screen printing => Separations => Topic started by: jvieira on October 27, 2016, 07:29:50 AM

Title: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: jvieira on October 27, 2016, 07:29:50 AM
Hey guys,
I know this has been asked a ton of times but we're looking into purchasing a seps program. We already use AccuRIP as our RIP software but are having trouble with some "little bit harder" seps, that we've been sending to Dan (great job he's been doing!!). We would, however, like to do more of it in house and, more importantly, speed up our currently separations. We are growing and trying not to hire but to invest in stuff that makes us work faster (and easier).

We mainly do spot color stuff, up to 4 colors. I know most of these programs specialize in process/cmyk jobs but we don't (and won't) do that kind of thing.
Another thing we're moving to is discharge printing (which apparently involves totally different seps for underbase).

No need for the most advanced software out there, we're looking into something easy to work with.
I know T-Seps will automatically makes us mock ups which is a plus for us.

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: Printficient on October 27, 2016, 07:35:21 AM
Ultra seps hands down.  Even I can sep with it. 8)
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: bimmridder on October 27, 2016, 07:51:49 AM
Then it must be easy to use
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: Homer on October 27, 2016, 07:52:19 AM
what design program are you using? I would recommend Mitch Different's book on manual seps in photoshop. You said you won't do process or sim, but you may realize how simple it really can be. I sep as I design in corel and live by monochrome bitmaps.

If you use photoshop, there is a link to a free plug-in created by a now banned member...d'hell was his name? the guy that spewed off about led lights or some damn thing....he talked a lot to make himself appear smart...see if I can find it.

this dude.
http://www.theshirtboard.com/index.php?topic=11849.0 (http://www.theshirtboard.com/index.php?topic=11849.0)
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: tonypep on October 27, 2016, 08:46:24 AM
Then it must be easy to use
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: Sbrem on October 27, 2016, 08:59:11 AM
As a guy who learned to sep the old fashioned way, Ultra-Seps saves me a lot of time, lots of good stuff in there. Knowing what to do with the channels generated is something else again. I also second Mitch Different's book, though I had already been doing for a long time when I got it, it was still really good to see another person's take on the process...

Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: jsheridan on October 27, 2016, 09:46:48 AM
I learned 'the old way' from hours and hours of youtube tutorials and just doing it. It's a good way to know what's going on so when a sep program spits out the channels, you have a better understanding of what's going on and how to make adjustments.

Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: 3Deep on October 27, 2016, 11:16:02 AM
Another vote for Ultra seps, I might have to get Mitch's book,  you can also pick Steve's brain aka Sbrem dude knows more than he is telling ya, he's help me plenty of times
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: Jay Kay on November 22, 2016, 05:49:18 PM
I would throw another vote for Ultraseps and Mitch's Book. I've tried Quickseps, Ultraseps, T-seps, Separation Studio. IMO, Ultraseps comes out on top. But I rather enjoy doing seps manually now, unless I'm crunched for time.
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: screenxpress on November 22, 2016, 10:23:41 PM
Ultra seps hands down.  Even I can sep with it. 8)

This ^^^^
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: rogerholien on November 22, 2016, 11:30:25 PM
Simple Seps 3 hands down. Great program, very reasonably priced and just works. Its a Corel Draw plug in. For $ 149.00 it's a steal! http://www.advancedtshirts.com/products/simpleseps-3.html (http://www.advancedtshirts.com/products/simpleseps-3.html)

You can get version 4 with RIP program for $ 249.00 Tom Knight at Advanced T shirts does great software at a great price and he is a great guy!

http://www.advancedtshirts.com/products/simpleseps-smartrip4.html (http://www.advancedtshirts.com/products/simpleseps-smartrip4.html)
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: GaryG on November 22, 2016, 11:35:17 PM
Looks like you always have to change programs and output from a vector program?
Seems labor intensive and confusing. Can't you output from Ps5 and later in other sep programs,
or are they all like this due to Photoshop now a days?

Maybe some others can weight in and show advantages of ones they like...
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: screenxpress on November 22, 2016, 11:53:36 PM
I know most of these programs specialize in process/cmyk jobs but we don't (and won't) do that kind of thing.

