screen printing => Ink and Chemicals => Topic started by: Shanarchy on July 26, 2016, 02:40:05 PM
Using IR 18. When I spray that on the screen (mixed 50/50). How long should I let it sit before before washing off?
Using ER-2 to remove the emulsion. Is their a recommended time this should be left on before power washing?
Finally I spray on IR-18 100% for haze removal, how long should I leave on before I wash off?
I've been using a dip tank for ages so I want to make sure I'm not leaving chemical on too long, or not long enough.
you should call Keith Perkins.
if you need his number PM me.
Provided they stay wet you can do each step in groups of 5 screens. By the time you get around to rinsing the first one and working your way through they should all be pliable for each chemical.