General => Introduction => Topic started by: jantexinks on January 06, 2016, 12:25:24 PM

Title: Jantex Inks - We're Here To Help!
Post by: jantexinks on January 06, 2016, 12:25:24 PM
Hello TSB,
We are Jantex Inks, located in Sunny Southern California, and it's a pleasure to join all of you on TSB.
We specialize in a couple of areas; 1 - we manufacture and sell waterbase & discharge screen printing inks and supplies, 2 - we sell & support wide format digital printers for sublimation, textile printing & signage.  We do a lot more than that, but those are our specialties. 

We have nearly 20 years of experience and hope that our knowledge can be a valuable asset on the forums.

We look forward to chatting with you all...
Happy 2016! 
Title: Re: Jantex Inks - We're Here To Help!
Post by: Frog on January 06, 2016, 12:39:39 PM
Glad you found us. As you probably know, many of our members have taken the waterbased plunge.