General => General Discussion and ??? => Topic started by: GKitson on March 18, 2015, 09:16:40 AM
Greaves On Garments at Mind's Eye- SAVE THE DATE Friday May 1st, 2015 in Decatur IN
Thursday April 30th 6-9 PM Pizza, conversation and maybe a little poker if you choose to arrive early.
Friday May 1st 8 AM - 4 PM Greaves on Garments - Classroom and hands on activities utilizing the facilities of Mind's Eye (specific content evolving)
There will be a modest fee, we will feed you, we have arranged inexpensive hotel space, attendance will be limited.
More information as we develop it.
Mind's Eye Graphics, Inc.
1019 W Commerce Drive
Decatur, IN 46733
greg@mindseyeg.com for logistic question.
I am in!
would be open to another class on Saturday. Either attend or teach . . .
I will have to check my schedule. Coaching rec basketball and if I have games on Saturday, that might be a problem.
Pierre, we could go together if I can make it.
I'm in, 99% sure. Just have to work out the details...
PM sent.
Man wish I could make it......... Not enough notice for me though LOL
Man wish I could make it......... Not enough notice for me though LOL
that's a month and a half!!!
Man wish I could make it......... Not enough notice for me though LOL
that's a month and a half!!!
AHHH, I misread.... I thought it was MARCH 30th...... Going to look at my schedule today, I should be able to make it if I have an invite!
I am in!
would be open to another class on Saturday. Either attend or teach . . .
Based on the questions in my inbox this looks like it going to be a great event.
I assumed it would be a drive in event but I am getting inquires about the closest airport info.
With that in mind how much interest do you guys & gals have in making it a 2 day event with Saturday programming also?
Kind of more bang for the travel buck if you are coming to the beautiful Hoosier State.
Still planning agenda, no problem with the facility I know a guy.... ;D
Yes, I'd actually prefer another day.
anybody wanting to stop by our shop can fly into Cleveland and drive in with me (3 hours to Greg's).
Any topic suggestions for Saturday?
Pretty sure we would be in, I just need to figure what it is going to cost to bring everyone out. My guess is we would fly into Chicago or Detroit. Defiantly down for a Saturday class! Is there a group discount??? ;D
When you say poker, is it Texas Hold'em or something else :)
Will be there if space allows.
Would love to bring myself and my prod manager to that. How about a West one, San Fran, Vegas, LA or a similar cheap to fly to locale? My problem is a flight from here to darn near anywhere is always around $600 per for a round trip.
Brett brings up a good point, how much room you got out there Greg? I don't really mind sitting on laps, but for 8hrs someones legs are bound to get numb.... ;D
I'm in if you have room. sent email.
I've worked out all the details so I'm now definitely in.
I'm interested in what people are hoping for.
A beginners weekend is probably below the level of this crowd.
Hands on can be very time consuming for those not being taught.
Theory, demonstrations and explanations of science and how invisible things work?
Systems, best practices, tips, work flow and stories of experience.
I would love pre-seminar questions so I can prepare the best demonstrations.
I'm interested in what people are hoping for.
A beginners weekend is probably below the level of this crowd.
Hands on can be very time consuming for those not being taught.
Theory, demonstrations and explanations of science and how invisible things work?
Systems, best practices, tips, work flow and stories of experience.
I would love pre-seminar questions so I can prepare the best demonstrations.
I would Really Encourage ANYONE Who Wants To Greatly Enhance Their Screen Printing Skills In A Most Profound
Way! Go See, Listen, And Enjoy Time Spent With Richard Greaves. He Has Forgotten More, Than Most Of Us Will Ever
Hope To Know. I First Came Across Mr. Greaves Writings, Teachings, Thoughts, etc. (The Screen Police) In The Mid To Late
1980's. For Screen Printing In General, But A Real "Rocketship" For Textiles In My Opinion Was From The Late 70's to the Mid to
Late 90's. A Time Like No Other, And Will Never Be Again. IMHO! During This Time Textile Printing Went From A Bunch Of Artist, Craftsmen
To A New Way Of Production. Richard Help Bring Measurable Sanity To A Crazy Process. He Came Up With Systems. Common Sense
Solutions, New Ways Of Thinking About A Very, Very Old Process. It Caught My, As Well As Most Others Attention. Life Was Good For Most.
It Was Very Pre InterNet. I First Met Richard, Working With Some Really Smart, Talented Guys In Miami. We Were Heading To Europe To
Conquer, Share, The Textile Screen Printing World In The Mid 90's. Showing The Rest Of The World How The Americans Do It! Richard Shows
Up With A Giant Yellow Euro Plastic Case With His Literature, Clothes, Stuff, etc. I Said Are You Staying Forever? Maybe! He Was All Over The
Place Sharing His Knowledge. People Loved Him, They Learned A lot! We All Did. In These Days And Times What Is Old, Has Become New Again.
Printers Today Should Run To Learn From This Guy, He Is Fun! You Will Have A Good Time. Your Skills And Business Will Profit And Grow.
Richard, I am Glad to See You Still At It !
Winston(Winnie) Strickland
Theory, demonstrations and explanations of science and how invisible things work?
Systems, best practices, tips, work flow and stories of experience.
YES! to both of these... anything I can integrate into our steadily growing shop will help make us more efficient and profitable.
one thing that I'd love to see and understand is the whole 'stiff squeegee, nearly straight up, and fast stroke' speed deal... we've tried this multiple times and have never been able to get a great ink lay down.... so we end up defaulting to higher pressure a bit slower stroke and more angle, but I'd love to understand what it takes to make this work.
... I should add that I typically learn better by watching and hearing, so hands-on type stuff isn't a huge deal in my book... would rather learn more information, than doing it there. But honestly, I'm open to whatever, because I know that I'll learn a LOT no matter what it is.
Cost? Still openings? May send Shelly up.
Systems, best practices, tips, work flow and stories of experience.
Yes please!
When it comes to screen printing...in general...knowledge trumps experience in most every way so hands-on training is good, but it's certainly not something that HAS to be a part of the process, in my humble opinion. My experience with doing workshops (mainly entry level but some advanced) is most people really want to come in and get their hands dirty but whenever there is more than 2 or 3 people involved it takes away from the most important part, sharing KNOWLEDGE. I believe that I could take someone with zero experience and has never touched a squeegee blade and within a few days I could teach them what they need to know and they could get out there and do more than someone that was at the same level but had the same time period of nothing but hands-on type training.
Really wish I could make it to something like this, sounds like Disney World for Screen Printers.
With my 6 years of experience I doubt Richard Greaves could teach me very much.
Actually.... I have ONE year of experience, SIX TIMES!! I don't hardly even know what I need. I've been to a number of workshops and I pick something up at EVERY one. But I've never been able to connect with any of the gatherings where a bunch of TSB guys show up.
