Embroidery => General Embroidery => Topic started by: rmonks on October 02, 2011, 09:11:08 AM
I am a screen printer, I farm out my embroidery work to local embroidery shops. I pay them for the digitizing of the logo, my question is, should I be asking for the file of the digitized logo, if these shops go under, or we stop doing business, that logo is going to have to be redone. What do others do that farm out.
We charge for a one time set up fee, we do not give them the logo even if they ask for it. That does one of two things either they take it upon them selves to work with their own digitizer and go through the hassle of adjustments required of the digitizer, because lets face it a person that does not do his own embroidery never takes care to make sure the logo is proper for digitizing, or they choose to let us work with our digitizer and logo adjustments.
The brokers we work with are mostly good customers since we are very selective, and they need a logo for lets say an ASI order we will provide it because we know they are honest.
If we did not know you well and had a reason to believe you are embroiderer shop then forget it.
I also contract out my embroidery. once you pay for didgitizing that FILE belongs to you. I always get a copy of the final.. .If your emroidery shop chooses not to provide you with a copy find another embroiderer. didgitizing,sewouts and adjustments are built into the price if your embroiderer is doing your didgitizing.
We usually don't charge for digitizing, so when someone asks for the file, we offer to sell it to them for a reasonable price.
I am having a hard time finding someone to farm out embroidery to. Anyone know someone in the central California area?
www.apolloemb.com (http://www.apolloemb.com)