Embroidery => General Embroidery => Topic started by: dirkdiggler on January 05, 2017, 02:31:21 PM
Ok, running Barudan and I want to switch to might hoops, which ones do I need? Anyone use them and have any complaints? Where is the best place to buy them? Thanks in advance for help.
We're in the same spot. Our supplier visited us and showed us them. They are expensive but look really awesome! I believe they offer trade show specials which you can (possibly) get even if you're not at the show.
I have written down the size he recommended that would work for left chest, beanies, etc. Also, I believe there are two different hoops for Barudan's depending on year so you need to confirm which ones you need.
If you use the hoop master you need to get the fixture for the mighty hoop.
That's all I think that I know. I'm am also interested in what others have to say.
buy them. You remember what it was like going from film to DTS? yeah -it's like that. We have a bunch of them, no more hoop burns, smooth operation. carharts are cake.... I believe you have to drop in the info for your machine /sewing field size. that should narrow down to the one you need. main difference is the bracket.
I got mine from Sew Many Parts, but you can order direct.
http://www.mightyhoop.com/ (http://www.mightyhoop.com/)
Just found my notes. My supplier/rep was recommended me to go with the 5.5 and said I'd be good with all left chest and beanies. Keep in mind the is a supplier rep and people in the field may have a different opinion.
good info
I don't embroider myself, but our helpers seems to like them. They are pretty spendy, but they are great quality.
We bought 8 for our 4 head a few years ago and they are "left chest" size. I can't remember exactly.
We used to break the green hoops pretty often. None of the Mighty Hoops have ever broken or caused any problems I am aware of. And yes, Carhart's are much easier.
I love my mighty hoops, it took me forever to let go of the money to buy them , but they make hooping so much faster, and I never get hoop burns.
Funny this came up we are i the middle of switching over completely to this hooping system. It is costing an absolute fortune and we hope to recoup some of the costs by selling all the conventional barudan hoops and our new never used hoop press, anyone interested?
These are also extremely useful to have a few of for bags and totes where traditional hoop or even magnetic hoops just don't work well:
http://www.hooptechproducts.com/t/Clamps-All (http://www.hooptechproducts.com/t/Clamps-All)
...but if you think Mighty Hoops are pricey, you'd better sit down to price out these clamps....
These are also extremely useful to have a few of for bags and totes where traditional hoop or even magnetic hoops just don't work well:
[url]http://www.hooptechproducts.com/t/Clamps-All[/url] ([url]http://www.hooptechproducts.com/t/Clamps-All[/url])
...but if you think Mighty Hoops are pricey, you'd better sit down to price out these clamps....
We had a demo of these and after being quoted we figured if we can't hoop it with what we traditionally use we just wont do it. Very rarely does anyone come in with something we cannot get a hoop on, usually it is some kind of lands end bag.
I switched 3-4 years ago. Never looked back.
My hands love it.
5.5" it is. I also have one jacket back per head too. Carharts are breeze to hoop with those.
These are also extremely useful to have a few of for bags and totes where traditional hoop or even magnetic hoops just don't work well:
[url]http://www.hooptechproducts.com/t/Clamps-All[/url] ([url]http://www.hooptechproducts.com/t/Clamps-All[/url])
...but if you think Mighty Hoops are pricey, you'd better sit down to price out these clamps....
We had a demo of these and after being quoted we figured if we can't hoop it with what we traditionally use we just wont do it. Very rarely does anyone come in with something we cannot get a hoop on, usually it is some kind of lands end bag.
One of our first jobs was back-pack/cooler/stools that needed them, luckily our Barudan tech had a mighty hoop with him that he lent us or we would have been screwed. It was Christmas gifts for one our biggest customers so it was a life saver. I think we'll get one or two at some point, but we haven't pulled the trigger yet.
These are also extremely useful to have a few of for bags and totes where traditional hoop or even magnetic hoops just don't work well:
[url]http://www.hooptechproducts.com/t/Clamps-All[/url] ([url]http://www.hooptechproducts.com/t/Clamps-All[/url])
...but if you think Mighty Hoops are pricey, you'd better sit down to price out these clamps....
we have 2 of these.. we use them on backpacks and left chest on carhartt jackets that we do a lot of. These work pretty awesome.
Im going mighty hoops this spring prob.
I love them! Work great! especially on those hard to hoop items.