I'll plan to bring 2 ears, 2 eyes, but only 1 (one) mouth. Anything Mister Greaves wants to cover in the presence of YOU people will suit me juuuust fine!
And I'd love just to be in Greg Kitson's shop and see how things are done. My typical day is a comedy of errors, and wasted steps. I've never even been in anyone else's shop...at least one where I felt comfortable snooping around and asking questions.
I can hardly wait!
If you walk through Greg's facility with open eyes and ears, you will learn plenty from that alone. Great facility, great equipment and procedures. Great people! And then there is Mr. Greaves and the workshop. What a great opportunity. I hope to see y'all there.
this sounds amazing. i have a little one due first week of april. if everything goes smooth with the wifey, i would love to attend. is there a cut-off you would have to know if there is still room??
Systems, best practices, tips, work flow and stories of experience.
Lots and lots of this please.
OK, OK, OK,,,,,,
It was just a SAVE THE DATE notice with the hope of some more time to get details in order, kind of like a wedding SAVE THE DATE where the bridesmaids have not been picked yet!
With that said, Richard and I are working the details, it will be Thursday night April 30 social/card/other 6-9 PM, Friday May 1 from 9-5 classes, BBQ cookout Friday night at MEG, Sat May 2 classes from 9-noon with afternoon Q&A (bitch & moan). Doors to close at 4 PM
Food included will be snacks on Thursday night as well as during both days, coffee, juice & rolls each morning, working catered lunch on Friday & Saturday and the soon to be worlds famous MEG Friday night Networking BBQ sugar & carb calorie explosion.
I am updating housing cost and airport info docs, meals costs and will have an event cost by EOB on Friday the 20th,
Richard is spinning his presentation material/selection based on comments on the boards as well as quite a bit of PM and outside e-mail traffic, agenda will be ready to share by EOB on Friday the 20th also.
Other random questions, -
What kind of poker you play is up to you, I like blackjack.
Friday night Poker also? If you can keep the BBQ sauce off my cards & chips you are welcome to.
Yes, you can sort through my surplus 'stuff' pile and if we agree on a price you can take stuff home with you.
Will vendors be allowed to attend? Yes and samples may be involved, you may owe them a sponsorship Thank You as a means of keeping meeting cost under control.
Will I limit number of attendees? Yes, in order to make the experience better for those who attend, class size limit is being determined, first payment gets a seat, if you have emailed me an intention to participate you get first crack, but you see schedule before I run your CC.
Will I prevent 'certain people' from attending? My house my rules, everybody play nice.
Are you going to do this again in the future? Depends on feed back from initial event.
Are you going on the road in the future to be closer to my shop? Not planning on it, but nothing keeps others from being inspired to hold similar sessions, May change my mind based on feedback after first session.
Do I get a discount for multiple member of my staff attending? Yes currently being determined.
Is this a TSB only event? Nope, the Richard & Greg show, I have invited others but have not thrown out an open invitation. TSB is the only forum I have publicly
discussed the event.
Hope the answers some questions and buys me some time.
Thanks for your enthusiasm!
Ok I may be getting into something I will heavily regret here BUT, I have heard from a few people about possibly sharing a ride from Chicago to MEG(Greg, really, who doesn't live by a major airport!!?? ;D ) I can look into a church van or soccer van or whatever you like to call them. But people would need to inbox me if you would like to hitch a ride. We would have to leave the Chicago area(I fly into Chicago O'Hare) around 2 or so. Travel light as Mr. Bimmridder has already informed me that his beer cooler will take precedence over someones shoe suitcase(sqslabs and Gilligan I'm looking at you). I had planned on driving back early Sunday, but if other people would rather a later departure, I may fly out of the 4 gate airport near MEG.
Like I said if this sounds like your way of re living those cool road trips you missed in college, or maybe you want to show everyone how it is done, inbox me and we will see if it makes sense to put something together.
this sounds amazing. i have a little one due first week of april. if everything goes smooth with the wifey, i would love to attend. is there a cut-off you would have to know if there is still room??
If you are interested in going there Thursday and coming back on Friday evening, let me know.
I'm seriously interested, but staying there on Saturday might be a problem for me. We could ride together if that will work for you.
Let me know
I'm very interested in coming out. I met Kitson through Keith from Insane Apparel at ISS and took all of his lectures.
Very inspired to learn from Greaves and Kitson.
this sounds amazing. i have a little one due first week of april. if everything goes smooth with the wifey, i would love to attend. is there a cut-off you would have to know if there is still room??
If you are interested in going there Thursday and coming back on Friday evening, let me know.
I'm seriously interested, but staying there on Saturday might be a problem for me. We could ride together if that will work for you.
Let me know
thats what im thinking i may need to do as well. leaving the wife with a newborn and 3 year old might put me in the dawg house... lets play it by ear.
Well just bring the kids along. They need to start learning the biz sometime.
this sounds amazing. i have a little one due first week of april. if everything goes smooth with the wifey, i would love to attend. is there a cut-off you would have to know if there is still room??
If you are interested in going there Thursday and coming back on Friday evening, let me know.
I'm seriously interested, but staying there on Saturday might be a problem for me. We could ride together if that will work for you.
Let me know
thats what im thinking i may need to do as well. leaving the wife with a newborn and 3 year old might put me in the dawg house... lets play it by ear.
I took a group of Boy Scouts on a canoe trip 5 days after my youngest was born in 1982, I'm still paying for it.
Disclaimer: My mother who was an OB nurse at the time was staying at our house in the glow of her newest grandchild. However, as I said I am still paying for it.
Price for the Greaves On Garments at Mind's Eye workshop is $175/person
TSB Members get a $25 Discount just by asking for it so TSB price is $150/person
Multiple participants from same shop paid on same invoice/registration get 10% discount for additional participants So first TSB is $150 second $135, third $135 etc.
Includes Thursday night networking munchies, (No Alcohol at MEG, sorry guys), Coffee, juice and light breakfast stuff on Friday and Saturday morning. Working catered lunch on both Friday and Saturday, Friday night soon to be famous MEG networking BBQ plus muchies, sodas, etc during the entire event.
You will receive a binder to put printed GoG@MEG handouts in and will have all information available for download.
Additionally you will receive your personal bottle of headache pain reliever for the information overload as Richard challenges EVERYTHING you do in your business from the way you pull on your underwear in the morning to how you hold an ink knife.
Agenda, travel & housing info docs, registration forms should all be available for distribution by EOB today.
