screen printing => Ink and Chemicals => Topic started by: sweetts on March 27, 2012, 09:28:31 AM
So I have a very large order white on navy blue, I have a little over 1/2 gallon international coating white forget the name also have curable reducer for this ink, its crazy thick. I mix it up reduce it down all is well. Come out yesterday and now its a brick cant mix it looks like hardend spackle, it took 30 min to clean out screen and a ton of chemicals . What gives is this typical? I never had this issue before but never used this ink before. So I just ate like 60 Buck of remaining ink >:(
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very strange. I have NEVER heard of that. did somebody maybe mix some paint thinner into the curable reducer? Paint thinner will do that to ink overnight.
I am beginning to wonder if some of this due to, or at least aggravated by the new phthalate free or compliant formulations. I do know that I was told by one rep of mine, that he'd rather send gallon samples of some Rutland whites because quarts are very susceptible to temperature effects, and he wanted to show them in the best light.
And, btw, both the cotton and low bleed Streetfighters were pretty thick.
But no, I've never heard of them setting up like you described.
sweetts, talk to an IC tech.
This happened to me also a long time ago with IC ink. My conclusion
is that you must use IC reducer because it is probably not compatible
with some other brands. Yes, thinned it and overnight turned hard as
a brick!
I'd bug them--they should be able to at least replace it.
It sounded like you had their brand--"reducer for this ink", but I've used Union reducer with IC stuff too, and not had any problems...
Sixty bucks for a half gallon? If I were you, I'd look into getting a new supplier...
I use the one from Xenon. LOVE it. Mainly because it comes in a just rather than a stupid gallon bucket. Who pours cleanly from a gallon bucket?
I think you're on to something Andy. Epic Polywhite will set up on you real bad if left alone for awhile.
Yeah I am going to shoot some emails off tonight meanwhile going to Pick up some more white from a local company trying their house brand ..BTW the 60 bucks was about what I paid for the gallon.
I used the reducer in another ink with no issues I guess its just a weird chemical reaction I guess I just hate crapping money away
Sent from samsung gem(the worst smart phone ever)
forget emails. Go old school and phone and talk directly to a tech.
Am I the only one (besides Bill Hood who uses Dragon for forum posts, lol) that finds it easier to talk than write?
And boy do some of them ink techs like talking!
I've used excalibure reducer with IC and vise versa , and mixed non and phthalate free with no issues. Just mixed phthalate free reducer to a 5 gallon of thick IC black flat black ink, its runny as waterbase now.
Well worked all night getting order out I was forced to pick up new ink......works nice Multicraft house brand best white creamy dreamy stuff. Will try to call about my brick today
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