screen printing => Ink and Chemicals => Topic started by: DCSP John on October 30, 2015, 10:21:53 AM
Anyone have any ideas for clean up for CCI waterbased tac?
We have tried pretty much everything, but that stuff is pretty stubborn once it dries.
Looking for something that breaksdown the bond for a simple wiping and clean up.
Or , maybe it s pipe dream for clean up on this stuff?
V/r - John
just found my answer on the CCI website..
If anyone is interested...
I tried their CG-2 Press wash since I have it around anyway, and use it when needed on my other brand adhesive.
John, are you putting the adhesive directly on your board or using a tape in-between?
Looking to have my guys get busy on the floor underneath the load/unload station,
where a fair amount of tac ends up after pallet application. So - floor application.
I am a big fan of clean work areas. :)
are you spraying the stickum?
If so, just as with aerosol cans, I'd recommend using a simple mask made of cardboard, or Coroplast, or Masonite
We use this stuff. https://citrusdepot.net/shop/tile-mastic-and-carpet-adhesive-remover/ It is the best stuff we have used and smells like oranges compared to other stuff we used you had to wear a mask. They will send you a free sample to test but it works great after a brief soak.
http://www.rivercitygraphicsupply.com/products/details/rapid-tac-rapid-remover (http://www.rivercitygraphicsupply.com/products/details/rapid-tac-rapid-remover)
We have been selling this chemical with good feedback. Spray on the pallet, let soak for about 30 seconds, and then use a clean up card or chem brush to wipe up the adhesive.