WARNING: The Richard Agenda is going to be an outline subject to immense amounts of wandering about as this group asks important questions. You will observe Richard hold his finger up in the air, be silent for a few seconds and then start down an completely different tangent, be ready for a wild ride. If you are planning on working down a list of 100 programed tips & tricks stay home. If you want to make your business better in a 100 different ways don't miss it.
I have 14 seats left based on those of you who have sent me requests, I am holding seats until you see at least the preliminary agenda, fill out the registration form and will process payments after all information is published. If you want to be included get in liine soon as I think this will be a sell out.
Another tidbit of Greave on Garments at Mind's Eye information, official industry wide advertising on FB, LinkedIn and Twitter will begin on Monday the 23rd of March.
Thanks for the update. Price is great, timing is great, but apparently my printers can find a excuse or 50 for not going.
Glad to see it happening though.
Thanks for the update. Price is great, timing is great, but apparently my printers can find a excuse or 50 for not going.
Glad to see it happening though.
ultimately this will probably be geared more for the production managers and shop owners. I would imagine the information to be waay over the regular printers comprehension. Shelly should be eating this stuff up. Knowing Richard, there will be information about running a business, too.
Thanks for the update. Price is great, timing is great, but apparently my printers can find a excuse or 50 for not going.
Glad to see it happening though.
ultimately this will probably be geared more for the production managers and shop owners. I would imagine the information to be waay over the regular printers comprehension. Shelly should be eating this stuff up. Knowing Richard, there will be information about running a business, too.
You are right, she should be. I was going to send all 3 of my printers. I can't really attend as any day gone for me is a day lost of sales and that gets expensive quick. Plus I don't print so it wouldn't do me much good other than relaying info. I have plenty of people I lean on with how to run a business style questions. Our shop needs to improve printing/processes. We are basically self taught, some structure could help.
I can't force them to go.
So how do you register, form, payment, etc?
Thanks for the update. Price is great, timing is great, but apparently my printers can find a excuse or 50 for not going.
Glad to see it happening though.
ultimately this will probably be geared more for the production managers and shop owners. I would imagine the information to be waay over the regular printers comprehension. Shelly should be eating this stuff up. Knowing Richard, there will be information about running a business, too.
You are right, she should be. I was going to send all 3 of my printers. I can't really attend as any day gone for me is a day lost of sales and that gets expensive quick. Plus I don't print so it wouldn't do me much good other than relaying info. I have plenty of people I lean on with how to run a business style questions. Our shop needs to improve printing/processes. We are basically self taught, some structure could help.
I can't force them to go.
yeah, knowing your business resources, I can see why it's not as appealing to you. Shelly should be able to bring back any business nuggets that would be of value.
I should also add, that I did not see any info on what's in the class and my guess that it is going to be technical is based on knowledge of Richard and what he likes to talk about. It also has to do with the level of knowledge present on the forum, so I am just GUESSING that it will be a better fit for management.
Thanks for the update. Price is great, timing is great, but apparently my printers can find a excuse or 50 for not going.
Glad to see it happening though.
ultimately this will probably be geared more for the production managers and shop owners. I would imagine the information to be waay over the regular printers comprehension. Shelly should be eating this stuff up. Knowing Richard, there will be information about running a business, too.
You are right, she should be. I was going to send all 3 of my printers. I can't really attend as any day gone for me is a day lost of sales and that gets expensive quick. Plus I don't print so it wouldn't do me much good other than relaying info. I have plenty of people I lean on with how to run a business style questions. Our shop needs to improve printing/processes. We are basically self taught, some structure could help.
I can't force them to go.
yeah, knowing your business resources, I can see why it's not as appealing to you. Shelly should be able to bring back any business nuggets that would be of value.
I should also add, that I did not see any info on what's in the class and my guess that it is going to be technical is based on knowledge of Richard and what he likes to talk about. It also has to do with the level of knowledge present on the forum, so I am just GUESSING that it will be a better fit for management.
Hell id attend just to attend if it didn't mean missed sales day, someday ill have a sales team and this will be a non issue, but that't neither here or there right now. I felt Shelly would really learn from this and why not send my other guys go too and they can just suck up what they can out of it. and they can help each other remember everything that was covered. It is what it is I guess. Disappointed at it to say the least.
Includes Thursday night networking munchies, (No Alcohol at MEG, sorry guys),
Great, Bimmridder just called me in tears, he's not coming anymore...:P
Includes Thursday night networking munchies, (No Alcohol at MEG, sorry guys),
Great, Bimmridder just called me in tears, he's not coming anymore...:P
I doubt that, he is smarter than that! He will have a case in the car and will be going out for a "smoke" smoke break every few min!
Bet you are right, he was probably just crying because he missed me...
yeah, knowing your business resources, I can see why it's not as appealing to you. Shelly should be able to bring back any business nuggets that would be of value.
I should also add, that I did not see any info on what's in the class and my guess that it is going to be technical is based on knowledge of Richard and what he likes to talk about. It also has to do with the level of knowledge present on the forum, so I am just GUESSING that it will be a better fit for management.
Gotta agree with Pierre, the decision maker in your workflow should get the most out of time with Richard, just waiting for the final agenda proposal with the understanding that it may go out the window if the conversation and interaction leads it that way.
So how do you register, form, payment, etc?
Registration info should be available by end of business today, If you have e-mailed me an inquiry and are on the pending pre-registration list you will receive all data from me.
I will post on TSB all details also.
Awesome, really looking forward to this... 8)
ultimately this will probably be geared more for the production managers and shop owners.
I would imagine the information to be waay over the regular printers comprehension.
Shelly should be eating this stuff up.
Knowing Richard, there will be information about running a business, too.
I think I understand Pierre of Blue Moon's intent, but I strongly disagree with any notion that "the information to be waay over the regular printers comprehension". Of course, if you think someone can't be trained, you should fire them, not bring them to a seminar.
I can understand how a screen maker or printer may not be inspired by a discussion of Sales, Billing, Separations, Ink Cure or Packing but I expect they'll comprehend how every step in the process SHOULD be geared to make their work easier. Transparency and understanding of all the work that comes to them, and what happens when they pass the work to the next department, (if there is that many workers). Most regular workers are hostages that have no control over what press,chemicals, inks, equipment, tools or the next design they're expected to wave their magic squeegee over - to turn poorly designed wrong Mystery fabric, Art, Mesh, Stencil into the work of art promised by Sales.
Staff need to understand what they're doing - that's usually fundamental science they forgot from school. Henry Ford trained non-english speaking workers to do repetitive tasks in an assembly line, replacing craftsmen that hand fit every part. The digital industry is slowly working up to that, but until then we need industrial design to make jobs run smoothly - From Sales to UPS delivery.
