Embroidery => General Embroidery => Topic started by: dburgessjr on November 23, 2011, 07:46:26 AM

Title: Suggestions to hoop thicker Items
Post by: dburgessjr on November 23, 2011, 07:46:26 AM
We recently started taking on customer in the equine industries and one piece of apparel continues to give me problems hooping and they are the western style saddle pads.  Some of the dressage saddle pads give me an issue as well and I've even had to turn work away because I couldn't keep the pad hooped.  There has to be some way to get this done properly.  I know this because  I have 2 pads here now that are slightly over 1/4" thick that already have embroidery on them and the customer wants to add their logo to the other side.

So what are my options?  I would prefer to not have to invest in a whole new hooping system but if its my only recourse what would be my best options?
Thank You.
Title: Re: Suggestions to hoop thicker Items
Post by: ftembroidery on November 23, 2011, 02:42:46 PM
We use the EMS/HOOPTECH products for things like that.  Just select the proper size "window" and slide it between the clamping surfaces and flip the lever.
Title: Re: Suggestions to hoop thicker Items
Post by: stitches4815 on November 23, 2011, 05:26:31 PM
What I have done is taken my large jacket back frame (Tajima), removed the bolt and got a longer bolt to make the frame wider to accommodate the thicker material.  I place my bottom frame on the floor, position the saddle pad on top of that, and then place the top hoop.  Once all is in place I take and wrench down the bolt to tighten the frame.  It is a pain in the ass but it works.  Below is what we have sewn on.

Title: Re: Suggestions to hoop thicker Items
Post by: dburgessjr on November 25, 2011, 09:43:26 AM
I looked into the EMS/Hooptech website, but I am not sure if they are compatible with Tajima Machines, it only really mentions Brother.

What I have done is taken my large jacket back frame (Tajima), removed the bolt and got a longer bolt to make the frame wider to accommodate the thicker material.  I place my bottom frame on the floor, position the saddle pad on top of that, and then place the top hoop.  Once all is in place I take and wrench down the bolt to tighten the frame.  It is a pain in the ass but it works.  Below is what we have sewn on.

Is that a Tajima OEM Screw or a generic from a parts store?  I've looked online but could not find on longer then the current 2" (from end to end) screw I have now.  Are longer ones available?
Title: Re: Suggestions to hoop thicker Items
Post by: stitches4815 on November 25, 2011, 01:10:55 PM
Oops!!  Sorry, I should have mentioned where I got it.  It is a metric bold, can't remember what size it was but I got them at Lowe's.  If I remember what size I will post it for you.
Title: Re: Suggestions to hoop thicker Items
Post by: ftembroidery on November 25, 2011, 04:26:14 PM
EMS/Hooptech definitly handles Tajima......that's what we run.