Embroidery => General Embroidery => Topic started by: Dottonedan on January 28, 2012, 01:21:45 PM

Title: Options for full color detail on hats?
Post by: Dottonedan on January 28, 2012, 01:21:45 PM
I have a customer that wants hats. They have art that is 6colors on a tee shirt. ( the snake that Pierre does for me).  I've done magnets, tees and mugs so far. They are wanting hats but with the full color art.

I'm asking you all, do we have a way of doing multi colors on hats that is not a transfer.  Howabout DTG?  I am even thinking printing a flat patch and then Emb. on to the hat.  What is a good quality print and durable option?

Thanks gang!
Title: Re: Options for full color detail on hats?
Post by: royster13 on January 28, 2012, 02:28:24 PM
Get them printed before they are sewn.....But you will need an overseas factory for this type of work to keep the price reasonable....Otto Cap does offshore stuff and "may" be able to help you...
Title: Re: Options for full color detail on hats?
Post by: Dottonedan on January 28, 2012, 02:41:22 PM
Thanks,   I had the same Idea. Looking at Otto Cap now.  Thought maybe someone might have another option. DTG probably would work also. I do worry about the cure factor on those.
Title: Re: Options for full color detail on hats?
Post by: Frog on January 28, 2012, 02:55:19 PM
Unless you have quantities (and time) to justify the "pre-sewn" route, why have you ruled out transfers?
In my mind, the only reason would be that there is a specific hat you wish, and it is a six panel with a seam in the front. Five panel hats are not as plentiful, but there are some out there.
There are folks who churn out nice, quality, detailed plastisol transfers all day long, for either light or dark substrates.

Your idea of printed patches then sewn on is even more labor intensive than a standard transfer, unless the look and feel of a "patch" is what you or they specifically want.

Title: Re: Options for full color detail on hats?
Post by: mk162 on January 29, 2012, 01:00:34 AM
I emailed you my reply, but for the benefit of the group...

DTG is a great route, although not every shop has a hat jig...we do not.

Sublimation transfers are a great idea if you can find a 100% poly cap...I did some recently and was really impressed.

Printed transfers are usually pretty good, but with the high level of detail, I doubt most shops could pull that off.

I think the print/sew idea though...but you would need some serious numbers for that.

Dan, this looks like a good time to drag out the fabric paint and brushes.  You could even toss in some puff paint and make it fancy.