For example, in under 5 minutes I'll explain to everyone the counter-intuitive science of HOW underexposure can lock stencils in the mesh, making them difficult or impossible to reclaim, that ANYONE will understand. Ask yourself - Has anyone ever explained the invisible science of reclaim failure to you, or did they just declare it without explaining the reason?
I'll be showing the simple exercises the majority of shops don't do. Unfortunately, they're shooting at goals hoping they hit the target - filled with joy with their luck when it actually succeeds and praying it will work next week.
I'm surprised that Pierre would think my manner would be difficult for anyone with an interest in screen printing to comprehend. I know and care for Pierre. I know that's not the negative slant he intended.
At trade shows I regularly ask if you're having any problems as any diagnostician would. Usually I can tell from how you phrase your question what actual problem is, because you don't know what you don't know. For me to be better prepared tell me what you're hoping for - so I can include it in my topics.
As the Great Boris Lermontov said, "The greatest magician in the world can't pull a rabbit from a hat - if the rabbit isn't already IN the hat".
Richard Greaves
Richard gave me his talking points and I am not surprised, this workshop is going to take 2 years and you should get an associates degree when finished with THIS portion, the cost should be $175,000.
HOWEVER, we have only 2 days. I already said the price was $175 less any discounts,so 2 days and $175 it is.
Working on the agenda and will not have it done by end of day today, you will have it sometime over the weekend.
Hotel came in cheaper $55++ than expected and I am extending the 'official' programed instruction hours, not sure how much data I/we can cram in, I am looking for a bigger crowbar. Hotel & travel docs with super secret discount code soon.
If you plan on arriving on Thursday late afternoon/early evening and returning on Sunday you won't miss anything. Looks like a group dinner on Saturday night fits the plans of many however it will be on your own dime.
Gonna make the complimentary headache meds the giant size bottle cause there is a lot of stuff on the agenda. My mind already hurts doing the scheduling.
I agree with BOTH Pierre & Richard that the content is suitable for managers, artists, sales people, wanna be's, production floor robots, ink kings, screen vultures and the kid at the end of the dryer.
Kind of like if this was a motion picture it would be rated G, PG, R and MA AT THE SAME TIME.
ultimately this will probably be geared more for the production managers and shop owners.
I would imagine the information to be waay over the regular printers comprehension.
Shelly should be eating this stuff up.
Knowing Richard, there will be information about running a business, too.
I think I understand Pierre of Blue Moon's intent, but I strongly disagree with any notion that "the information to be waay over the regular printers comprehension". Of course, if you think someone can't be trained, you should fire them, not bring them to a seminar.
Richard Greaves
oh, maaan! I am in trouble. . . . AGAIN!
Easier to ask for forgiveness that permission ?? :-\
Trouble is both Richard & Pierre are so damn smart that......(fill in the blank)
I think I understand Pierre of Blue Moon's intent, but I strongly disagree with any notion that "the information to be waay over the regular printers comprehension". Of course, if you think someone can't be trained, you should fire them, not bring them to a seminar.
oh, maaan! I am in trouble. . . . AGAIN!
I promise I won't tell any stories about Blue Moon or ask you loaded questions - in public.
I'm glad you posted. I spent time describing my plan for describing insights and experiences I've had. I'm excited.
Random thought/question... Is the "classroom" part of this or even just the audio going or maybe can be recorded? I am the type that can't take notes, I get distracted then(yes I know there is a diagnosis for that). I grasp much more if I can just listen, but that leaves me empty handed down the line if I need to or want to reference something.
Random thought/question... Is the "classroom" part of this or even just the audio going or maybe can be recorded? I am the type that can't take notes, I get distracted then(yes I know there is a diagnosis for that). I grasp much more if I can just listen, but that leaves me empty handed down the line if I need to or want to reference something.
My ADD kicks in after lunch, we can take turns wondering around straightening things, really if I don't get original stuff done before 10 AM I am screwed. I always schedule important stuff early AM.
Which is probably why I am watching TSB instead of working of the workshop schedule......
Random thought/question... Is the "classroom" part of this or even just the audio going or maybe can be recorded? I am the type that can't take notes, I get distracted then(yes I know there is a diagnosis for that). I grasp much more if I can just listen, but that leaves me empty handed down the line if I need to or want to reference something.
My ADD kicks in after lunch, we can take turns wondering around straightening things, really if I don't get original stuff done before 10 AM I am screwed. I always schedule important stuff early AM.
Which is probably why I am watching TSB instead of working of the workshop schedule......
and there I go causing trouble AGAIN (Greg on your request we can shut down TSB in the afternoons!)
Random thought/question... Is the "classroom" part of this or even just the audio going or maybe can be recorded?
I can make an MP3 without much trouble.
Where to begin? I first met Richard around '82 in CT. Back then we couldn't wait for the G on G columns. It was pretty much the only outside, unbiased info you could get, other than other friends Geoff Baxter and Joe Clarke. When he lambasted the owners about their bad practices they had no choice but to take us all to dinner perhaps out of embarrassment. I honestly can't remember how I came to embrace (and perhaps coin the term) proceduralization however RG may correct me on that. On that regard, it was instilled in me at a young age with much thanks to him and the others. But it came quickly. While putting my way through art school, The day job was in a motor re-wind shop. It was obvious they had that down. First screenprinting job was my first introduction to Chaos Theory. G on G gave me what I needed to implement procedures. Richard and Geoff had preceded me in companies like Precision and Harlequin but I landed there at their recommendations as I recall.
Winding up....all I can say this event is unprecedented not only in our industry but most others. I thoroughly embrace what you are doing. Me?....I'd be a big interjecting distraction! I am a how to make what doesn't work....work for me. Reverse Re-engineering. Not sure if that it can be taught. Its a Gestalt thing.
Best to you all and interested in the outcome also RG p-mail me if you like
It would be good to here from you
I'll pony up for a copy of the .mp3 file.
I'll pony up for a copy of the .mp3 file.
I imagine quite a few could be sold. If you throw a video camera in there that is basically what Lon Winters did on one of the $100 DVD's they sell.
As the originator of this wonderful idea, I will gladly accept free admission for the weekend! ;D
I'll pony up for a copy of the .mp3 file.
I imagine quite a few could be sold. If you throw a video camera in there that is basically what Lon Winters did on one of the $100 DVD's they sell.
As the originator of this wonderful idea, I will gladly accept free admission for the weekend! ;D
I could bring my recording gear for free admission and maybe a small cut or better yet a "free" trip to come and consult at my shop at a later date. :)
I really wish I could make this work. For any one on the fence of going, it is impossible to sit near either Greg or Richard and not walk away learning something. I can only imagine how educationally informative this will be.
If DVD's are made, I will definitely buy one. I'm really hoping this will be an option.
I'll pony up for a copy of the .mp3 file.
