screen printing => Equipment => Topic started by: 3Deep on September 25, 2012, 03:34:37 PM
I,ve said this before somewhere, but I'll have to say Rich Hoffman is one of the best and care about all his products even 21 year products. Not believing in your products is why I didn't buy from Lawson and ended up with a mixed family of equipment from M&R and Anatol...dryer is giving me fits again and Rich help me this morning for the second time since owning this dryer. I bragg about not needing service on most of my equipment but it is good to know a company is still around after 20 something years and can pin point the problems with there equipment....thanks once again to Rich and M&R.
A tip of the hat when due is great, but please share your fix with the gang! This ain't the last old Economax that's going to need some help down the road.
and that is why I am an full M&R shop....hope you don't ever need it, but when you do it is there...Way to go Mr. Hoffman
That dude knows customer service!
I visited M&R recently, including the Customer Service department. It is really an amazing system. They know my shop as well as I do, down to every part I've bought.I think there is a video on the M&R site now about their service department.
There is nobody in this industry doing customer service at that level, or even close IMO.
M&R is the Jam!
Wouldn't want my art to be printed on anything else.
Well I love the service and Rich is a wonderfull guy, but I,m not to wild about my shipping cost that crap is crazy high!!!
When the lion's share of the mega shops went south of the border Rich was the first to realize that the smaller start up shops that began to spring up were more important than ever. That's when he made the shrewd decision to get personally involved with these customers. Let's face it is quite impressive to get a call or e-mail from a CEO from a company of that size and scope. And that's where a lot of this loyalty comes from.
My hat is off to Rich. Keep up the great work. It is nice to see a owner participating on forums and giving advice.
Big D....that is the shipping companies...heck did you see MOOSEMANS pic today about shipping?
My hat is off to Rich. Keep up the great work. It is nice to see a owner participating on forums and giving advice.
Let's refine and clarify that statement a bit
It is nice to see an owner participating on forums and giving advice without trying to tear others down or outright intentionally disrupting the forum!
Been there, seen that, got the shirt!
wait a minute..who made the shirts?
Sammy I know it has nothing to do with M&R, I,m just saying shipping is just got butt ugly, heck I need to get into shipping. I can charge everyone a large price and put it all on one truck and make a nice dime.
it would be smart if M&R and free shipping over a certain amount. you wouldn't believe how many times I shove more crap in my cart to get free shipping. I would pick up a couple spares if it means I saved $30 in shipping.
Sounds foolish, but I am sure companies do it for a reason...think Amazon!
it would be smart if M&R and free shipping over a certain amount. you wouldn't believe how many times I shove more crap in my cart to get free shipping. I would pick up a couple spares if it means I saved $30 in shipping.
Sounds foolish, but I am sure companies do it for a reason...think Amazon!
there has been free shipping for purchases over $300.00 on store.mrprint.com for at least a year. Just a FYI. Also thank you to everyone for the nice comments about our service.
WOW Brad...quit being a cheapo and orders some stuff....hahahahahahaha
My hat is off to Rich. Keep up the great work. It is nice to see a owner participating on forums and giving advice.
Let's refine and clarify that statement a bit
It is nice to see an owner participating on forums and giving advice without trying to tear others down or outright intentionally disrupting the forum!
Been there, seen that, got the shirt!
Now why would anyone want to do that?
haha, I have a good stock of parts, because it's cheaper to have $500 in parts than lose $500 an hour for downtime. It's impossible to stock everything though, and when I need something, I need it yesterday.
It's been a while since I ordered parts, I think the last thing I bought was a full set of MAC valves. M&R's price on them was the best around and I was sure it was the right part.
And I know, I didn't have an extra light bulb...that was my fault...I now have 1 extra...and in another month or two I might pick up another because it's not an easy bulb to get in and out.
I,ve said this before somewhere, but I'll have to say Rich Hoffman is one of the best and care about all his products even 21 year products. Not believing in your products is why I didn't buy from Lawson and ended up with a mixed family of equipment from M&R and Anatol...dryer is giving me fits again and Rich help me this morning for the second time since owning this dryer. I bragg about not needing service on most of my equipment but it is good to know a company is still around after 20 something years and can pin point the problems with there equipment....thanks once again to Rich and M&R.
and me for selling it to you at such a goooooood Deal lol :)
Scott I'll have to say you are a good person to buy from cause stand by your words, and yes Scott gave me a good deal and we have been print friends ever since...now what else you got LOL.
How about a BOOMIMG BUSINESS!!!! I have got to make some serious decisions in the near future, I will be praying hard for the Lord to lead me in the way I need to go. I am so glad the dryer did work out but also that I met a good friend by selling it... :)
customer service is where its at...thats why i decided to buy m&r..i'm more at ease spending all that dough knowing i have a security blanket if something goes wrong...holiday weekend he gave me a call to help me out...was not expecting it, but he did...i'm still learning to print with it and just that 5 minute phone call helped greatly and made my weekend!
If i meet Rich i will go hump his leg.....
LOL ..just kidding!
I have not really needed any tech support for our dryer or auto, but I can attest to how good M&R is when I had a question about something on our dryer. If our dryer would have had an issue I would have had someone on the other end of the phone within 1 minute. I was rummaging around our dryer's touchscreen control panel and opened up the "alarm" menu and saw that an error had occured one morning so I called to ask what the error was and if I needed to be concerned. My question was answered and I was done within a few minutes.
I can only hope that when our press goes down that I'll have that type of response but knowing there is not a team of dedicated professionals ready to take my call makes me think it won't quite turn out the way it will if our dryer ever goes down. Our experience with buying our "M&R Sprint International" has made my mind up that when it's time for an upgrade in any type of machinery that M&R will at the top of that short list (of 1).
Guys I gave thumbs up to Rich cuz he is a really cool guy and is willing to get the job done, now far as my Anatol goes, those guys have allso been there for me and still call to check up on me and the press every few months. I would not have a problem buying from either company on any pc of there equipment.
Speaking of Rich, I had a nice chat with him today at the Ft. Worth Show. We visited about a lot of things including his trip to the Olympics this summer. He showed me their direct to screen machine. HOLY SH!T! It is awesome. He said that used in conjuciton with their Tir loc they did not turn a micro knob during set up. I belive him. They ran an image on a screen, handed me a loop and it was incredible. They took it out and ran the same image again on the same screen and it was dead on top of the first. If if were a heavy screen users, it would be at the top of my "to get list".
we have a M&R DTS and yeah it ROCKS...we are pushing out more and more jobs daily since our set ups are so fast....