screen printing => Tips and Tricks to Share (Please don't ask questions here) => Topic started by: 3Deep on January 22, 2015, 02:18:33 PM
Ok while all you guys are arguing about the DTS/CTS and watching my wife sort shirts I did this.
I took a pc of inkjet film cut it to 11x8, made a paper copy in black of some art, then I took it to our fax machine which we rarely use but is still hooked up and made a copy, very nice and black..If had to guess the D-max would be a 4 or better wow. The fax machine is an old Sharp that use a film roll, no you can't do big images but you could do a left chest or smaller stuff. Just thought I would toss this out here just incase you need to find something to do with your old fax machine LOL
When first started, I remember making transparency copies at the library and having to
line up two exactly to get dark enough. Fun, fun.
we used to do that for name drops years ago.