I imagine quite a few could be sold. If you throw a video camera in there that is basically what Lon Winters did on one of the $100 DVD's they sell.
As the originator of this wonderful idea, I will gladly accept free admission for the weekend! ;D
I could bring my recording gear for free admission and maybe a small cut or better yet a "free" trip to come and consult at my shop at a later date. :)
Great ideas and offers of assistance however as the initial event of what I hope will become a series of ....@Minds Eye events I am trying to concentrate on bigger picture logistics to deliver a premium event.
We have recently upgraded our internet to fiber OMG speed, if we get what they promised, with mid/long range plans of web-casting these events live in addition to the audio/video/DVD .mp4 format you get from current ISS events.
With that said, if you want to record for personal use at this event, that is up to you. I will be requiring each participant to sign a media release as part of their participation that will allow use of their images, interactive participation and class conversation while attending the event for all purposes.
The presentation content is the intellectual property of the presenter and I am not prepared to argue the moral/legal/ethics of bootlegged audio at this time so the guideline will be "Play Nice".
Thanks for all the enthusiasm and allowing me time to get my prep work done properly.
Just a note to anyone flying into Fort Wayne, we are only 20 minutes from the airport but it is potentially a $100 cab ride to our shop. We will help with carpool arrangements/groups as we get closer to the event.
" I will be requiring each participant to sign a media release as part of their participation that will allow use of their images, interactive participation and class conversation while attending the event for all purposes."
Whoa, that's REALLY going to mess with "someone's" Witness Protection Program. Will face be blurred and voiced freakishly altered? Maybe I they could wear a fake mustache at least? No alcohol on premises, video and audio recording? You're making this tough now.
Let me know when that
We have recently upgraded our internet to fiber OMG speed, if we get what they promised, with mid/long range plans of web-casting these events live in addition to the audio/video/DVD .mp4 format you get from current ISS events.
Let me know when that is ready to happen. We will likely have a Ustream/Livestream hardware encoder by then which would allow you to stream 1080p directly to one of those streaming services.
Monday Morning update,
Several more agenda & logistic details fell into place over the weekend.
I am still waiting on confirmation of some food and 'other' stuff before I publish the agenda.
Registration and housing info should be posted here yet today with a complete agenda soon after I receive replies from all my e-mail inquires.
Still have 5 seats left as of this morning, if you want to get in line let me know soon.
Several of you have added additional staff members to your previous communication as you are trying to get more bang for your Greaves on Garments investments.
Thanks for your patience,
To all,
Greaves On Garments at Mind's Eye registration form and travel information attached.
Agenda and additional details to follow.
We currently have 25 of 30 seats preliminary reserved. I will hold those spots through end of day Wednesday the 25th of March, after that I start taking reservations in the order I receive completed signed registration forms by e-mail or fax. You will receive a confirmation receipt after your CC is processed.
'just booked the room with the hotel, sending the paperwork to Greg. So I am in!
p.s. that's assuming Greg does not turn my application down!
Just sent my registration... booking the hotel now.
fyi to anyone else getting a hotel room...
you have to call the hotel directly at the 260 #... the call center at the toll-free number doesn't know anything about the special rate, and will try to sell you some extra vacation plan nonsense or rental car or other crap.
fyi to anyone else getting a hotel room...
you have to call the hotel directly at the 260 #... the call center at the toll-free number doesn't know anything about the special rate, and will try to sell you some extra vacation plan nonsense or rental car or other crap.
Thanks for that tidbit of information I just modified the housing information with a note about calling the hotel directly.
I sent in the registration to Greg.
If someone is interested to split the cost of the hotel for Thursday and Friday, let me know.
Also, if coming from Cleveland, we can ride together too. I will just need to leave around Noon on Saturday (that is a big probability, but maybe not)
Let me know.
eta on agenda? I can't convince anyone to go without knowing what we may learn?
eta on agenda? I can't convince anyone to go without knowing what we may learn?
Agenda is being finalized however it will deal more with when we are going to eat and take breaks than with the flow of the Greaves on Garments presentation content.
I have an 8 page double spaced document that is Richards free association list of thoughts and topics that will translate into demonstrations, photo's, discussion bullet points that will cover everything from how to answer the phone to what happens when your customers checks bounce.
He will deal with real life production floor scenarios in huge 24/7 shops dealing with the 8000 lb gorilla customers such as the shoe companies, Uncle Walt's favorite mouse, and Hollywood memorabilia restaurants. He will also be including Joe's Bar and Grill customers on the corner in your hometown sporting goods store with a 4/c manual press that cleans screens in the car wash early in the morning so the car wash owner does not see him doing it.
Working with Richard is like going to the biggest Roller Coaster amusement park where every ride does not disappoint, it is about the airtime where you feel weightless for a glorious moment but know what you are learning will make you better at what you do.
Should have the event outline done yet today, Richard will be adding value right up to the last minute on Saturday afternoon as he crafts your questions into an incredible learning experience.
Agenda is being finalized however it will deal more with when we are going to eat and take breaks than with the flow of the Greaves on Garments presentation content.
I have an 8 page double spaced document that is Richards free association list of thoughts and topics that will translate into demonstrations, photo's, discussion bullet points that will cover everything from how to answer the phone to what happens when your customers checks bounce.
He will deal with real life production floor scenarios in huge 24/7 shops dealing with the 8000 lb gorilla customers such as the shoe companies, Uncle Walt's favorite mouse, and Hollywood memorabilia restaurants. He will also be including Joe's Bar and Grill customers on the corner in your hometown sporting goods store with a 4/c manual press that cleans screens in the car wash early in the morning so the car wash owner does not see him doing it.
Working with Richard is like going to the biggest Roller Coaster amusement park where every ride does not disappoint, it is about the airtime where you feel weightless for a glorious moment but know what you are learning will make you better at what you do.
Should have the event outline done yet today, Richard will be adding value right up to the last minute on Saturday afternoon as he crafts your questions into an incredible learning experience.
If there were a drooling smiley, I would place it here.
EDIT by BM: here you go!
EDIT by sqslabs: haha perfect, thanks pierre!
eta on agenda? I can't convince anyone to go without knowing what we may learn?
12 hours of Greaves will be a broad brush from someone that's been printing textiles for more than 35 years. It's at Greg Kitson's shop where he does the best time study work in our industry - even as a small shop compared to jumbo factories with more than 25 presses & 3 shifts.
My insights will cover from womb to tomb. From Sales to collecting the check. Learning to print full color process with wooden screens & camera positives in 1981. Discovering Newman Roller Frames in 1983. The return of printing all-over designs on a hot rodded Arrow MultiPrinter to helping assemble and print on a Chinese belt printer in Australia. Learning to sew & print flags that leads to printing sleeves before they're sewn, setting them on bodies - then printing the finished shirt. Mistakes were made. Lessons learned. Hard to fired 68 people once. Had to have people I liked arrested when they got caught stealing. No cash flow and salaries to pay.
