Classified Ads => Wanted => Topic started by: alan802 on June 08, 2011, 10:56:42 AM

Title: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: alan802 on June 08, 2011, 10:56:42 AM
To finish my next registration system I am looking for the tri-loc registration pallet.  I know there are dozens laying around in shops that have given up on using the system so if anyone knows of one let me know and I will contact them and see if someone is willing to part with the pallet for cash.  I'm not real sure what that pallet would go for but I guess $300-400 would be fair, especially if it's just sitting in a corner in someone's shop collecting dust.

I have a call out to a metal fab shop to make me a flat piece of aluminum so depending on if I can find the real m&r product, I may go that route, especially if the price is right.  I have a pallet extrusion so basically I just need a big piece of aluminum that I can cut to the right dimension and add the stop blocks.  Thoughts, ideas, recommendations?  I have no issues going this route but we are pretty busy and if I can just buy the real thing that is properly manufactured it would be easier and one less thing to go wrong.

If anyone has any info on where I can find one, or hell, just some advice or a better idea, I'm all ears my friends.
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: ebscreen on June 08, 2011, 01:40:16 PM
Check on Ebay right now. There's one of the original one's for $150 plus shipping. Looks like
it's missing something (I don't know how the originals worked) but if all you need is the pallet
you can't beat that with a stick.
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: alan802 on June 08, 2011, 05:29:15 PM
Check on Ebay right now. There's one of the original one's for $150 plus shipping. Looks like
it's missing something (I don't know how the originals worked) but if all you need is the pallet
you can't beat that with a stick.

I was unable to find the one you are talking about.  I tried the normal search words but got nothing.  How did you find it?
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: Evo on June 08, 2011, 07:03:49 PM
Take an old large pallet, strip off the rubber and attach:

https://store.mrprint.com/mr_pls/oos_items_pkg.item_details?p_item_no_c=8150013&p_search_mode_c=EQUIPMENT&p_page_id_i=1&p_page_size_i=10&p_sort_mode_c=ITEM%3ADESCRIPTION&p_page_view_c=LIST&p_ename_c=TRI-LOC%20REGISTRATION%20PALLET (https://store.mrprint.com/mr_pls/oos_items_pkg.item_details?p_item_no_c=8150013&p_search_mode_c=EQUIPMENT&p_page_id_i=1&p_page_size_i=10&p_sort_mode_c=ITEM%3ADESCRIPTION&p_page_view_c=LIST&p_ename_c=TRI-LOC%20REGISTRATION%20PALLET)

https://store.mrprint.com/mr_pls/oos_items_pkg.item_details?p_item_no_c=8150012&p_search_mode_c=EQUIPMENT&p_page_id_i=2&p_page_size_i=10&p_sort_mode_c=ITEM%3ADESCRIPTION&p_page_view_c=LIST&p_ename_c=TRI-LOC%20REGISTRATION%20PALLET (https://store.mrprint.com/mr_pls/oos_items_pkg.item_details?p_item_no_c=8150012&p_search_mode_c=EQUIPMENT&p_page_id_i=2&p_page_size_i=10&p_sort_mode_c=ITEM%3ADESCRIPTION&p_page_view_c=LIST&p_ename_c=TRI-LOC%20REGISTRATION%20PALLET)

Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: ebscreen on June 08, 2011, 07:48:09 PM
Somebody got it already. Damn.
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: whitewater on June 09, 2011, 07:12:33 AM
It was me. :) :) :) :) :)

Ahhh Just kidding
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: BeerCityInc on June 22, 2011, 01:35:33 AM
i just got a full almost new trilockoff ebay for 1300 so keep your eyes peeled
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: Homer on June 22, 2011, 08:23:49 AM
why is this thing so expensive? there's a few hundred bucks worth of aluminum plus some R&D time, but 2400.00 new? no way.  I bet they would sell 4 to 1 if the price was more reasonable, in the 1k range. I would like to see a new reg system developed, taking elements from the newman wing style system and something that didn't require carrier sheets, like permanent reg marks. What if you have all 4 corners of your film have the same reg marks - no matter what, and those same regs marks on your glass. like a clear sticker. Line up the film reg marks to the ones on the glass, tape the film to the glass, pop the screen into a jig, expose and carry on. I may be onto something here.
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: mk162 on June 22, 2011, 11:23:22 AM
then you write an action for PS or Illy, or a macro for corel that puts THOSE EXACT registration marks in the right spot and wham, problem solved.

