screen printing => Ink and Chemicals => Topic started by: Hey Monkey on September 01, 2015, 10:15:11 PM
Would the CCI pigments work to color the Matsui Metallic Binder?
I have not used this metallic binder. Is it pretty slick?
I dislike silver shimmer and similar plastisol metallic products, but haven't found an alternative.
Waterbased shimmers are softer and shinier
Waterbased shimmers are softer and shinier
Are there some very pronounced FLAKY effects that have larger sparkle? I keep a few 60 mesh screens in the rotation, and larger pieces should pass.
I saw a sample of WB metallic on a shirt (from Europe?) that Charlie Taublieb had with him at a seminar in KC. He didn't happen to know how the ink was sourced, but WOWSERS it was sweet! Gold, the metallic effect was quite evident, and as you said, the hand was pretty nice. Don't know about wash fastness....
next week we'll be printing some matsui waterbase glitter... .004 particle size if I remember correctly.
I do need to get some of the metallic binder in tho as well, as we normally do plastisol... might as well try something new as we continue to switch to as much waterbase as we possibly can.
Is what you are referencing for your upcoming job different than the 301 Metallic Binder?
http://matsuicolor.com/images/metallic301large.jpg (http://matsuicolor.com/images/metallic301large.jpg)
Link Fixed. Duh.
I believe it's different.. the product we're going to be using is considered their 'glitter base'
which I believe is just a printable rubber binder of some sort. we have to add the particles ourselves (up to 25% by weight).
Once you go water base shimmer you never go back. And as usual the clean up is a breeze
Awesome! Thanks everyone!
I don't want to hijack this thread, but I just got off the phone with Matsui and I'm more confused than when I started. My vendor has Metallic Binder 301 and I have a quart coming...but he doesn't stock "Glitter Base" previously called "Rubber Base" which is clear. The product number for that is WS0504. The Glitter Base has no glitter in it at all, and Matsui apparently doesn't sell the glitter, which is added to the base.
I was told the Metallic Binder 310 prints nicely through 156 standard thread size and even finer if S-Mesh.
So Jason, where do you source your glitter for the WS0504 Glitter Base?
Try Union pre-mix with an optional catalyst which We do not use. Really good product
northwest graphic (nwgraphic.com) carries the 'glitter/rubber' base as well as the glitter particles.
you can get all kinds of crazy glitter particles from Meadowbrook:
http://www.meadowbrookglitter.com/hiband/size-chart.html (http://www.meadowbrookglitter.com/hiband/size-chart.html)
glitter print from today... not sure why the resized image is showing a screen door effect, but it's not there on the actual print. 24 mesh, 200 microns of emulsion (Saati PHW), Matsui Glitter Base + .004 silver particles.
glitter print from today... not sure why the resized image is showing a screen door effect, but it's not there on the actual print. 24 mesh, 200 microns of emulsion (Saati PHW), Matsui Glitter Base + .004 silver particles.
TWENTY FOUR. TWENTY FOUR?!?!? Letting that soak in.......
TWENTY FOUR. TWENTY FOUR?!?!? Letting that soak in.......
Matsui recommendation for glitter is 24 to 80... we go from 24 to 110S in our shop, so 24 it is... plus it's what we've used for Plastisol Glitter and HD prints since we started.
Ahhh.... Got it!
I keep 60's and a few 80-something-er-others around, so that's good to know. I can barely expose 60's with my weak light source.
Can you tint the glitter base just like the Metallic Binder 301 (which was the original topic)? I showed The Queen your picture and she wet herself just a little bit and instantly came up with a design and ordered shirts. :o (We have a retail room.) But she wants gold. So maybe I just need to order gold glitter?
And Tony, I didn't understand your last post. Probably early stages of Alzheimers. Was the Union Premix a waterbased product, with glitter already mixed in? That's my guess. If so, can it be tinted also?
Thanks guys.
Stan the thread hijacker. ;)
Union is RFU finished product and can be tinted
with the Matsui Glitter Base we're using, you don't have to tint the base, you add whatever color particles you want... the base actually 'goes away' in the dryer, and you're just left with the glitter. (The tech data sheet does say you can pigment the base, might need to try that in the 'r&d lab' ;) )
it looks TOTALLY different from plastisol glitter, there's not that gel type feel to it after curing.
All true. Reminds me of the "rainbow glitters we made by mixing different color flakes from Meadowbrook. High minimums back then 10lb bag I believe
Can you tint the glitter base just like the Metallic Binder 301 (which was the original topic)? I showed The Queen your picture and she wet herself just a little bit and instantly came up with a design and ordered shirts. :o (We have a retail room.) But she wants gold. So maybe I just need to order gold glitter?
In our shop here we lay down a water base ink color to match whatever glitter particle we are using just in case to hide some of the imperfections of glitter coverage. And we use a 30 mesh screen when printing the waterbase glitter
8 years in, HOW did I not already know about this!?!
(Self-taught, I reckon. It's the most expensive education.)
When we want glitter, we cut heat press vinyl. That probably is still a viable option for small runs, but I'm going after both of these products.
The College Of TSB is "attendance optional" school, but it sure helps if you do your "assigned reading".
And welcome to ttwo0603!