If you need specific targeted information about hurdles & bottlenecks, call me and I can recommend an experiment, technique or product and better ways to spend US$500. Right now I don't have specific promised lessons people can expect to see in the 12 hours scheduled, but I'm very interested in what people are having problems with and what they're hoping for.
Hotel for the Greaves on Garments workshop is asking how many people are planning on staying over Saturday night the 2nd of May? Our rooming block special rate is for April 30 & May 1st.
Told her I was not sure, any of you planning on staying in Decatur Saturday night May 2nd?
Thanks for the feedback.
I'm staying on Saturday night... planning on driving back to Chicago-area first thing on sunday morning.
(Reservation already made with them for Thursday, Friday and Saturday night... they didn't complain about the $55 rate when I made it.)
I'll likely be staying Saturday night as well, dependent on flight schedule. Will be booking the flight as soon as I've received registration confirmation and can let you know for sure.
I'll likely be staying Saturday night as well, dependent on flight schedule. Will be booking the flight as soon as I've received registration confirmation and can let you know for sure.
Processed your registration end of day today, confirmations will go out in morning.
looking forward to your visit.
I will most likely be staying Saturday night as well
Just chiming in again....Please record this and make it available to buy/download!
Processed your registration end of day today, confirmations will go out in morning.
looking forward to your visit.
Awesome, thanks Greg. Flight has been booked and I will be staying through Sunday morning.
I'll shall stay and hangout after the official event Saturday night also.
Alas, I don't drink - but I'll watch you guys relax as I drink Squirt.
It took me several looks to figure out the drooling (beware of the drooling jokes) was edited by BM -Blue Moon.
Working on content for Greaves on Garments, should I be looking for a dinner space on Saturday night?
If so it would be pay your way but I will find a space with food, beverage & reasonable ability to talk if enough express an interest in the idea.
Let me know if you are planning on overnighting in the Hoosier State on Saturday the 2nd.
Hotel confirmed the $55++ rate is available.
Just chiming in again....Please record this and make it available to buy/download!
Richard and Pierre are working on the recording thing, more details from them as it develops.
IF the evaluations show an interest we will schedule a repeat event in October ish, however this decision will not be made until the May workshop concludes.
A Saturday night dinner would be great! Sorry to add another thing on your "To Do List" Greg.
I'm in for a Saturday night dinner as well.
In for dinner.. 8)
BTW, the hotel is out of rooms. I just called to book and they do not have any rooms available!
Is there any other hotels in the area?
Is there someone who would like to share a room (two beds please)?
BTW, the hotel is out of rooms. I just called to book and they do not have any rooms available!
Is there any other hotels in the area?
Is there someone who would like to share a room (two beds please)?
Hotel still has room in our rooming block, if you go to their website or call the 800 number the hotel 'looks' full due to our & other room blocks.
Make sure and call 260-728-4600 direct and ASK for the Mind's Eye Graphics corporate rate of $55++ for the room nights you desire April 30 thru May 2.
I did call that number and talked to them directly. They have told me that they do not have any room, that they are completely booked for those two nights.
Come on Greg! Your airport has 3 gates, your mayor has 6 teeth and your hotel only has 7 rooms?? Where are we all going?? ;D
Apparently they have room. Greg called them and then called me with info. I guess "new girl" did not know about it.
Also, across the road, there is a Econo Lodge, on Priceline it is $49/night.
Greg is on a top of this, thanks. Hotel called me and all was taken care off. Booked with Baymont, I guess they had some rooms reserved for our event only and the "new girl"did not know. Econo Lodge had a water main break and it is currently closed. Will cancel that reservation.
Come on Greg! Your airport has 3 gates, your mayor has 6 teeth and your hotel only has 7 rooms?? Where are we all going?? ;D
Down the road, across the hollow, and a 'fur piece past Hooterville, but I call it home!
BTW Hooterville is not a place for wings, when you get there just ask Sam Drucker for directions to Mind's Eye and the T-shirt guys!
So iffin folks caint git a aeroplane, they can hitch a ride on the Cannonball Express?
Come on Greg! Your airport has 3 gates, your mayor has 6 teeth and your hotel only has 7 rooms?? Where are we all going?? ;D
Down the road, across the hollow, and a 'fur piece past Hooterville, but I call it home!
BTW Hooterville is not a place for wings, when you get there just ask Sam Drucker for directions to Mind's Eye and the T-shirt guys!
Just messing with ya man! That is my kind of place. Moved about 40min outside the "cities" to get away from all the hub-bub, but alas I still have to drive in for work :(
I always tell people I moved out of the city to get away from all the stupid people. I don't believe we are smarter out in the sticks, actually probably the opposite in general, but we are spread farther apart! ;D
Thanks to everybody from The Shirt Board who is participating in the Greaves on Garments at Mind's Eye workshop May 1-2, 2015.
Agenda with Richards talking point notes is attached.
We have only 10 seats left at this time and tonight I start other (Face Book & Twitter) event promotion.
SOOOOOO, if you have not received an e-mail confirmation from me regarding your registration and you thought you sent one in, e-mail me ASAP at greg@mindseyeg.com to verify what is going on.
I will take 10 more paid registrations and then start a back-up list for those would like to be on a 'when and if' status.
Best to all, see ya in Decatur.
We couldn't decide if we were going to stay Saturday night....or not. But since we are driving, we decided to head on back to Wichita Saturday after 4PM, to break up the trip a little bit.
I have called the hotel to release the room for Saturday night.
Additionally, since my wife is travelling with me, sharing a ride with the printer you mentioned south of St louis would be difficult.
Ya gotta check out Richard Greaves picture at www.mindseyeg.com (http://www.mindseyeg.com).
I know 'paybacks' are hell but we could not resist using his masthead sketch from the ScreenPrinting Magazine column he authored for so many years.
Thanks for your support of the Greaves on Garments Workshop.
So iffin folks caint git a aeroplane, they can hitch a ride on the Cannonball Express?
Great. Now I can't get that earworm theme song out of my head.
I just cancelled my hotel booking, maybe somebody needs the room.
Just confirming the food for our little Greaves on Garments adventure,
We are going to be eating very well my friends.
Looking forward to seeing you all at Mind's Eye on May 1-2, 2015.
Still have a few seats available, e-mail me at greg@mindseyeg.com for additional details if interested.
Just talked with the hotel and they are releasing our rooming block unused rooms end of business today so if you want the special rate call soon.
anybody up for a little parking lot swap meet?