Homer, I like you more and more every day, now where is my order?
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: Shanarchy on June 22, 2011, 01:25:54 PM
why is this thing so expensive? there's a few hundred bucks worth of aluminum plus some R&D time, but 2400.00 new? no way.  I bet they would sell 4 to 1 if the price was more reasonable, in the 1k range. I would like to see a new reg system developed, taking elements from the newman wing style system and something that didn't require carrier sheets, like permanent reg marks. What if you have all 4 corners of your film have the same reg marks - no matter what, and those same regs marks on your glass. like a clear sticker. Line up the film reg marks to the ones on the glass, tape the film to the glass, pop the screen into a jig, expose and carry on. I may be onto something here.

I agree 100%. The problem is there are only 3 systems that I am aware of (Vastex, Newman & M&R). Without much competition, prices are higher. But I will say that if a system can make your set up times be spot on without needed to micro anything, it is worth a LOT to the printer. But this is I was getting at in my pre-reg thread; it should not be that difficult for a perfect pre-reg system to be developed. I am still amazed that more manufacturers do not have one. I wonder if the existing 3 have a lot of copyrights that make it too difficult for another company to manufacture one.
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: Homer on June 22, 2011, 02:01:10 PM
Yes! - let's develop this thing. we can make our own and sell them off, fk patents. This idea is better than what's out there already. Tri loc is just a series of bump stops -nothing too complex there. The vastex one is a cheaper knock off to it and the newman one requires stupid pin locks on your screens. what about us panel frame guys or static users?

500.00-1kea and we sell them all day long. I got to thinking, we could just run off a positive with the reg marks and screen it direct on the glass with some 9700 or something. 400 mesh screen so it's nice and precise. I'm soing this or something -screw this manual registration crap.

Brad - you should have had it a while ago? wtf. . .
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: DraginInk on June 22, 2011, 05:51:37 PM
TAS has the EZ reg (or some similar name... I'm to lazy right now to go upstairs to look) but it needs "stupid pin locks" on your frames. Works pretty dern good though. But those "stupid pin locks" ain't free either!
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: ZooCity on June 22, 2011, 08:57:35 PM
TAS has the EZ reg (or some similar name... I'm to lazy right now to go upstairs to look) but it needs "stupid pin locks" on your frames. Works pretty dern good though. But those "stupid pin locks" ain't free either!

I was wondering about the TAS system.  Do you run it?
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: alan802 on June 23, 2011, 10:09:31 AM
Homer, you're idea is what I'm trying to do now, but I'm not using the grid on the exposure unit, I'm lining up the film on a separate FPU.  I couldn't find a pallet jig for a reasonable price so I'm having a piece of aluminum cut and I'm going to put the pallet extrusion on it, then place my stop blocks in the right locations exactly like the FPU and I'll be done.  I would have thought my aluminum would have been done by now, but I'm paying $250 for it.  I'm having a local waterjet guy cut it out for me and I had the piece of aluminum drop shipped there last week.
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: inkman996 on June 23, 2011, 11:08:05 AM
$250 wow! Alan wouldnt it be cheaper to buy a large palette from M&R or somewhere and work with that?
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: ZooCity on June 23, 2011, 11:27:53 AM
Homer, you're idea is what I'm trying to do now, but I'm not using the grid on the exposure unit, I'm lining up the film on a separate FPU.  I couldn't find a pallet jig for a reasonable price so I'm having a piece of aluminum cut and I'm going to put the pallet extrusion on it, then place my stop blocks in the right locations exactly like the FPU and I'll be done.  I would have thought my aluminum would have been done by now, but I'm paying $250 for it.  I'm having a local waterjet guy cut it out for me and I had the piece of aluminum drop shipped there last week.

