Embroidery => General Embroidery => Topic started by: Catnhat on January 05, 2017, 01:37:18 PM

Title: New Machine!
Post by: Catnhat on January 05, 2017, 01:37:18 PM
Found out during the holiday shutdown that the owner pulled the trigger on a new machine that we'd been talking about.

Waiting for the truck to show up with a new Barudan 6 head!
Merry Christmas to my embroidery guy!

Just hoping I can get it in the building in the crate, since it's currently 5° outside, not counting windchill.  And uncrating outside will SUCK!

Any tips/tricks/advice for going from a single head SWF to multi-head?
Title: Re: New Machine!
Post by: GraphicDisorder on January 05, 2017, 01:42:10 PM
Any tips/tricks/advice for going from a single head SWF to multi-head?

Yes, get a shot gun and use it on the SWF.
Title: Re: New Machine!
Post by: Inkworks on January 05, 2017, 02:17:07 PM
We're playing with our shiny new Barudan 4 head, the thing is a beast, you're gonna love life with that new machine!
Title: Re: New Machine!
Post by: Biverson on January 09, 2017, 11:59:36 PM

Any tips/tricks/advice for going from a single head SWF to multi-head?

Yes, get a shot gun and use it on the SWF.

This. I got into SWFs. Terrible, terrible mistake. Got 1 new and 1 used, then picked up another 2 used. Its one thing after the other. Will definitely be getting a Barudan next. Enjoy the new toy!

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Title: Re: New Machine!
Post by: Tywash on March 04, 2017, 08:01:55 PM
I wanted to ask about what made you decide to purchase a Barudan? Were there any other machine considerations?
Title: Re: New Machine!
Post by: Biverson on March 05, 2017, 02:54:22 AM
I wanted to ask about what made you decide to purchase a Barudan? Were there any other machine considerations?
Searching around online and I cannot find a single bad review about them. I've got a friend that's a tech too and he puts Barudan and ZSK right at the top. I looked at Barudan, ZSK, and Happy. I almost got a ZSK, but the dealer wouldn't put what he told me in writing and I got sick of it. Barudan was actually the most affordable too. Tech is closer to me. Go look on Digitsmith and compare the amount of Tajimas for sale versus Barudan. Not as many Barudans, and that's not because they aren't out there in the market. Used Barudans sell a lot faster than Tajimas, and seem to hold their value the best too.

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