screen printing => 4 Color and Simulated Process Printing => Topic started by: Mitchel on March 10, 2015, 04:54:13 PM

Title: How many color
Post by: Mitchel on March 10, 2015, 04:54:13 PM
Hi all

I have to print this on t-shirt and I have a 6 color manual, how many spot color and process you think i need.

Title: Re: How many color
Post by: dirkdiggler on March 10, 2015, 04:54:50 PM
2 greys
2 whites
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: Screened Gear on March 10, 2015, 05:02:21 PM
I would not print that.  Its copyrighted material.
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: GraphicDisorder on March 10, 2015, 05:10:54 PM
Unless your the luckiest manual printer in the world that's a big no no.
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: Sbrem on March 10, 2015, 05:17:02 PM
But for educational purposes, yes, 2 whites and 2 grays. Do not print that without permission.

Title: Re: How many color
Post by: mimosatexas on March 10, 2015, 05:26:13 PM
Yea, definitely don't print that unless for personal use...
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: 3Deep on March 10, 2015, 07:39:42 PM
Asking a stupid question here, so if he is printing this for a customer and they are not selling them for any retail why not print them?  I'm almost willing to bet he is only doing a a few doz 2 to 3, now if this order is for 2 to 5 hundred nope wouldn't do it.  We have turn our share of copy right art away or have drawn a simpler piece of art/clipart. :-X
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: TCT on March 10, 2015, 08:51:37 PM
Unless your the luckiest manual printer in the world that's a big no no.
That was hilarious!
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: blue moon on March 10, 2015, 09:23:25 PM
Asking a stupid question here, so if he is printing this for a customer and they are not selling them for any retail why not print them? 

because printing two and making money from it is just as illegal as printing 200. . .

Title: Re: How many color
Post by: GraphicDisorder on March 11, 2015, 07:42:48 AM
Unless your the luckiest manual printer in the world that's a big no no.
That was hilarious!

Title: Re: How many color
Post by: Mitchel on March 11, 2015, 09:31:33 AM
Hi All

Thank for your answer, I appreciate

Looking for the permission for print that, yes we have the permission and I have to make sample before.
I'll never print  illegal picture for 200 or 500 t-shirt.

Title: Re: How many color
Post by: royster13 on March 11, 2015, 09:46:31 AM
Hi All

Thank for your answer, I appreciate

Looking for the permission for print that, yes we have the permission and I have to make sample before.
I'll never print  illegal picture for 200 or 500 t-shirt.


Just make sure that the permission is actually from the legal department at Universal Studios...
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: GraphicDisorder on March 11, 2015, 09:50:21 AM
Hi All

Thank for your answer, I appreciate

Looking for the permission for print that, yes we have the permission and I have to make sample before.
I'll never print  illegal picture for 200 or 500 t-shirt.


Just make sure that the permission is actually from the legal department at Universal Studios...

Exactly, and I seriously doubt they are contacting manual printers to print this shirt.
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: blue moon on March 11, 2015, 10:14:26 AM
Hi All

Thank for your answer, I appreciate

Looking for the permission for print that, yes we have the permission and I have to make sample before.
I'll never print  illegal picture for 200 or 500 t-shirt.


Just make sure that the permission is actually from the legal department at Universal Studios...

Exactly, and I seriously doubt they are contacting manual printers to print this shirt.

if it's a small event or a small location it is possible. Think a local restaurant that is licensed or a play in a school . . . We've printed Wizard of Oz shirts for a local school's musical for example.

Title: Re: How many color
Post by: cleveprint on March 11, 2015, 10:20:24 AM
we do a lot of the printing for schools and their plays. every time the school signs up to do that show, they get a packet of info that has the misc show info and logos and other random stuff. it also says that they have the right to print up/market whatever they want with the shows name and logo. in rare cases, we've even received vector artwork for some of the plays. but most of the time, its crap :)
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: GraphicDisorder on March 11, 2015, 10:22:43 AM
Hi All

Thank for your answer, I appreciate

Looking for the permission for print that, yes we have the permission and I have to make sample before.
I'll never print  illegal picture for 200 or 500 t-shirt.


