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Title: Transfer Express Offers Free April End-of-School Year Sales Webinar
Post by: Deborah Sexton on March 30, 2017, 10:13:41 PM
The end of the school year is coming up fast, but there are still opportunities for decorated apparel sales if you know where to look and what approach to take. In its April free webinar, Transfer Express will share ideas on events and strategies for capturing this business and putting your company at the head of the class.

The hour-long session will explore top school’s-end sales ideas and explore topics including whom to contact to win the sale, how to beat the competition, pricing for profit and more.

Join us Thursday, April 13, 2017, from 2-3 p.m. EDT for “Graduating to Greater Sales: Top 8 End-of-School-Year T-Shirt Sales Ideas” and see how all you need to graduate to higher sales is a heat press.

Register for this free session and find out about other Transfer Express heat printing webinars or watch previously recorded sessions at https://transferexpress.com/help/customer-support/educational-webinars (https://transferexpress.com/help/customer-support/educational-webinars)

For more information, contact STAHLS’ Transfer Express at (440) 918-1900; toll-free (800) 622-2280; email: info@TransferExpress.com or visit the website at www.TransferExpress.com (http://www.TransferExpress.com).