Excited to see how it works out!  After ruling out the pin lock until we have an auto, we decided to do pretty much exactly what you are trying.  Haven't had time to do it as we're way too busy right now. I'd like to still build in an option for carrier sheets for our pre print and heavy repeat orders with pins and then mhm style for the rest of it. How are you going to address off contact?
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: alan802 on June 24, 2011, 05:24:40 PM
$250 wow! Alan wouldnt it be cheaper to buy a large palette from M&R or somewhere and work with that?

Getting the aluminum cut the way I want it, so it will be lightweight and the shape/size I need is costing me $100.  I got the aluminum and pallet extrusion for $150.  I guess I could have bought a jumbo pallet but I still would have had to get it cut to miss the screen holders and to make it lighter so it wouldn't be so heavy.  It's been a while since I've priced jumbo pallets but I thought they were $200+ for something the size I needed. 
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: ZooCity on June 24, 2011, 05:27:23 PM
Again, stoked to see how this works.  I've got a good system concept roughed out just wasn't sure if going custom fab would wind up costing just as much and not working out or something. 
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: Homer on June 24, 2011, 07:23:25 PM
I spoke to Dave -Bimmridder- yesterday for about 45 minutes about this. He gave me some seriously sound advice regarding my reg marks on the glass unit and positives, make one a negative and one a positive... I order an M&R pallet bracket and will give'r a go when I get it in. One benefit of being a sign shop -we have many different substrates to pick from to make the jig out of. My main concern is the quality of my panel frames. I have a real nice corner to use with the bump stops, but they have to be within tolerance or the reg will be off. . .I won't know how well the frames are made until I make my reg unit. I'd like to see what you come up with Alan.
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: DraginInk on June 26, 2011, 06:33:04 PM
TAS has the EZ reg (or some similar name... I'm to lazy right now to go upstairs to look) but it needs "stupid pin locks" on your frames. Works pretty dern good though. But those "stupid pin locks" ain't free either!

I was wondering about the TAS system.  Do you run it?

Yes I do and have for years. It's not perfect (leaves room for operator error) but like most of the options it is a time saver on press set up. AND I swindled it out of 'em for free ;) Actually I made the powers that had been at the time make good on a promise made by the powers that had been at another time.... long story with a happy ending for me :)

The pin blocks for my Newmans weren't free though.... ouch! I did 36 or so frames and I like to flip screens when image size allows... so 4 corners x36 x$$$
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: Shanarchy on June 27, 2011, 10:49:22 AM

The pin blocks for my Newmans weren't free though.... ouch! I did 36 or so frames and I like to flip screens when image size allows... so 4 corners x36 x$$$


You use the Neman Pin regi sysytem? What is your overall opinion of it? How accurate and user friendly is it?
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: ZooCity on June 27, 2011, 10:56:57 AM
Yes I do and have for years. It's not perfect (leaves room for operator error) but like most of the options it is a time saver on press set up. AND I swindled it out of 'em for free ;) Actually I made the powers that had been at the time make good on a promise made by the powers that had been at another time.... long story with a happy ending for me :)

Cool.  I liked the little I saw from the video on the TAS site.  It looks like a simplified take on the newman pins.  More presses should have built-in reg systems, I think it's ridiculous that most don't.  It's such a key part of the process. 

Shane, I looked hard at the Pin-Lock system earlier this year and I think it's the best on the market for a number of reasons. Very well thought out on a lot of levels.  But, I think it's a pretty big systemic commitment to use it successfully and it's spendy so I'm holding off until we have a press that can do it justice.
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: blue moon on June 27, 2011, 03:43:39 PM
Yes I do and have for years. It's not perfect (leaves room for operator error) but like most of the options it is a time saver on press set up. AND I swindled it out of 'em for free ;) Actually I made the powers that had been at the time make good on a promise made by the powers that had been at another time.... long story with a happy ending for me :)

Cool.  I liked the little I saw from the video on the TAS site.  It looks like a simplified take on the newman pins.  More presses should have built-in reg systems, I think it's ridiculous that most don't.  It's such a key part of the process. 

