General => Industry News/ Announcements/Press Releases/Product Promotion => Topic started by: pwalsh on December 15, 2012, 01:37:06 PM
Dear TSB Board Members; I’m looking for some input from you, on what the Nazdar SourceOne TSB Members Promo should be for January. So far we’ve done a 15% off your Ink & Supply Order, a 15% Discount on ImageStar Screen Positive Film, and a 20% Discount on select Wilflex White Inks.
What would bring the most value to you as a January Promo? I’d appreciate your input and will do my best to make it happen. BTW: We are already going to be offering an incredible deal on select MacDermid Autotype Screen Emulsions to the general public so please don't waste your vote on an emulsion promo for January :)
free shipping on everything! Something you should work toward all the time IMO!
pallet tape or ultimate clean up cards
Mesh, bulk and panel.
Accessories and general products used around the shop.
free shipping on everything! Something you should work toward all the time IMO!
Jason: Here is a fact; "There is no such thing as free-shipping." Shipping is a cost to all suppliers, and giving it away for free is just a different form of discounting. If Free Shipping is important to you, I assure you we will feature it in future promo's.
Thank you so much for the feed-back.
pallet tape or ultimate clean up cards
Beanie: Thanks for the good product suggestions.
They're in for the January or future months Promo's.
Mesh, bulk and panel.
Accessories and general products used around the shop.
Brian: Thanks for the quick response. I get the panel idea and that's fairly easy to do. What I but wasnt sure of, is what you meant by "bulk?" Are suggesting a promo on full bolt quantities, or cut lengths? I think that we could do something really special on full bolts of *63" wide Sefar mesh.
*Note: 63" wide mesh is the perfect size to stretch (2) 23' x 31" frames side by side
Ten yards or more of the 63" wide mesh. Ten yards will give you 20 screens 23x31.
I like the mesh idea. 305 in bulk or cut. 34 and 40 micron.
I know I'm pushing it but maybe a roll of locking strip for every ten yards of mesh. Just saying.
I know I'm pushing it but maybe a roll of locking strip for every ten yards of mesh. Just saying.
Liking that one...... ;D
A better web site. Just saying
free shipping on everything! Something you should work toward all the time IMO!
Jason: Here is a fact; "There is no such thing as free-shipping." Shipping is a cost to all suppliers, and giving it away for free is just a different form of discounting. If Free Shipping is important to you, I assure you we will feature it in future promo's.
Thank you so much for the feed-back.
If Ryonet can offer it if you spend $150.00 Nazdar can do it for $100.00 or less, all the time, not just a special promo. Thanks for the consideration.
I would like an annual "new scoop coater day". . . I like to replace ours once a year due to knicks and junk, start the new year with a new coater.... maybe a free one with 4 gallons of emulsion?
I really like the % off thing too because not everyone needs the same thing. I would buy a bunch of panel frames or something. not so much bolt mesh. . .
A better web site. Just saying
Mike: All I can say is Amen! I can’t agree more about the need for a better web site, and assure you that big changes are coming. The Nazdar Company recently purchased DotNetNuke as a programming / administration tool, we are recruiting another Graphic Designer and a Web Programmer, and we will be replacing the existing website that’s programmed in some archaic 1990’s type programming language.
Over the years we’ve tried to upgrade the site in its current format and have reached a point where the actual transaction from the Product Information Page to the Shopping Cart works quite well. Where the site is really lacking is that’s difficult to find a product. The search function remains “clunky and unreliable” and the information returned from the search is often not specific enough.
We realize that Nazdar SourceOne doesn't need to reinvent the wheel with the new site and have been researching a number of best-in-class websites that include; Grainger, Home Depot, and Best Buy as examples of companies that effectively manage a large number of SKU’s in an online environment. I can’t give you an exact date for a launch of the new site other than it’s expected to be completed before mid-year.
Thanks for the feedback, and for the opportunities that you provide to Nazdar SourceOne as a supplier to your company.
I know I'm pushing it but maybe a roll of locking strip for every ten yards of mesh. Just saying.
Liking that one...... ;D
To All: Given this feedback it sounds like a promo based on 10+ yards quantity of mesh would be of interest, so that's the direction that I'll give the marketing team for the January TSB promo. I'll also have them run the numbers on the possibility of wrapping the Stretch Devices Locking Strip into the promo.