Just make sure that the permission is actually from the legal department at Universal Studios...

Exactly, and I seriously doubt they are contacting manual printers to print this shirt.

if it's a small event or a small location it is possible. Think a local restaurant that is licensed or a play in a school . . . We've printed Wizard of Oz shirts for a local school's musical for example.


Well I didn't say it wasn't possible, just doubt it. It's for sure possible that they are providing him a shirt jpg, no seps, no pms colors and of course permission to print.

Title: Re: How many color
Post by: royster13 on March 11, 2015, 10:39:39 AM
We've printed Wizard of Oz shirts for a local school's musical for example.


I would sure like to see the paperwork on this....Generally the licencing allows for production of posters, programs, etc......But "rarely" will it allow for production of merchandise of any kind....
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: 3Deep on March 11, 2015, 10:42:05 AM
We've did those high school plays and we got a cd with vector,pdf, jpeg files in Illy, corel with a  paper saying the school had permission to this image printed.  I might have printed some of Dan's art from Disney who knows, but all the art was sent to us on a cd with that permission to print paper.  I know very well known art is easy to spot but I'm willing to bet we all have let some copy right art slip thru without knowing, I know I did this once with a custy that was a very good artist and found out months later they had redrawn the art.
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: mimosatexas on March 11, 2015, 02:10:41 PM
My wife is a theatre teacher.  The school pays around 600-1000 per play for licensing typically, and they get rights to the play, the right to use music and associated art in the production, produce programs/posters/shirts, etc.  Some of them explicitly stipulate that any material produced must include the school name, dates of performances, etc on the item (I assume so it can't be sold to a wider audience as easily).  They just did little mermaid recently and it was one of the more expensive licenses she has used.  There is actually a pretty huge market of free to perform plays for schools just because the licensing for mainstream ones is so pricey.
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: Parker 1 on March 11, 2015, 03:41:34 PM
Some of them explicitly stipulate that any material produced must include the school name, dates of performances, etc on the item (I assume so it can't be sold to a wider audience as easily).

Some we have printed have rejected the art proof b/c the name of the school or organization is not on the same side as their art. 
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: Sbrem on March 11, 2015, 05:37:40 PM
we do a lot of the printing for schools and their plays. every time the school signs up to do that show, they get a packet of info that has the misc show info and logos and other random stuff. it also says that they have the right to print up/market whatever they want with the shows name and logo. in rare cases, we've even received vector artwork for some of the plays. but most of the time, its crap :)

Ditto this; however, when they are Disney plays, like Aladdin Jr., they have vector art.

Title: Re: How many color
Post by: Frog on March 11, 2015, 07:02:39 PM
Asking a stupid question here, so if he is printing this for a customer and they are not selling them for any retail why not print them? 

I just had this following conversation yesterday with a client over a single digital transfer shirt for which we didn't have the rights.
"But I'm not selling them" he said, "But I am!" I had to reply.
I did tell him, that he was probably a little more legal making his own transfer and applying it himself.
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: Fluid on March 11, 2015, 09:17:52 PM
I would still print a black. Use cmyk black or a 50-50 mixture of cmyk black and plastisol.  Will helo clean up and give more definition to the detail. 

Richard Reilly - Fluid

Title: Re: How many color
Post by: Fluid on March 11, 2015, 09:18:48 PM
Agree with Pierre. Havent figured out how to quote with this app.

Richard Reilly - Fluid

Title: Re: How many color
Post by: JBLUE on March 11, 2015, 09:36:27 PM
Hi All

Thank for your answer, I appreciate

Looking for the permission for print that, yes we have the permission and I have to make sample before.
I'll never print  illegal picture for 200 or 500 t-shirt.


