screen printing => Ink and Chemicals => Topic started by: ebscreen on September 28, 2012, 04:21:59 PM
What do you use? What do you like? Do you even use scrubbers? If not what?
We've gone through everything from sponge pads with the green back to bristle brushes
in varying hardnesses to the scrub pads that the screen suppliers sell.
Some are too soft and can't get in the stiff poly whites, etc. Some are too hard and can cause
damage to emulsion/mesh.
Using the standard scrub pads that most suppliers carry... they seem to work pretty good for us.
We have no issues at all with any of them. Perhaps its a chemical or cleaning process that is the problem. You should not have to scrub out the ink like that.
I use the regular scrub pads for ink and degreaser. I have a scrub brush I use on the emulsion after I spray it with remover to break the surface tension of the emulsion and let the chemistry get in there.
I like the big red ones for de-ink, de-haze. I get them from Westar and use the plastic holders with the grabby hooks. (I hate the white ones where the pad is glued to a handle, stupid and wasteful) Also, the white ones are a little too soft. My only single complaint with scrubbie pads is that they can shed a little.
We use a regular old natural sponge for degreasing so there's no shedding, more surface area and it's extra gentle.
I really think scrubbies are superior to brushes for cleaning. I do with they made color coded scrubbie handles for easy reference. I use our old school dymo labeler to mark them now.
"Perhaps its a chemical or cleaning process that is the problem. You should not have to scrub out the ink like that."
See that's what I'm sort of wondering. But how do you get polyester white out of a screen? We've
always had to scrub. And spray. And scrub. And spray. I remember when I was the guy cleaning screens
I would reach for the on press wash as it has a bit more umph.
The guys did like the red ones too Zoo, but I noticed that we'd go through like 2-3 a week. They fall
apart pretty quick. I guess if that's what it takes, it is what it is. Just wish I could find a more local
supplier or one that I order other stuff from.
We buy the red ones at lowes. 2.17 each with the handle GLUED ON. They are in the same isle as the cleaning supplies.
I like these for applying liquid adhesive as well. Be sure to rinse with water immediately after application.
I like these for applying liquid adhesive as well. Be sure to rinse with water immediately after application.
REALLY? WOW pallet ahesive? i will have to try that.
We use the CCI brand. As Tony said they work well for pallet adhesive too. After lint build up, a few spritzes of water and scrub the lint right off for a fresh tack.
Same here. Scrub pads work great on the pallets. Easy on the fingers too.
we use blue ones for ink cleaning, red ones for dehazing, and white for degreassing.