Although at first look I don’t see this as being the best option, and here’s why. Getting a free or heavily discounted roll of locking strip would be of value for some Newman Roller Frame® users it wouldn’t mean as much to those screen-printers that don’t need new locking strip at this time, or users of other types of frames.
Right now I’m thinking that a bigger discount on the mesh would benefit the largest number of screen-printers, and anyone needing the locking strip could push the savings towards the purchase of that product. Maybe we can do something as a standalone promo on locking strip.
Anyway thanks for all the input and look forward to an update on the January TSB promo
I really hate it when suppliers run promotions.......I had one supplier that I did 50k in business with this year and not once did I get to use one of their promotions.....Just turned out nothing they had on sale were things I sold or wanted....Years ago they had a rebate program that would have given me a cheque for 1,250.00.....This year I will get "zip" for my 11 years of loyalty and ever increasing purchases......
free shipping on everything! Something you should work toward all the time IMO!
Jason: Here is a fact; "There is no such thing as free-shipping." Shipping is a cost to all suppliers, and giving it away for free is just a different form of discounting. If Free Shipping is important to you, I assure you we will feature it in future promo's.
Thank you so much for the feed-back.
If Ryonet can offer it if you spend $150.00 Nazdar can do it for $100.00 or less, all the time, not just a special promo. Thanks for the consideration.
Jason: Nazdar SourceOne is looking at all aspects of our Web-based business to see how we can provide increased value and incentives to our customers. Development of the new website, increased frequency of promotions are two initial programs that have been launched. Reviewing our current shipping programs based on a minimum order value is something that is also being looked at.
You’re right to ask the question; “If other suppliers such as Ryonet are offering these types of incentives, then then why doesn’t Nazdar SourceOne?” Like I said in the earlier response free shipping is another form of discounting, and it will be a part of future promo’s. The level of interest, and the activity it generates will help support the argument for a broader based and continuous program.
I really hate it when suppliers run promotions.......I had one supplier that I did 50k in business with this year and not once did I get to use one of their promotions.....Just turned out nothing they had on sale were things I sold or wanted....Years ago they had a rebate program that would have given me a cheque for 1,250.00.....This year I will get "zip" for my 11 years of loyalty and ever increasing purchases......
Royster: I can’t speak for other suppliers but Nazdar SourceOne does offer volume purchase discounts and other incentive programs to our largest volume customers. The Nazdar Company views promotions such as what are being discussed here as an opportunity for smaller to medium volume size printers to take advantage of this volume based pricing or to introduce and/or promote specific focused products.
I fully agree with you that companies running promotions that aren’t of use or interest to their customers don’t bring any value. For what it’s worth that’s why I reached out to the TSB Community asking for their input on the types of promotions they would value. I’m appreciative of the suggestions and will be applying it for upcoming promotions, although I realize that whatever we decide won’t be a perfect fit for everyone.
I think that in any industry, it is also reasonable to assume that some promotions also serve the purpose of clearing out overstock, or older stock, or to take advantage of manufacturer incentives. These are also legitimate and welcome!
As for the shipping issue, for me, this is a natural progression of a concept now considered alien or outdated in the eyes of many younger printers; local brick and mortar suppliers, some of whom even offering local delivery in their own trucks. Obviously, this expense needs to be covered one way or another, but reasonable minimums like $100 are a great boon to smaller shops, and, heck, even a large shop often needs a mere few gallons of a special ink as well.
I see three main factors that drive a purchase from a specific distributor over another;
product, price, and convenience. Less tangible, but no less important reasons exist also, like loyalty, the bonus of informed advice, and a feeling of general care and concern of a mutual success.
Peter I will be honest with you. My business to Nazdar is going away. I cannot work with the website anymore and a nearly useless catalogue. You have been stating for a long time now they will change the website, how long can that possibly take? Instead of worrying so much about promos and stuff get the damn site fixed. You guys are probably the biggest supplier in this industry in the US you should have a website and catalogue that reflects that.
Peter I will be honest with you. My business to Nazdar is going away. I cannot work with the website anymore and a nearly useless catalogue. You have been stating for a long time now they will change the website, how long can that possibly take? Instead of worrying so much about promos and stuff get the damn site fixed. You guys are probably the biggest supplier in this industry in the US you should have a website and catalogue that reflects that.
