General => General Discussion and ??? => Topic started by: 3Deep on September 09, 2024, 11:47:59 AM
Fella's I had a serious medical issue this pass week, seems like it just came out of the blue and still not out the woods just yet, at 59 trying to reach 60 seems to be getting tougher. I know a lot of us push ourselves and think we are invincible at times, but check on your health and don't ignore those warning signs our bodies give, this is my second warning in the last 4 years now I'm listen!!!
Wishing you well!!!
Damn Darryl, take care of yourself.
I hear that. I'm 58 and a lot of my high school friends are starting to die off or having heart attacks etc. I'm expecting to have at least another 20 more years since I have so much more to do, but with working till 3am most days, I'm not doing much to improve my health in that respect. Sleep or "good" sleep is where I lack most. I am tho, eating better/healthier with clean eating and staying away from carbs and sugars. I don't smoke, don't drink (often), I just don't get much consistent exercise. When I do get to work outside (mostly weekends), I have been working hard all day. Probably over do it for someone not exercising all the time. If I die soon, it may be due to working out in the heat tearing out brush or a tree will take me out. LOL. I've been clearing off land with no real equipment. :(
On the bright side, now that I have insurance, I've been keeping up on getting things taken care of that I've put off for a while.
Stay on top of it! It's only going to get worse. Glad you're still here with us, recognizing and reminding us.... and you making a changes.
Best wishes to you Darryl.
My brother, five years older than me had a stroke and passed just this May. Apparently, he was in crappy shape but kept it from us. I, surprisingly live a much wilder life, yet the doc says I'm doing great at 76. And, like Dan, I go down the list and an awful lot of friends my age have gone. My mom passed at 90, and my dad at 101, so apparently I got the survival genes. Live fast. Die young, Apparently NOT in my case, at least not yet! But, of course, it constantly reminds me how grateful one should be, and how important it can be to take full advantage of the ever expanding wealth of knowlege and resources to help maintain good health.
Once again, Darryl, take care, and we are thinking of you.
Get well!!! Life it's more important than printing shirts!!!
Darryl, sending good vibes your way Buck!
Yea life's pretty short. My mom passed away in July. She was overweight and immobile for many years. Just sat there waiting...thats something I dont want to be, or happen to me..I want to be around and for a little bit.
I workout in some way 6 days a week. CrossFit Mon-fri, 7am. Also have a gym in my garage. But also ski, bike, on the river a little bit... But want to stay active and move.. just move...
Glad you still here with us.
I'm 59 and had a little wake up call last year.
Thanks fella's so far I seem to be doing better but won't know everything until I get into my doctor, the waiting list is long and he told me the only way to shorten it is an emergency room visit, and lord knows I'd rather be like this than need to go there.
Hope everything turns out well, Darryl.
I hope everything turns out well.
If you need any help getting through this just let us know.
Thanks fella's so far I seem to be doing better but won't know everything until I get into my doctor, the waiting list is long and he told me the only way to shorten it is an emergency room visit, and lord knows I'd rather be like this than need to go there.
Sometimes the emergency room is the best way to go. Especially with heart stuff, if that is what this is, you just to the front of the line. Ask me how I know.
Best wishes, Darryl, hang in there and take care of yourself. I had one of those "silent" heart attacks back in 2017. It wasn't properly diagnosed for 2 years, and since then, after some adjustments to medication, all is fine. I retired this year, and it's great, but I have 13 years on you. Just do what they tell you to do, and try to enjoy life a little.
Best wishes, Darryl, hang in there and take care of yourself. I had one of those "silent" heart attacks back in 2017. It wasn't properly diagnosed for 2 years, and since then, after some adjustments to medication, all is fine. I retired this year, and it's great, but I have 13 years on you. Just do what they tell you to do, and try to enjoy life a little.
Heart is fine prostate is giving me trouble just right of the blue, but yeah I will be taking as easy as possible...Thanks all