screen printing => Ink and Chemicals => Topic started by: push_pull on February 12, 2015, 08:43:12 PM
Hey guys,
I want to green-up some of my practices this year, and I'd like to start with the parts washer filled with mineral spirits. Typically, ink is carded off at the press, screen is de-taped, then scrubbed up in the parts washer before reclaim. We also use the parts washer to unclog screens that have had image areas taped off that became gunked with ink that need to be re-used.
Are there any chemicals out there that will drop right in to this scenario while still being a friendlier option?
Yep, check out the Smartwasher..
http://www.chemfree.com/ (http://www.chemfree.com/)
http://www.theshirtboard.com/index.php/topic,13524 (http://www.theshirtboard.com/index.php/topic,13524)
I've been loosely following that technology, and it's very cool. I'd be interested in hearing what others are using besides bioremediation. Soy based? Citrus based? I'm having a hard time keeping up with each company's three-digit four-letter product name..
I used the citrus ink remover it works pretty good, the Franmar soy stuff is a little bit better in my opinion.
Edit ... But I have not used the stuff in a parts washer just a bucket.
Xenon Plastiwash is good for a wash out tank. We have other products as well.
we ran plastiwash before a smartwasher...i will go update the thread i started and list out the advantages of each.
If you own a parts washer already, I'd just switch the chems to the smart washer stuff and come up with a simple heating method.
Wouldn't cost you nearly as much.
umm, not that simple...
first, this stuff isn't the kindest to ferrous metal. So the inside of a metal parts washer would rust. also, the pump itself might need to be changed as well since it might corrode.
the ozzymats also have microbes in them, so you would have to make sure you could fit the mats into your system.
i understand trying to save a buck...but just spend the money to save it on firing safety-kleen.
I don't pay Safety-Kleen, I have my own parts washer.
So is your parts washer plastic?
I don't pay Safety-Kleen, I have my own parts washer.
So is your parts washer plastic?
Just a plain ol' metal tub with a recirc pump.
Xenon Plastiwash is good for a wash out tank. We have other products as well.
How does it do against tape clogs?
I don't pay Safety-Kleen, I have my own parts washer.
So is your parts washer plastic?
Just a plain ol' metal tub with a recirc pump.
I was wondering about Brad and the official one.
I was wondering about Brad and the official one.
The Smartwasher is made from plastic.
55 gallon drum cut in half woul work for the diy crowd.
i had a parts washer that wasn't serviced by safety kleen either. dealing with the sludge was a pain...scooping, curing, cleaning...and so on.
i certainly won't go back...i prefer this system over solvent based systems...hands down.
Oil filter solved any sludge issues for us. Just replace the oil filter from time to time.
i had the same thing...i think i posted the DIY on that here a long time ago.
It worked OK, but after about a year and a half, I scooped at least 3 gallons of sludge out of the bottom. i often thought some sort of a recirculating system in there would help stir things up a bit.