Shane, I looked hard at the Pin-Lock system earlier this year and I think it's the best on the market for a number of reasons. Very well thought out on a lot of levels.  But, I think it's a pretty big systemic commitment to use it successfully and it's spendy so I'm holding off until we have a press that can do it justice.

I think you should just get an MHM when you upgrade and not worry about registration!
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: DraginInk on June 27, 2011, 03:49:19 PM

The pin blocks for my Newmans weren't free though.... ouch! I did 36 or so frames and I like to flip screens when image size allows... so 4 corners x36 x$$$


You use the Neman Pin regi sysytem? What is your overall opinion of it? How accurate and user friendly is it?

I just use the pin blocks on my Newman frames which allows them to work with the TAS "EZI-REG" system I use.
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: DraginInk on June 27, 2011, 03:56:31 PM
Yes I do and have for years. It's not perfect (leaves room for operator error) but like most of the options it is a time saver on press set up. AND I swindled it out of 'em for free ;) Actually I made the powers that had been at the time make good on a promise made by the powers that had been at another time.... long story with a happy ending for me :)

Cool.  I liked the little I saw from the video on the TAS site.  It looks like a simplified take on the newman pins.  More presses should have built-in reg systems, I think it's ridiculous that most don't.  It's such a key part of the process. 

Shane, I looked hard at the Pin-Lock system earlier this year and I think it's the best on the market for a number of reasons. Very well thought out on a lot of levels.  But, I think it's a pretty big systemic commitment to use it successfully and it's spendy so I'm holding off until we have a press that can do it justice.

You are correct in saying simplified. It works when used right and doesn't when not.... pretty simple.  8)

Some systems I have looked at seem way over "thunk" ;)
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: ZooCity on June 27, 2011, 05:06:49 PM
I think you should just get an MHM when you upgrade and not worry about registration!

Sounds great, you'll sell me yours right?  That way you can get a shiny new one.  8)   But seriously, I'm into it.  The way things are going with MHM sounds better than when I checked on it last.  I wish so bad that they still sold and serviced that oval they had, that thing is just downright sexy. 

Another note, I believe Newman makes the Pin-Lock to work integrated with the MHM system.  That is, you could pick up the fpu from MHM for the non-repeat jobs and then use the Pin-Lock alignment setup for repeat setups.   That way you'd reg up the repeaters once on the carrier sheets and just pin 'em up and rock it later. 

I need to actually get some pricing from them, I'm just afraid of initiating that process during busy season.  I'm fresh meat in the auto world and I know how equipment sales can be. 

You are correct in saying simplified. It works when used right and doesn't when not.... pretty simple.  8)

Some systems I have looked at seem way over "thunk" ;)

I like that, keep it simple.  Close to perfect is close enough, that's what the micros are for.  Respect to Newman though for making a system that, if you used it religiously and reverently and kept your gear in tune, would be spot on every time.  Wouldn't that be a trip to just lock screens in and go every single run?

Speaking of, back to work....

Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: blue moon on June 27, 2011, 06:56:43 PM

Sounds great, you'll sell me yours right?  That way you can get a shiny new one.  8)   But seriously, I'm into it.  The way things are going with MHM sounds better than when I checked on it last.  I wish so bad that they still sold and serviced that oval they had, that thing is just downright sexy. 

Another note, I believe Newman makes the Pin-Lock to work integrated with the MHM system.  That is, you could pick up the fpu from MHM for the non-repeat jobs and then use the Pin-Lock alignment setup for repeat setups.   That way you'd reg up the repeaters once on the carrier sheets and just pin 'em up and rock it later. 

I need to actually get some pricing from them, I'm just afraid of initiating that process during busy season.  I'm fresh meat in the auto world and I know how equipment sales can be. 

I am still another year or two from getting another press, and my guess is, I might keep this one. . . but you never know.

