thread cones, on the top of the machine)
Thanks for the replies guys I really appreciate it. I think the tail length setting is what my issue is, and I'm going to check it in the morning.
Yeah, you'll find sometimes with thicker materials and too high
of a setting, that a tail can be too long and have to trim after logo is done.
Humm...that's what I get for going from memory late night at home~ :-\
Go to>
F2 > ATH > Picker Timing (2-8)
Well I've changed the tail length setting, it was on S now I have it on M. I am scared to go to L because I do not know if having too long of a tail is a bad thing. Also in the range of 2-8, I have it on 4. And on inching you can either select -, 1, or 2. I have it on 1.
I am going to figure this thing out, just takes some patience. I thought my thread tension was pretty good, but I am now reading where maybe the very top knob should be loosened a little bit?
I think I figured out the problem... The bar in the back that has velcro was bent slightly outward on the bottom half and I think that was separating the velcro thus making it not as likely to hold the thread inbetween trimmings... Does that seem like that makes sense to any of you pros out there