General => Introduction => Topic started by: relliott on December 22, 2012, 07:50:39 PM

Title: Introduction and a little background.
Post by: relliott on December 22, 2012, 07:50:39 PM
Hello All!

I think first try at posting got gobbled up in the cloud. Short version...

I have been textile printing since 2006. Not really doing a bunch in the shirt world right now. My "real" job keeps me busy. About 8 months ago I was tasked to take over the screen printing department at the sheet metal fab shop where I work. It has been a steep learning curve and I am still learning tons.  I mostly print on metal (plated, anodized, painted, powder coated and raw), some plastics, some coroplast and paper/cardboard.

I would like to find other non-textile printers on this board. I hope to be able to learn more and be able to share what knowledge I have gained in the school of hard knocks.

Title: Re: Introduction and a little background.
Post by: Frog on December 22, 2012, 07:58:04 PM
Well, I'll welcome you again (his first post is in the Non-Textile section)

We have a few members here who print flat stock, as well as very active participation by Naz Dar who have an ink for just about every substrate, and tech help to go along with it!
Title: Re: Introduction and a little background.
Post by: blue moon on December 24, 2012, 12:54:44 PM
Hey Rich,

with a little bit of delay, "Welcome aboard!"

Title: Re: Introduction and a little background.
Post by: Itsa Little CrOoked on January 02, 2013, 11:55:20 PM
I used to print a little signage at our tiny sign shop. And I built all of our electric signs from scratch. Angle iron, sheet metal, surplus oil field pipe, plastic, electricals, and paint. We didn't have an oven, so panned plastic faces we subbed out, then decorated in house.

So I know a little sheet metal, but much less flat stock printing and I cringe at some of the procedures I used to employ. I always always always used God's (93 million mile away) exposure unit. Possible but finicky.

I also printed quite a few jobs on wooden frames, coated with homemade sheet metal scoop coaters. Years ago.... Trap? Spread? Choke? I might have guessed that was Mayonnaise that went down wrong. But I'd never heard of those words.

Anyhow, Welcome!
Title: Re: Introduction and a little background.
Post by: mooseman on January 03, 2013, 09:27:29 AM
Welcome Rich,
it is a motley crew here but a pretty good ship to be on...grab an orr, there is always a new adventure

Title: Re: Introduction and a little background.
Post by: lemorris on January 07, 2013, 08:25:56 PM
Since your screen name is how George Jetson's dog says "Elliott", I'm adding you to my friend list.  :)

Title: Re: Introduction and a little background.
Post by: Coyote71 on January 07, 2013, 11:19:35 PM
Or Scooby Doo. Ruh Roo! ;D