Embroidery => General Embroidery => Topic started by: Admiral on June 15, 2016, 10:46:41 AM
Tajima TFMX-C1501
Not an oil or grease issue, those are spot on and were even done extra to see if it would get rid of the noise, did nothing to get rid of it.
My guess is the motor driving the needle going up and down? The Machine is from 2013 btw. I am not sure where to see total stitch count of the machine. It definitely gets quite a bit of use but probably average of 5 hours a day 5 days a week.
Any ideas?
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Pull the needle bar cover off and make sure the allen bolts are all snug. That would
be my first step. Then check all other bolts everywhere before going any further.
Couldn't hurt.
FYI tech in right now, just finished up.
Everything was tight and in good shape but he went ahead and oiled and greased everything and checked a few other things with all kinds of covers off.
No resolution still loud (maybe 5% less) - apparently the machines just get louder over time...