screen printing => Screen Making => Topic started by: ZooCity on June 15, 2011, 12:54:02 PM

Title: S Mesh real life tensions
Post by: ZooCity on June 15, 2011, 12:54:02 PM
Where are you all at? 

We got a whole crap load of panels in last week and I'm stretching ours just a bit under max on the Murakami charts and it's going well so far.  The only problem, and it doesn't appear to be tension related is the 310s is insanely delicate.  I somehow damaged one before I even finished tensioning and had to patch it already.   Luckily I went for more 330s at the last minute. 

Our 150s screens stabilize at 24n and I'll post up where the rest is once their in production for awhile.   
Title: Re: S Mesh real life tensions
Post by: alan802 on June 15, 2011, 02:01:44 PM
I've got our 150's at 30 newtons, the 110 is at 30 as well.  I don't have any higher mesh counts yet in the S thread, but I'm going to be ordering some 330's this month.  I'll let you know then where I get the 330's.
Title: Re: S Mesh real life tensions
Post by: shurloc on June 17, 2011, 12:03:48 PM
@Alan - That 30N tension on a 150 is really pushing the S-mesh hard. That 24-27 range will make the fabric last quite a bit longer. That's not to say that it won't hold at 30, but you will wear it much faster at those higher tensions.
Title: Re: S Mesh real life tensions
Post by: alan802 on June 17, 2011, 12:23:59 PM
I pushed them on the newmans so I'll back those down per your comments.  The few that we have on the ez frames are around 24-25 after a dozen or so reclaims.
Title: Re: S Mesh real life tensions
Post by: ZooCity on June 17, 2011, 12:28:11 PM
@Alan - That 30N tension on a 150 is really pushing the S-mesh hard. That 24-27 range will make the fabric last quite a bit longer. That's not to say that it won't hold at 30, but you will wear it much faster at those higher tensions.

I've found the same to be true.  I was mister "oh, I'll just take it to thirty" with it at first but that tension stresses the knuckles out and you'll see failure sooner than at 26 or so.  24-27 seems to be the safety zone.

Keep in mind, we're talking about 3-6 newtons here.  It could easily be that our devices are off from each other by that much and Alan's 30 is my 25 is someone elses 27, etc. 
Title: Re: S Mesh real life tensions
Post by: shurloc on June 17, 2011, 01:12:42 PM
@Zoo - You are so right. That's why it is so important to have your meter calibrated regularly. It's a $50 expense on ours that saves you 5-10 panels a year easily. I know Stretch is a bit more, but even calibrating one of those is a deal compared to blowing out $200 in mesh because of a bad meter reading.
Title: Re: S Mesh real life tensions
Post by: alan802 on June 17, 2011, 01:23:57 PM
I just measured a few more s thread screens and found one of our 110s at 34 newtons.  2 of our 150's were at 28 and 2 were at 30.  The EZ frames with 150 s thread were all dead on at 25 newtons.  I may be wrong on this, but it seems like the s thread stabilizes faster and remains much closer to the original tension than any other mesh I've used.  That is such a great benefit when using the EZ frames.