I can bring with:
- 23x33 newman M3 frame in great shape
- 23x31 MZX frame (with no anodizing) in good shape
- a newman ST-1E tension meter, that needs to be calibrated.
anybody up for a little parking lot swap meet?
I can bring with:
- 23x33 newman M3 frame in great shape
- 23x31 MZX frame (with no anodizing) in good shape
- a newman ST-1E tension meter, that needs to be calibrated.
Swap Shop idea works for me, see you soon.
Hey Greaves On Garments Workshop at Mind's Eye Graphics in Decatur, IN.
Started cleaning the classroom area this morning, place smells like a pine forest.
Look at the attached picture, this workshop is more about the food than the screen printing stuff.
Time to start coordinating carpools, those of you who are flying in please post your anticipated arrival airport and times so you can save a few bucks and gain quality time during the drive to Decatur.
Richard has been digging through the archives for photos, samples & articles to share.
Still got a few seats left for those of you who are waiting till the last minute to determine if the shop will survive without you.
See ya soon,
I'll be driving down from the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago (Crystal Lake) on Thursday afternoon, returning on Sunday morning... I'll likely be driving my truck, so I have room for 1 if someone wants to ride along.
Leaving Cleveland area around 3-4 pm on Thursday.
Need to leave MEG around noon or 1 PM at the latest on Saturday.
Open to drive or be driven from Cleveland and back. I can pick up anyone on Airport if needed.
Classroom is being set-up today for the Greaves on Garments Workshop at Minds Eye May 1-2, 2015.
WI-FI for everybody and electrical outlets at each table, bring your laptops, tablets and smart phones.
If you have a testing device, meter, loupe, linen tester, microscope or two rocks connected with a string you use to measure, calibrate, or observe bring them along for the Q&A discussion.
If anybody has a special accessibility or dietary requirement please contact me via PM so we can accommodate. AND before Alex asks, attention span does not qualify in my book, room to wander aimlessly about is already provided. Richard will be presenting with the aid of a 55 inch HD monitor so visual problems get first chance at the front row.
Looking forward to a great event, see you soon.
Flying into Ft Wayne on Thursday the 30th at 2:30PM. Flying out on Sunday at 7:30AM.
Will more than likely be renting a car due to the early departure on Sunday, so if anyone needs a lift to/from the airport shoot me a PM.
A little FYI about Thursday evening before the G on G Workshop at MEG.
Please arrive at MEG no earlier than 5 PM on Thursday afternoon out of consideration to Richard and the MEG staff as we do final prep for the workshop.
Pizza, munchies, & soft drinks will be delivered at 6 PM with meet & greet networking continuing until 9 PM. For those who choose to continue after 9 PM various local watering holes would love to have you visit them.
Poker has been mentioned as a way of passing the time together and space will be provided.
Looking forward to your visit,
Everyone that's coming is hoping for something. So far, only Blue Moon Pierre and Maxie Garb from Israel have contacted me to ensure I'm prepared to help with their problems.
I told Maxie not to come - because he thought it was going to be a hands-on Workshop. Yes, there will be demos, but the focus isn't hands on training, but to stimulate you with my insights about "Invisible Science", lessons learned, the importance of statistics and measuring.
Of course, nobody knows what they don't know, but you all had problems or limitations in the last month that you didn't know how to overcome. Tell me ahead of time so I can be prepared.
Just talked with the Baymont Inn in Decatur and they are releasing the last rooms we have saved for the Greaves On Garments at Mind's Eye Workshop May 1-2, 2015 at the end of business today.
If you have not reserved your room and need one after today the special rate is going away and the hotel looks like it will be filled up with our and another event.
BTW The caterer for our BBQ just won Best of in the Indiana State BBQ event, check them out...
https://www.facebook.com/manley.meats.9?fref=ts (https://www.facebook.com/manley.meats.9?fref=ts)
See you on Thursday night,
Greaves on Garments at Mind's Eye May 1-2 in Decatur, IN.
Attached you will find the most current agenda for our event.
See you soon!
Doing our final prep work for the Greaves On Garments workshop at Mind's Eye in Decatur IN May 1-2,
See the attached test photo of the Certificate of Completion, suitable for framing, that each participant will receive, we will photograph each participant with Richard and provide the photo to each for publicity purposes.
See you soon,
Wow Mark! I must of been REALLY drinking last time we were hanging out, I remember you looking a little more masculine... :P
Apparently the photo had adequate resolution to allow a bit of enlargement to be able to read the certificate.
I'm sitting in the training room right now trying to think of what I've forgotten and at the moment it looks like we are ready to go for the Greaves Workshop.
Richard should arrive shortly and we are going to grab a leisurely bite to eat prior to the non-stop workshop activity we have planned for the next 3 days.
Best to all, travel safe my friends, looks like Indiana is going to show off some amazing spring weather while you are here this weekend.
And it begins, the pizza party is starting for Greaves on Garments at Mind's Eye.
Can't wait!
WOW, what a great start, I had to turn the lights out last night at 10 PM to get people to stop talking and leave the Greaves On Garments workshop at Mind's Eye!
Networking, getting to know each other, WOW, did I say that already.
EVERYBODY participating with little huddles of conversation all over Mind's Eye as we contrasted & compared stuff, and this was during the meet & greet.
Can't wait for Richard to throw out his little hand grenades of info, and he already busted me for 3 things which I know I should be doing different,
An open mind and willingness to question everything including how you pull your underwear on in the morning is going to be the rules of engagement today.
A picture is worth a thousand words, and Richard Greaves is capable of a million words, 'nuff said.
Getting ready for day 2 of Greaves on Garments at Mind's Eye Graphics in Decatur IN.
Thanks to all who made the investment of time away from their shop to improve their screenprinting knowledge.
Had to shut the lights off at 9 PM last night and the 'networking' moved to a couple of local watering holes for 'continued professional development'.
Looks like Richard melted my guy's brain in the photo. :-)
Well he SURE DID melt mine!
I HAD A GREAT TIME. (All caps on purpose.)
The Missus is already talking about plans to stop by for the night at my cousin's in Indy "next time".
That was one awesome weekend .. can't wait to do it agaib.
I was stuffed, both stomach and mind :).
Two squeegees up! Had a blast, learned a ton, ate great food, saw some old friends and made some new ones. Thanks to the venerable Mr. Greaves for sharing his encyclopedia of knowledge on screen printing, Pierre for taking the science to the next level, and most of all Mr. Kitson for hosting this great event and allowing us to poke around his insanely efficient shop. My shop will surely be a better one as a result of this trip and I'm already looking forward to next one. 8)
Unbelievable learning experence! I'll be attending any get together that Mr. Kitson puts on, even if it's not in my wheelhouse. Hats off to Gregs staff for tripping over us while we were picking there brains about procedures. Efficiency to the max at Mindseye. An no words can describe the amount of new friends that i've made during this mindblowing workshop. An a heads up to anyone thinking about attending one of Richards workshops...Get ready to throw out what distributors an others have told you for the last tweinty years. Mr. Greaves is a wealth of knowledge an i'm privileded to have heard him speak an challenge what i've thought.
