screen printing => Ink and Chemicals => Topic started by: sweetts on September 28, 2012, 09:41:35 AM
My wife swears easyway 909 is causing her health issues. What do you guys use? This stuff is the best nothing I tried comes close. Not franmar, not anything. Its a clean up spray, screen opener platen cleaner press wash it even degreesed my engine and removed oil stained From driveway anyone use anything like this?
Sent from samsung gem(the worst smart phone ever)
i couldnt find the MSDS for 909. is there any other name for it?
Is it 901 by any chance?
I will have look when I get home
Sent from samsung gem(the worst smart phone ever)
keep using it. ;)
Now that was funny. Seriously though check it out. Some people are more sensitive than others to certain chemistry. We lost a $13,000 lawsuit by an employee who had a bad reaction to a spray out fluid.
Plus she is your wife!
I like the saati chem pw4 when cleaning ink off screens for an ink change..no oily residue.....ickee stickee for cleanup, and greneway for cleaning ink off squeegees....not sure about degreasing a car...
stop by the shop and I'll give you few things to try.
Now that was funny. Seriously though check it out. Some people are more sensitive than others to certain chemistry. We lost a $13,000 lawsuit by an employee who had a bad reaction to a spray out fluid.
Plus she is your wife!
dang I didn't even see any of that money
Sent from samsung gem(the worst smart phone ever)
Correction sprayway 909 not easyway ^-^
Sent from samsung gem(the worst smart phone ever)
Now that was funny. Seriously though check it out. Some people are more sensitive than others to certain chemistry. We lost a $13,000 lawsuit by an employee who had a bad reaction to a spray out fluid.
Plus she is your wife!
dang I didn't even see any of that money
Sent from samsung gem(the worst smart phone ever)
get it? ???
Sent from samsung gem(the worst smart phone ever)
Aerosol Screen Openers are the worst! Banned from my shop almost fifteen years ago, even when I still used aerosol stickum.
I have not needed or missed having it around, I find it a needless product, and yes, terrible smell that should be a tip-off to boot.
Also used to dissolve fine haftone dots on earlier Photopolymer emulsions.
Don't get me started on that stuff, wait, you already did! :o
About a year ago I found a sample of some ink wash I had kicking around the shop. It was a quart , threw it into a spray bottle used it twice ...made me STUPID beyond my normal?
I am not normally hit by anything thar alters my condition (Sam Adams not withstanding) but this stuff knocked me on my a$$.
Its gone , dont't know what it was some product from Rhinoclean i think, but man it was better than Black Sabbath on 78 speed backwards :P
I have fragrance allergies, so anything with too much of a smell tends to bother me. Plus who wants to work with nasty chemicals anyways?
We use the franmar greeneway and love it! Doesn't smell, doesn't hurt your hands or your skin, and gets the ink off great.
Correction sprayway 909 not easyway ^-^
Sent from samsung gem(the worst smart phone ever)
from section 11. Toxicological Information of the MSDS:
Chronic effects: Hazardous by OSHA criteria. Repeated absorption may cause disorder of central nervous system, liver, kidneys and blood. Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause lung injury. Prolonged exposure may cause chronic effects.
Yeah I saw that
Sent from samsung gem(the worst smart phone ever)