Embroidery => General Embroidery => Topic started by: 3Deep on January 23, 2015, 03:39:08 PM
I've got a client that wants us to embroider a carhartt jacket, pretty thick blanket-lined body and quilted, the outside shell looks to be nylon or something. I was just wandering about the seam in the middle of the jacket which is kind of thick..any of you embroidery this type jacket with that thick seam.
Yeah, we ran some recently, nothing major that we noticed. I ran them a little slower than normal. You should be good to go.
Done thousands of those in my time, no problems as long as you can keep them in the hoop.
The only thing with embroidering the backs is you will have a slight difference between one side to the other(because you are going over a seam)
When I do them, I don't slow down. I find you have more problems if you do. Though I run my machines between 750 and 900.
A magnetic hoop might be an option as well. Depending on the size of the embroidery.
Check this on the page 11:
http://www.theshirtboard.com/index.php/topic,140.150.html (http://www.theshirtboard.com/index.php/topic,140.150.html)
That is a Berne jacket, very similar to the Carhartt
Thanks Dennis, that's what I was looking for and yes the jacket is canvas not some type of nylon my bad ;), guess I 'll have figure out how to keep them in our hoops, maybe clamp them in