screen printing => Ink and Chemicals => Topic started by: KevWilso on October 01, 2015, 02:40:41 PM
Hey Guys,
Just wanted to let you waterbased discharge users know Matsui has come out with a new series of Fluorescent pigments that are much brighter than the predecessors. They are called the glow series, but they do not glow in the dark.... However they are very bright!
http://www.rivercitygraphicsupply.com/products/matsui-water-based-inks (http://www.rivercitygraphicsupply.com/products/matsui-water-based-inks)
I had pictures taken off all of them to get you a better idea of what colors they make.
Does Matsui have a print pic of say, the Flo Blue, printed DC? We keep hitting a wall with the brightest blues using the Rut WB99 and I'm looking out for a very strong, bright, clean process blue to sub into our mixing system.
Sericol GS or BS finished inks are about as pure a product as you will find
Sericol GS or BS finished inks are about as pure a product as you will find
Agreed! Best of the best imo and we do still have some on hand. Those blues were so clean, they looked beautiful even washing the ink off the screen in the booth. Hoping to find a PC that's similar v. an RFU so we can integrate it with the WB99 mixing better.
I will work to get some prints made of the Blue MSBR in their Bright base on a black shirt and post the results.
Here you go Zoo.
Not to one up ya Kev but heres some blues for you
The matsui flo pigments I have in the shop from a year and a half ago say GLOW on them (bought from you Kev). When did they make the change?
I tested them against sericol options and sericol seriously wrecked shop when it came to brightness. I think I posted about it here actually...
http://www.theshirtboard.com/index.php/topic,2869.msg105989.html#msg105989 (http://www.theshirtboard.com/index.php/topic,2869.msg105989.html#msg105989)
I know I tested the CCI pigments a little later, but I guess I didn't take photos. I don't honestly remember how they compared...
From what I understood talking to my Matsui representative; they just came out with these new versions about a month ago in the US; however they are what they have been selling in Japan. He basically described them as being much more concentrated than the previous Glow MIB series, and should be much brighter than the previous version I had been stocking.
However the blue we played around with last night was the first color we have tested. I am curious how the pink, and yellow come out.
Gotcha. I just compared my label to the label on your site and the descriptor is different. Let me know how the tests turn out!
Thank ya Kevin.
What PC's were used on that nice sim pro Tony?
We can get some brighter blue tones when blending multiple screens but it's the spot, bright, deep blue that has been a little bit elusive. We do well with them but are never completely satisfied.
My formulas are all hybrids
Right, so what blue PCs specifically did you prefer on this?
Not PCs sorry its quitting time storm coming!
Very helpful.
Stay safe!