screen printing => Separations => Topic started by: srabadan on April 20, 2018, 09:18:16 AM

Title: How would you separate this?
Post by: srabadan on April 20, 2018, 09:18:16 AM
Hey everybody. I am working with a client on this basketball, the designer would like to keep as many of the colors in this rainbow ball as separate screens as possible. They have seasonal colors from the brand that are supposed to plug in the colorblocks.

I will have 8 screens to work with, the design needs an underlay and the text changes from black to white meaning I will need to reserve a screen for this as well. Wondering how best to approach the blends I will need to make.

Title: Re: How would you separate this?
Post by: Colin on April 20, 2018, 10:57:05 AM
1) Base White
2) Black
3) Red
4) Yellow
5) Light Blue
6) Royal Blue
7) Highlite White

Light Grey you can make with the highlite white over printing black.

The green or orange you will need to pick one to make from blending the other colors.  One you will keep as a spot color.

Depending on what they ask in the future for color ways, you may need to change your seps a bit.

Title: Re: How would you separate this?
Post by: 3Deep on April 20, 2018, 11:08:44 AM
If i read your post correct the artist would like to have a screen for each color? so there would not be any blends if you had a bigger press.  For me I would blend red and yellow to get an orange, that royal blue and yellow to get that lime green and maybe a touch of that light blue or black to tint that off white color, if I'm correct that's 6 screens leaving you with two screens open if a color don't work out, this should work doing a sim process with some regular inks.  I'm sure some others will give there best advice and trust me there are some really good sep guys here that know colors and I'm not one of them LOL, just giving my 2 cents