Mike: Thanks for the brutal & honest feedback. You and I are in total agreement about the need to improve Nazdar SourceOne's online shopping experience. You're also absolutely correct that this project could have been addressed earlier. Unfortunately it wasn’t, and the past is something that I just can’t change.
As stated in an earlier post, building a new website is a high priority project in which Nazdar SourceOne has already committed resources to purchase software, training our IT staff in its use, and we are actively recruiting Graphic Design and Web Programming to get the work done.
I’m sorry to hear that Nazdar SourceOne is losing your business because of the current state of our Website, and hope that in the future you will once again give us consideration as a supplier when the new website is completed. Regarding your thoughts on the catalog I'd welcome your feed back (preferably via email or PM) on what changes that you'd like to see.
Can you tell all of your phone operators to honor all promo codes via TELEPHONE if we call? To hard to use the website,(hate to beat a dead horse.) Thanks.
Can you tell all of your phone operators to honor all promo codes via TELEPHONE if we call? To hard to use the website,(hate to beat a dead horse.) Thanks.
Jason: Thanks for your question, While Nazdar SourceOne’s “Online Promotions:” are focused towards web based e-commerce transactions, they are available to all customers. I personally know every one of our 26+ Customer Service Specialists so you can feel free to remind them of my commitment to honor all promos via phone or online. Please feel free to contact me directly if you ever have any comments, questions, or concerns regarding your service at Nazdar SourceOne.
Can you tell all of your phone operators to honor all promo codes via TELEPHONE if we call? To hard to use the website,(hate to beat a dead horse.) Thanks.
Jason: Thanks for your question, While Nazdar SourceOne’s “Online Promotions:” are focused towards web based e-commerce transactions, they are available to all customers. I personally know every one of our 26+ Customer Service Specialists so you can feel free to remind them of my commitment to honor all promos via phone or online. Please feel free to contact me directly if you ever have any comments, questions, or concerns regarding your service at Nazdar SourceOne.
Thank you sir!
Buy discharge base and get some pigments free.
Well I would introduce a loyalty program where you collect points on each item you buy and at the end of the year you can exchange your points for some goodies,supplies etc. Should be easy to implement since you get your website redone anyway, which if you have a programmer that knows his stuff can take care off in a couple of months.
Buy discharge base and get some pigments free.
Well I would introduce a loyalty program where you collect points on each item you buy and at the end of the year you can exchange your points for some goodies,supplies etc. Should be easy to implement since you get your website redone anyway, which if you have a programmer that knows his stuff can take care off in a couple of months.
I like this idea! It does not have to be much, even a small amount would be nice.
so one of promos you run could be double your loyalty points.
I notice how most people use nazdar for there supplies i sent for a catalog and recieved it and i really don't understand why every uses them? the prices seem really high compared to Wild Side North. Am i missing something?
I notice how most people use nazdar for there supplies i sent for a catalog and recieved it and i really don't understand why every uses them? the prices seem really high compared to Wild Side North. Am i missing something?
i switched to them late last year - so far ive saved money compared to my previous vendor.
its noted on the quotes that i cant share what i pay for supplies, but i can tell you that i have saved a good amount this year - nearly enough to equal an employees salary.
my last vendor took 13 days to get me a quote on the Wilflex Epic PC. Nazdar took 3 days - and it included every item in the PC system, our white inks and all the metallics and such that i requested.
Jay I may be wrong but I am pretty sure Nazdar is cheaper than their listed pricing in their catalogues. I know when I order its discounted from their normal price.
I like the idea of the loyalty points as well, Sanmar has something similar which is partly why we are loyal to them over the years, we use those points at the end of the year for us employees and grommeted samples.
Heres the deal with Nazdar, the bigger you are, the better the pricing and service gets. Just saying, I have been on both sides. I buy from them.
Nazdar may not always be cheapest but I put service in front of that. Everyone is different but I prefer to call in my orders. This way I know where a product is shipping from, possible substitutions, etc. Order acknowledgement within minutes via e-mail. Every few months my rep comes by (really as a social courtesy) and I appreciate that. Call me old school.