Just make sure that the permission is actually from the legal department at Universal Studios...

Exactly, and I seriously doubt they are contacting manual printers to print this shirt.

Dont bet on that. A lot of high end sampling still gets done on manuals. Running a small run through one is not all that uncommon. We have run sample runs that number in the hundreds and have been shipped all over the world to sales reps and potential vendors.
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: GraphicDisorder on March 12, 2015, 07:36:17 AM
Hi All

Thank for your answer, I appreciate

Looking for the permission for print that, yes we have the permission and I have to make sample before.
I'll never print  illegal picture for 200 or 500 t-shirt.


Just make sure that the permission is actually from the legal department at Universal Studios...

Exactly, and I seriously doubt they are contacting manual printers to print this shirt.

Dont bet on that. A lot of high end sampling still gets done on manuals. Running a small run through one is not all that uncommon. We have run sample runs that number in the hundreds and have been shipped all over the world to sales reps and potential vendors.

Do you really believe Universal Studios would contact a manual printer and not provide him Seps and PMS colors for this shirt.  In addition do you believe they would select a manual printer that could not determine color count of the job?

There is the context of my original reply.

Title: Re: How many color
Post by: JBLUE on March 12, 2015, 10:12:24 AM
Hi All

Thank for your answer, I appreciate

Looking for the permission for print that, yes we have the permission and I have to make sample before.
I'll never print  illegal picture for 200 or 500 t-shirt.


Just make sure that the permission is actually from the legal department at Universal Studios...

Exactly, and I seriously doubt they are contacting manual printers to print this shirt.

Dont bet on that. A lot of high end sampling still gets done on manuals. Running a small run through one is not all that uncommon. We have run sample runs that number in the hundreds and have been shipped all over the world to sales reps and potential vendors.

Do you really believe Universal Studios would contact a manual printer and not provide him Seps and PMS colors for this shirt.  In addition do you believe they would select a manual printer that could not determine color count of the job?

There is the context of my original reply.

Not only do I believe it but I have experience in it. We have printed for several movies during the production phase and yes some of them were printed on a manual. It is usually a PA or someone that works for the producer wanting shirts made for the cast and crew. Most of these people dont even know how the shirt process works anyhow so they are not going to be able to know if the printer knows what they are doing or not. Not everything goes through Universals merch department back here in Universal City. Most productions have a budget for swag and choose to push the money locally to help the local economies where they film.

Not trying to be a dick but whats happening above does happen a lot more than you realize especially out here in movie land. We just embroidered hats for a movie being filmed in Louisiana. The referral was made by a Grip that got a hat from something else we did work on. The Producer saw it and wanted some for their set. I have done contract work for a printer that cant determine color counts for movies they have done work with. If you guys dont get any of that business your not going to realize that this is not all that uncommon.
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: cleveprint on March 12, 2015, 10:27:17 AM
like most things in life, its not about what you know (or in this case what type of equipment you have) but all about who you know. i know we've printed some jobs in the past we had no business getting. but it was all about the contact.

not saying this is the case, but just that it can happen.
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: GraphicDisorder on March 12, 2015, 10:52:24 AM
Hi All

Thank for your answer, I appreciate

Looking for the permission for print that, yes we have the permission and I have to make sample before.
I'll never print  illegal picture for 200 or 500 t-shirt.


Just make sure that the permission is actually from the legal department at Universal Studios...

Exactly, and I seriously doubt they are contacting manual printers to print this shirt.

Dont bet on that. A lot of high end sampling still gets done on manuals. Running a small run through one is not all that uncommon. We have run sample runs that number in the hundreds and have been shipped all over the world to sales reps and potential vendors.

Do you really believe Universal Studios would contact a manual printer and not provide him Seps and PMS colors for this shirt.  In addition do you believe they would select a manual printer that could not determine color count of the job?

There is the context of my original reply.

