screen printing => Ink and Chemicals => Topic started by: ole jobe on March 09, 2013, 10:38:02 AM
Someone convinced me to try his smooth white. The number on his website doesn't work. No response to e-mails Does anyone have a number for him?
Number on the site rings and goes to voicemail for me to leave a message because its Saturday?
Left a message the middle of the week, no reply.
I just got a call back a few minutes ago from Kevin Lol I was just checking to see if his number was dead like you said. Give him a call Monday. He probably just forgot to return your call.
Are you having issues with the smooth? I use the superior or whatever the most opaque one is. I've found its best to keep it warm in winter.
Read so much about the smooth here that I just want to give it a try.