Embroidery => General Embroidery => Topic started by: Get Shirts on February 06, 2015, 01:01:12 PM
Do we have any resident Wilcom Digitizing Software experts on board here that would be willing to let me pick their brain? I'm having trouble finding some of the basic start up information as I dive into the digitizing world and would love the help.
What do you need to know? Been using Wilcom since '06
Fantastic. I'm brand new to the software so trying to find some resources that I can reference when I get stuck. In addition, I'm a Mac guy so I'm also having to navigate Corel for the first time ever.. so that's a bummer.
Currently I'm trying to set type on a circle path, which should be cake.. but it's just not coming together for me.
Only have a second but if you are talking about using Wilcoms program fonts there is an option in the text properties window/tool bar that you can change the baseline. You have circle, half circle etc. Once you apply one of those they are fully adjustable.
If you are talking about text in Corel you have to select the text then navigate to TEXT MENU and select "Fit Text To Path" An arrow will replace your cursor with that arrow you select the path you want the text to fit to. Any shape path works not just circles and squares.