Ultraseps does not specialize in process/cmyk.  Channels are printed out for selected RGB colors.  There is an option for CMYK seps, but only if you select it.
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: Rockers on November 23, 2016, 12:39:21 AM
If you really need something for 4 color process then you can get Ben`s Easy 4 C scripts
http://risingsungraphics.com/easy-4c/ (http://risingsungraphics.com/easy-4c/)
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: XG Print on November 23, 2016, 09:55:06 AM
Simple Seps 3 hands down. Great program, very reasonably priced and just works. Its a Corel Draw plug in. For $ 149.00 it's a steal! [url]http://www.advancedtshirts.com/products/simpleseps-3.html[/url] ([url]http://www.advancedtshirts.com/products/simpleseps-3.html[/url])

You can get version 4 with RIP program for $ 249.00 Tom Knight at Advanced T shirts does great software at a great price and he is a great guy!

[url]http://www.advancedtshirts.com/products/simpleseps-smartrip4.html[/url] ([url]http://www.advancedtshirts.com/products/simpleseps-smartrip4.html[/url])

I've been using Tom's stuff for years.  We are a Corel shop which I know is unusual but it just works for us.  Separating 6 and 8 color jobs and being ready to print in seconds is just awesome.  I need to learn AI or PS just in case one day but for now we are good with the advanced t shirts stuff.   
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: screenxpress on November 23, 2016, 12:01:27 PM
If a customer sends in a .jpg file, even high res, you can use Corel and Simple Seps without messing with the trace option?
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: starchild on November 23, 2016, 12:42:52 PM
FullSpectrum Separator toolkit-  aka SimpleSeps.. I've used them all and this is what my decision came down to..

Sent from my LG-H811 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: Prosperi-Tees on November 23, 2016, 01:13:10 PM
If a customer sends in a .jpg file, even high res, you can use Corel and Simple Seps without messing with the trace option?
Yes if you have simple seps raster version
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: Homer on November 23, 2016, 02:07:46 PM
If a customer sends in a .jpg file, even high res, you can use Corel and Simple Seps without messing with the trace option?

I just use corel, no need for SSR or photoshop.
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: Sbrem on November 23, 2016, 02:57:40 PM
I know most of these programs specialize in process/cmyk jobs but we don't (and won't) do that kind of thing.

Ultraseps does not specialize in process/cmyk.  Channels are printed out for selected RGB colors.  There is an option for CMYK seps, but only if you select it.

and they work very well too...

Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: ZooCity on November 23, 2016, 03:12:42 PM
What we could use much more than an auto sep program is a better way to view channel separations.  I find the way spot channels view in PS extremely limiting to say the least- low % areas that you can't see on screen but will image, solidity not showing true opacity especially with black and dark colors, lack of blend modes to simulate overprinting and blending, etc.   

That and a way to get a quick and accurate halftone preview, we currently have to take our tiff rips and convert them over to grey scale channels and stack them up in rgb as alpha channels, reassign colors and mess with opacity in order to get a preview that is vaguely accurate on critical jobs. 

Reading coverage levels is handled with an astute plug in and in acrobat but it's still clunky although the inkquest temperature style map is the jam.

Is there anything out there that allows a more accurate view/preview?  I thought I had heard of something called iris perhaps, that netseps utilizes?
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: Colin on November 23, 2016, 05:39:55 PM

Previews are about the same.

It gives you access to the HSB spectrum ( if i remember right)  and allows you to set color points.  Essentially it becomes a multi-color CMYK sep.  Where CMYK is whatever 6-12 colors you choose.
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: ZooCity on November 23, 2016, 05:56:55 PM
Gotcha.  I like the HSB access, kind of long winded and clunky in PS from the dabbling I've done.  I like being able to set color points and sep from there.  Guessing it costs a miniature fortune.
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: TheGhost on November 28, 2016, 09:36:13 AM
What is ICIS? Link to the product?
Title: Re: Same old question - Which seps program?
Post by: BorisB on November 28, 2016, 09:48:19 AM
What is ICIS? Link to the product?

15k separation software:

http://www.specialcolor.com/index.html (http://www.specialcolor.com/index.html)