Not only do I believe it but I have experience in it. We have printed for several movies during the production phase and yes some of them were printed on a manual. It is usually a PA or someone that works for the producer wanting shirts made for the cast and crew. Most of these people dont even know how the shirt process works anyhow so they are not going to be able to know if the printer knows what they are doing or not. Not everything goes through Universals merch department back here in Universal City. Most productions have a budget for swag and choose to push the money locally to help the local economies where they film.

Not trying to be a dick but whats happening above does happen a lot more than you realize especially out here in movie land. We just embroidered hats for a movie being filmed in Louisiana. The referral was made by a Grip that got a hat from something else we did work on. The Producer saw it and wanted some for their set. I have done contract work for a printer that cant determine color counts for movies they have done work with. If you guys dont get any of that business your not going to realize that this is not all that uncommon.

I agree there are exceptions to everything in life.  I will lean to 9 times outta 10 that a when a printer is asking how many colors are in a copy written logo that is likely they don't have permission to print it to start with.

Title: Re: How many color
Post by: blue moon on March 12, 2015, 11:15:23 AM
Hi All

Thank for your answer, I appreciate

Looking for the permission for print that, yes we have the permission and I have to make sample before.
I'll never print  illegal picture for 200 or 500 t-shirt.


Just make sure that the permission is actually from the legal department at Universal Studios...

Exactly, and I seriously doubt they are contacting manual printers to print this shirt.

Dont bet on that. A lot of high end sampling still gets done on manuals. Running a small run through one is not all that uncommon. We have run sample runs that number in the hundreds and have been shipped all over the world to sales reps and potential vendors.

Do you really believe Universal Studios would contact a manual printer and not provide him Seps and PMS colors for this shirt.  In addition do you believe they would select a manual printer that could not determine color count of the job?

There is the context of my original reply.

Not only do I believe it but I have experience in it. We have printed for several movies during the production phase and yes some of them were printed on a manual. It is usually a PA or someone that works for the producer wanting shirts made for the cast and crew. Most of these people dont even know how the shirt process works anyhow so they are not going to be able to know if the printer knows what they are doing or not. Not everything goes through Universals merch department back here in Universal City. Most productions have a budget for swag and choose to push the money locally to help the local economies where they film.

Not trying to be a dick but whats happening above does happen a lot more than you realize especially out here in movie land. We just embroidered hats for a movie being filmed in Louisiana. The referral was made by a Grip that got a hat from something else we did work on. The Producer saw it and wanted some for their set. I have done contract work for a printer that cant determine color counts for movies they have done work with. If you guys dont get any of that business your not going to realize that this is not all that uncommon.

I agree there are exceptions to everything in life.  I will lean to 9 times outta 10 that a when a printer is asking how many colors are in a copy written logo that is likely they don't have permission to print it to start with.

agreed, 9 out of 10, but that makes the one person being blamed for something they did not do. Also, the poster seems to be from Canada and if he is in a remote part of the country, it is possible he is the only one around to get the order done.

Title: Re: How many color
Post by: GraphicDisorder on March 12, 2015, 11:27:35 AM
Hi All

Thank for your answer, I appreciate

Looking for the permission for print that, yes we have the permission and I have to make sample before.
I'll never print  illegal picture for 200 or 500 t-shirt.


Just make sure that the permission is actually from the legal department at Universal Studios...

Exactly, and I seriously doubt they are contacting manual printers to print this shirt.

Dont bet on that. A lot of high end sampling still gets done on manuals. Running a small run through one is not all that uncommon. We have run sample runs that number in the hundreds and have been shipped all over the world to sales reps and potential vendors.

Do you really believe Universal Studios would contact a manual printer and not provide him Seps and PMS colors for this shirt.  In addition do you believe they would select a manual printer that could not determine color count of the job?

There is the context of my original reply.