Awesome experience!!! Greg and Richard were awesome. Great hospitality, great people and great facility to learn at. Great food also!
I mentioned that the first hour of meat and greet on Thursday evening was well worth the fee we paid. And that was before we even started the training on Friday morning.
Also, I have already told this to Greg, if I ever have a bigger shop with a crew, I would like to have employees like Rob and Alan (I hope it is spelled like that). Great crew at MEG.
It was also great to meet all the people from the board. Some them gave me a stick for my Ohio State shirt on Saturday. Like I said, that was the one on the top of the pile of clean shirts and some Scarlet and Gray never hurts :)
Ditto what all these guys have said... Amazing weekend!
My favorite part is now I read all of Dennis's post in his Serbian accent when I read them. :)
Ditto what all these guys have said... Amazing weekend!
My favorite part is now I read all of Dennis's post in his Serbian accent when I read them. :)
What say you?
Ditto what all these guys have said... Amazing weekend!
My favorite part is now I read all of Dennis's post in his Serbian accent when I read them. :)
Agreed! My favorite part of the weekend was connecting actual people with their posts.
That and all my other favorite parts, which change hourly!
Ditto what all these guys have said... Amazing weekend!
My favorite part is now I read all of Dennis's post in his Serbian accent when I read them. :)
Agreed! My favorite part of the weekend was connecting actual people with their posts.
That and all my other favorite parts, which change hourly!
One question, why did my online personality have to be an old short fat guy?! Glad to dispel that myth!
at least the mr-t image was explained ;) I walked in looking for the guy with a goatee and a mohawk...
at least the mr-t image was explained ;) I walked in looking for the guy with a goatee and a mohawk...
If I'd have known, I could have made that happen for you. :)
Though the PR photos might need some touching up on my end to be able to be used.
Ditto what all these guys have said... Amazing weekend!
My favorite part is now I read all of Dennis's post in his Serbian accent when I read them. :)
Agreed! My favorite part of the weekend was connecting actual people with their posts.
That and all my other favorite parts, which change hourly!
One question, why did my online personality have to be an old short fat guy?! Glad to dispel that myth!
Bold, short fat guy, no one said "old" :)
Old short, fat, bald, who's talking about me?
Ditto what all these guys have said... Amazing weekend!
My favorite part is now I read all of Dennis's post in his Serbian accent when I read them. :)
Agreed! My favorite part of the weekend was connecting actual people with their posts.
That and all my other favorite parts, which change hourly!
One question, why did my online personality have to be an old short fat guy?! Glad to dispel that myth!
Bold, short fat guy, no one said "old" :)
Balding yes... fat, I'm cresting that hill... but short I'm not, that helps with the "fat" part. ;)
Hey T-shirt Guys and Gals,
Spent the day cleaning/putting stuff away and the training room is ready for our next client meeting, just starting to summarize the evaluations and comments but from the initial response WE WILL BE REPEATING the Greaves on Garments Workshop at Mind's Eye this fall.
Richard and I both have received our marching orders to be more focused & organized so you will be seeing the new improved G on G at MEG.
I promise to have the screen room lights alll fixed so bring your sunglasses/welders goggles, Richard said he wanted it bright, I will try to accomplish that.
I've got to review the P&L for the event to determine future event price but it looks like we will need a few more bucks each or cut back on the food. In my opinion the food does not need changes. ;D
Thanks to all, I will start a new thread for the new G On G event as soon as I can.
Hey T-shirt Guys and Gals,
Spent the day cleaning/putting stuff away and the training room is ready for our next client meeting, just starting to summarize the evaluations and comments but from the initial response WE WILL BE REPEATING the Greaves on Garments Workshop at Mind's Eye this fall.
Richard and I both have received our marching orders to be more focused & organized so you will be seeing the new improved G on G at MEG.
I promise to have the screen room lights alll fixed so bring your sunglasses/welders goggles, Richard said he wanted it bright, I will try to accomplish that.
I've got to review the P&L for the event to determine future event price but it looks like we will need a few more bucks each or cut back on the food. In my opinion the food does not need changes. ;D
Thanks to all, I will start a new thread for the new G On G event as soon as I can.
I'll try like heck to make the next one, with the quality of the food you provided - agreeance food stays the same! i'll pay a little extra 8)
Ditto what all these guys have said... Amazing weekend!
My favorite part is now I read all of Dennis's post in his Serbian accent when I read them. :)
Agreed! My favorite part of the weekend was connecting actual people with their posts.
That and all my other favorite parts, which change hourly!
One question, why did my online personality have to be an old short fat guy?! Glad to dispel that myth!
Bold, short fat guy, no one said "old" :)
Believe I said old, but that was only after he sent the waitress in in search of "the big albino" guy. For those not there, yes, she came to me....
Like Dennis, my whole trip literally paid for itself the Thursday night before classes started. A little talk between peers, and BOOM! Something basic, I had never thought of!
For those of you that haven't had the pleasure to meet or learn from Mr. Greaves, you owe it to your self to clear whatever time you are able to! I have a feeling this industry may not see such a wealth of knowledge that will shoot you straight, and has a trunk full of analogies that even a "simple" boy like myself can understand.
A host like Mr. Kitson makes this a event I will take a few key employees with me NEXT time I attend if it happens in October like it has been rumored. Then we can find out what Greg's real middle name is- "productivity" "systems genius" " tasty food procurement specialist" or "all around great guy" Kitson. ;)
Light skin pigmentation wise cracks aside, I had a GREAT time!
How should I have described you to a less than qualified waitress?
If you ask me, not only was it hilarious, it was genius!
In the end, you should have come outside when you suggested it and I wouldn't have had to send in the search party. :)
OK everybody, looks like we may be able to build some momentum with the Workshop at MEG concept, gonna start a new thread for subject input for future workshops. I have been contacted by several industry professionals in the last 2 days inquiring about the success and wanting to know if they can participate.
Soooooooo, I'll try to put additional events together, if you have specific questions that you choose to not share on the board please e-mail me at greg@mindseyeg.com rather than PM me.
Check out the T-Shirt Report about Greaves on Garments Workshop at Mind's Eye Graphics on May 1-2, 2015.
http://tinyurl.com/mxc8bj6 (http://tinyurl.com/mxc8bj6)
Thanks for watching.