screen printing => General Screen Printing => Topic started by: jason-23 on January 04, 2013, 09:26:09 AM
I have job and the image is going to run over the front hand pocket pouch thing. Any ideas on how to do this or is this a no go?
Good morning Jason:
It looks as if the image doesn't actually cross the pocket hem. If that is the case then there are things that can be done here to accomplish this. I would suggest that the main challenge is keeping the pockets from lifting when the screen come up.
1 - A Tight fit on the Pallet - will put tension on the pocket layer and hinder it from movement.
2 - Small amount of starch glue inside the pocket.
3 - Using an ink with a low tackiness to make the release easier. Talk to your Ink supplier
4 - Applying silicone spray to screen and garment surface will eliminate problems.
5 - Print in two setups - body print and then the pockets. Use a hold down on the pockets.
Also - the part of the image that is over the pockets - burn separate screens that get shimmed up slightly to account for pocket rise.
I hope this helps - I think it's very do-able.
yup, can be done. you'll have to glue the pockets shut and use the padding to print over the seam.
I should have enlarged that picture before replying. I see now that the top of the pocket image goes over the upper seam. Pierre's response made look closer.
Another possibility is using a Jacket Hold Down setup that has some super soft-top rubber on the print side ( as Pierre suggested ). The Hold down will keep the pocket in place instead of using he glue method.
Padding = 1/4" neoprene rubber similar to a mouse pad. It's not very flash friendly but excellent for going over seams. yes - we do stock it. It's laminated with nylon on one side - identical to the common mouse pads.
I would do two prints. On the pocket I would burn a screen at 90 degrees and use
a sleeve or pant leg pallet. Then there is no need to glue the pocket shut or use a lockdown and
you could build it up to print over the seam without a problem. I've done it many times.
Well I had a whole thing typed out and Doug B beat me to it. This works great too..... ;D
That method also has the benefit of centering on the pocket, rather than the shirt, it you wish (the two are rarely in the same place on two shirts in a row)
Only works if indeed, you don't need to jump the seam.
i was thinking 2 prints as well...using a leg pallet..
I just started doing a full front and pocket this morning and saw this thread.
Thanks guys! I think I'll go for option 3, leg pallet. I can move the logo down to put on the pocket. If it was just the yellow i would be ok with just one screen but he needs black hoodies too so I'll need pfp yellow on black. Thanks again everybody, you guys are the best I dont care what spider says...joking! ;D ;D
I just started doing a full front and pocket this morning and saw this thread.
nice dog crate lol sorry
RT Screen Designs
What you don't like her grape crate bed. ;)
She has three of them. One outside in the back so she can command all she sees, one in the show room on the window sill for a afternoon sun tan and the one in the picture under the flash for those cold winter mornings.