Embroidery => General Embroidery => Topic started by: tonyt79 on April 11, 2015, 05:45:55 PM
Anyone have any experience with this? I have a request to do hats with a multi-level digital camo pattern. I can not find anything online about it.
Hmm. You had my attention till you said "hats". I assume you are referring to embroidery correct? Might want to give Brant at Graphics Disorder a call on that. He's done a lot of 3D but I don't know about (multi) layered.
Yes embroidery. Hope I put it in the right section. That's hard to do with tapatalk. Thanks I will shoot him a pm tomorrow or Monday. Baseball tomorrow so probably out of pocket.
All has to do with the digitizing. You need to find someone who is especially good at foam digitizing. You can use different thicknesses of foam, and if your digitizer is really good you can get a 1 mm puff just by going back and fourth over an area in a sequence then a dense fill over top. We mainly do our flat embroidery, have the machine stop. Lay foam down, then embroider the foam areas. 3mm foam. Turns out pretty good.
If your digitizing isn't great though...you will have huge issues.
here is an example of what they are looking for. My normal digitizing person says they can not do it.
Is the center raised (orange, etc.), doesn't look it. Just the black?
Is the center raised (orange, etc.), doesn't look it. Just the black?
It is supposed to be, I have not seen it in person
Looks like orange base, then the two greys and black interior sewed over to create another layer, then finally a black puff/foam outline?
Hard to tell from the image, but looks to me like just a puff outline (the black). If the complete thing is raised they may have laid down a foam base on the whole design, then and additional level for the outline, but its pretty hard to tell from that image being basically straight on.
Looks like orange base, then the two greys and black interior sewed over to create another layer, then finally a black puff/foam outline?
That is exactly what it looks like to me. Should be easy to digitize but a LOT of stitches.
They are supposed to be bringing it by to me today. I will see if I can post some better pictures.
Graffiticaps.com Out of Cleveland OH I believe, they will custom do the cap and everything. 24 pc Minimum. There web site doesn't show much, but they are awesome at that type of 3D.
Here is a side shot. It is all raised. Not multi level but none of it is direct on the cap
Foam under it all is best I could guess.
Foam under it all is best I could guess.
Definitely, but I can't seem to find anyone who says they can digitize it like that.
Looks like a pukka brand cap they sew everything flat then construct the hat they have low min we are a dealer for them
They sew a lot of designs solid 3d like that they do an awesome job
Honestly, it doesn't look that complicated to digitize. You can see where the foam pokes out of the black and the center is a series of overlapping fills with a few satin stitches on top. They could have put a thinner foam under the fill of the E and a thicker foam for the outer black satin border. It does look like they constructed it together later though because that E looks very tall for a hat. Most people can only go 2.5" max for hat height.