Not only do I believe it but I have experience in it. We have printed for several movies during the production phase and yes some of them were printed on a manual. It is usually a PA or someone that works for the producer wanting shirts made for the cast and crew. Most of these people dont even know how the shirt process works anyhow so they are not going to be able to know if the printer knows what they are doing or not. Not everything goes through Universals merch department back here in Universal City. Most productions have a budget for swag and choose to push the money locally to help the local economies where they film.

Not trying to be a dick but whats happening above does happen a lot more than you realize especially out here in movie land. We just embroidered hats for a movie being filmed in Louisiana. The referral was made by a Grip that got a hat from something else we did work on. The Producer saw it and wanted some for their set. I have done contract work for a printer that cant determine color counts for movies they have done work with. If you guys dont get any of that business your not going to realize that this is not all that uncommon.

I agree there are exceptions to everything in life.  I will lean to 9 times outta 10 that a when a printer is asking how many colors are in a copy written logo that is likely they don't have permission to print it to start with.

agreed, 9 out of 10, but that makes the one person being blamed for something they did not do. Also, the poster seems to be from Canada and if he is in a remote part of the country, it is possible he is the only one around to get the order done.


Very well could be one of those exceptions. 
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: Gilligan on March 12, 2015, 12:01:57 PM
...We just embroidered hats for a movie being filmed in Louisiana. ...

And this is part of the exact reason our tax breaks for the movie industry is hurting our state vs helping.

We are WAY in the red for this program, but because it's bringing "notoriety" to the state because "oh, that was filmed here" or politicians can claim they are the reason so many movies were filmed here... we won't get rid of the program.

Duck Dynasty guys all have their stuff printed/embroidered in China... kind of ironic given the nature of what they claim to stand for.
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: 3Deep on March 12, 2015, 12:20:41 PM
...We just embroidered hats for a movie being filmed in Louisiana. ...

And this is part of the exact reason our tax breaks for the movie industry is hurting our state vs helping.

We are WAY in the red for this program, but because it's bringing "notoriety" to the state because "oh, that was filmed here" or politicians can claim they are the reason so many movies were filmed here... we won't get rid of the program.

Duck Dynasty guys all have their stuff printed/embroidered in China... kind of ironic given the nature of what they claim to stand for.

Well didn't you know we are sellout's over here for the all mighty dollar, and then lie and say we want jobs brought back yeah right.
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: Mitchel on March 12, 2015, 04:48:53 PM
I am very surprised to see so much enthusiasm for this, very boring to read you.
I put the question to you because its been since 1996 that I am on different forums (before the us screen printer) and I know that among you sound very good printer.
About the job is a distributor and not a printer who approach us to see if we make a swatch with places an order.

Sorry for my English I try to make easy to understand
thank you and good evening

Title: Re: How many color
Post by: Sbrem on March 12, 2015, 04:56:53 PM
Well good luck Michel, I think most of us here want you to be protected. And a lot of shirts can certainly be printed manually. Our record here, before we had a single auto, was 9,000 2 color on white, with two low grade manual presses over a weekend, ready for pickup on Monday morning, and no speed tables. With speed tables, that would have gone much faster...

Title: Re: How many color
Post by: Frog on March 12, 2015, 05:00:50 PM
Michel (or Mitchel)
I'll apologize in general for the change in focus of this thread, but it wouldn't have been the first time that the folks here were asked for help on obvious copyrighted art that appeared to on the road to unauthorized reproduction. Our membership is a discerning bunch.
This subject, in fact, is fresh in the membership's minds as we have a current thread from a licensee who just lost a bunch of work to a bootlegger.

Though it shouldn't have been necessary, on such a notable piece of art, a little background on the specifcs could only have helped avoid the confusion, and unneeded warnings.

I hope the more technical posts were helpful.
Title: Re: How many color
Post by: Mitchel on March 16, 2015, 07:54:24 AM
Thank you all, you help me a lot.
Do not be sorry Mr. Frog, I understand very well the situation and I think I would say the same things on my side.
yes technical information will be my very Useful.

Go to all great week and happy to re-speak ..
