Embroidery => General Embroidery => Topic started by: Nation03 on July 28, 2017, 08:34:58 PM

Title: Embroidery Noob - what went wrong?
Post by: Nation03 on July 28, 2017, 08:34:58 PM
My Brother has been dabbling with embroidery on a 1997 Barudan 6 head machine. I attached 2 pictures. One of the digitizers stitch out which looks fine, and then one of the hat we ran that came out like, well, ass. Any ideas on what the issue is? The machine is on the second floor, we have hard wood floors. Not sure if that is effecting the outcome? I've seen the machine put out decent embroidery before, but I don't know enough about it to troubleshoot. Any input is appreciated.

Title: Re: Embroidery Noob - what went wrong?
Post by: Lizard on July 28, 2017, 09:48:22 PM
You could have some machine issues but for the most part I see poor digitizing for hats.  Fill stitches need to overlap more.  Not enough pull compensation. borders too thin.  Many of the issues are slightly visible in the flat embroidery.  Hats will exaggerate the problems.
Title: Re: Embroidery Noob - what went wrong?
Post by: Homer on July 28, 2017, 09:52:48 PM
Did you ask your digitizer to set it up for hats? Generally sews from the center of the design out. Try it on flats and see how it sews.  Probably looks like the top pic.
Title: Re: Embroidery Noob - what went wrong?
Post by: 1964GN on July 29, 2017, 07:42:36 AM
What they said ^ Hats and flats are 2 different animals. Big circles on hats can be problematic as well. Reduce the size to no more than 2.25" high so you are not sewing so high on the hat. Some machines can go 2.5" high but I like to keep it in the "comfort zone" which is 2 - 2.25" in height
Title: Re: Embroidery Noob - what went wrong?
Post by: mooseman on July 29, 2017, 09:26:07 AM
digitizers sew out was done as a flat and on backing which is the ideal fabric for emb it will always look good!!!!!!
The digitizer either did not know the design was for hats or does not understand the difference.
Adfditionally the hat looks like a constructed hat, these are very difficult to hoop properly. I would suggest you had some slack in the fabric (hat) when hooped and the machine capitalized on that to ruin the look of the logo.
Hooping hooping hooping AFTER you have a proporly digitized hat design.
Title: Re: Embroidery Noob - what went wrong?
Post by: Nation03 on July 29, 2017, 11:28:26 AM
Thanks everyone. We did specify it was for a hat. I agree, I think it's way to big. I think we're at the max of around 2.5" tall. I wanted to have it 2" high at max. We also found it strange that it did not start from the center. It started on the far right or left. Might be time to shop for a new digitizer perhaps.

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Embroidery Noob - what went wrong?
Post by: Get Shirts on July 29, 2017, 12:07:27 PM
You could also move that image down a little to reduce the inconsistency.

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Title: Re: Embroidery Noob - what went wrong?
Post by: Nation03 on July 29, 2017, 12:18:53 PM
Does everyone do their own digitizing or is there an online service someone can recommend? I used Ignition Drawing for this one and they're hit or miss it seems.
Title: Re: Embroidery Noob - what went wrong?
Post by: Frog on July 29, 2017, 01:25:31 PM
Does everyone do their own digitizing or is there an online service someone can recommend? I used Ignition Drawing for this one and they're hit or miss it seems.
Though not for embroidery digitizing, I've used their services for a long time and found that the few times there was an issue, it got fixed!
Give 'em a call (or however they currently ask to be contacted)
Title: Re: Embroidery Noob - what went wrong?
Post by: mooseman on July 30, 2017, 09:04:28 AM
Does everyone do their own digitizing or is there an online service someone can recommend? I used Ignition Drawing for this one and they're hit or miss it seems.
call them they will work with you
Title: Re: Embroidery Noob - what went wrong?
Post by: TrevorTurnbow on September 12, 2017, 12:35:20 AM
Does everyone do their own digitizing or is there an online service someone can recommend? I used Ignition Drawing for this one and they're hit or miss it seems.

Check out edigitize.com.  We've used them for years and they've been really good to us. Typically a 24 hour turnaround and reasonably priced.

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