MHM does not make the oval any more,  but the mastermind behind the MHM is now on his own and has a better oval for sale. Hirsch does sell it. I have talked to them about it, but at $160k for a 6 color press it is out of my price range.

it has a drive in each platten and thus no chain. There are sensors that will stop it if somebody walks into the press (watch the video). The control unit can be moved around (I think it is wireless) and can be set up where ever you want to run the press from. Do some more searching, from what I am hearing, it is about 10 years ahead of anything out there.

Digotex IDO Overview.flv (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3FIAiJLaDw#)

Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: ZooCity on June 27, 2011, 09:51:14 PM
Holy crap Pierre, thanks for the porn. 

The platen alignment business going on there is way ahead of anything I've seen. 

What's this thing called?
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: blue moon on June 27, 2011, 09:59:13 PM
just google digotex

here are some pix on TSF (with one that shall remain unnamed)
http://www.t-shirtforums.com/screen-printing-equipment/t148486.html (http://www.t-shirtforums.com/screen-printing-equipment/t148486.html)

and some more from the manufacturer directly:
http://www.digotex.at/flyer/Digotex%20Flyer%20iD%20series.pdf (http://www.digotex.at/flyer/Digotex%20Flyer%20iD%20series.pdf)
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: ZooCity on June 28, 2011, 03:52:00 PM
This press looks ingenious.  Independent drive?  Brilliant.  It has a lifetime registration guarantee.  :o

160k for 6 colors is ludicrously spendy though.  I wonder if they're willing to cut some deals for the first few that are coming into the states?  Presumably, there will be bugs to work out so I'd want a discount on running one of the initial builds.  That's assuming these aren't already in production all over the place. 
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: blue moon on June 28, 2011, 04:13:09 PM
from what I heard, they have one in US and it is going to Mirror Image (Rick Roth) for testing. Part of the high price is due to oversized plattens (I think they were 40x40 or something like it)
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: inkman996 on June 28, 2011, 07:00:11 PM
Excuse my ignorance but how is each platen independently controlled what does that mean?

Kudos to Rick he is a big MHM guy I am sure he will make that press do wonders.
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: ZooCity on June 28, 2011, 08:31:06 PM
Excuse my ignorance but how is each platen independently controlled what does that mean?

Kudos to Rick he is a big MHM guy I am sure he will make that press do wonders.

There's no central indexer, just smaller ac/servo motors on each head that travel independently around the rail.  It said in the pdf you could, for example, have your carousel style Digotex installed around an existing column or support as it has no center.  Totally crazy smart and it's about time somebody innovated instead of refining and imitating. 

I believe it's the fact that each platen, being independently controlled, can reg up to the print head on it's own that let's them make such a bold warranty on the registration of the press.  I'm no engineer but I would guess it's some tricky business getting classic presses to stay in registration across such a large diameter.  The independent heads would eliminate the issue perhaps. 

It's success likely depends on how intelligently the little motor systems are designed.  If they aren't super efficient and chock full of torque they wouldn't be able to perform as well, or I guess I should say as quickly, individually as a chain or screw drive system for example.  But honestly, I don't care if the machine only runs at 600 pcs/hr., the safety benefits, especially for loading large pieces or doing all-over printing would outweigh the speed limit.  I always thought it was silly how much is spent on demonstrating a press's top speed. 
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: squeegee on June 29, 2011, 06:56:56 AM
I'll be interested to see the modular carousel machine, and to see if they can bring in a compact format and price point low enough for pukes like me.  I understand it was pulling teeth to convince Mayerhofer and Co. to design the E-type.

Most interesting to me is the mention of digital print heads, I think this is the idea of DTG style heads on an auto.  There's an idea, high speed digital, now that would be a game changer.  Hundreds of shirts an hour with no screens?  Sign me up.
Title: Re: WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31
Post by: ZooCity on January 14, 2012, 08:24:56 PM
Spoke with John of MHM today regarding the digotex.  Holy. crap.  That's all I'm gonna say. 

I'm not sure how soon they will catch up on production but anyone considering purchasing an auto in the next few ought to take a very, very hard look at this machine.

I'll be interested to see the modular carousel machine, and to see if they can bring in a compact format and price point low enough for pukes like me.

Sounds like that's in the works for us pukes as well.