screen printing => Ink and Chemicals => Topic started by: Prosperi-Tees on October 23, 2014, 12:18:14 AM
I just bought a 5 gallon bucket of Rutland Solid Black. I printed a job and realized why I hated this black. Its too shiny. What can be used to cut down on shine? Rutland has the dulling paste but at $80+ a gallon seems kinda steep. Would mixing in a different base 1 to 1 help with the shine? Maybe a soft hand base?
not familiar with the ink, but is there any chance that it's getting hotter than necessary? That adds shine.
I temped it at 350 out the dryer. I had some IC Black that was a nice flat finish but it was super runny so I went to the Rutland.
Adding softhand and running the ink through a higher mesh should help.
2 things here G. this is one reason why I keep a "book of knowledge", it's a binder with a ton of info in it. One thing I keep is tech sheets on every ink we have or tried, comments on it, where we bought it, how much and so on. I refer to the binder before we try anything new..
.keeps you from buying something you don't like....
for the matte finish, puff additive works or just buy a gallon of dulling paste from wilflex, lesson learned.
Or dulling powder (Cavosil) I prefer to just use a flat black ink over using additives however
to kinda fix the ones already printed try hitting them with your heat press and using parchment paper , tends to dull the finish noticibly. BTY teflon sheet adds shine, don't try that
Or dulling powder (Cavosil) I prefer to just use a flat black ink over using additives however
I seem to remember the powder getting dropped(by Union at least), in favor of the "base like" additive because of dissolving and mixing issues.
Also, Gerry, that $80 gallon of dulling paste should go a long way, as if it's anything like the 222 from IC, it's used 2% (weight) for dulling, and 10-15% for a suede effect.
Cool thanks guys.
"Dulling Paste" is relabeled suede base. Across the board.
Cabosil aka Fumed Silica is a powder thickener that will cut the shine "some" but not as much as a 2% add of dulling paste will. The amount of Cab you would have to add to dull it out would really really thicken up your ink. Also! - Cab is a desiccant. If you inhale it, you will severely dry out your mucous membranes. I.e. nose, throat, lungs etc.... not fun! So be careful.
Oh, nice secondary side effect of adding cabosil is it shortens up the body of your ink.
Cabosil is what is sold to flatten the inks that I use for flatstock, though it comes in a paste and that's what I like by far.
I forget what short and long body refer to. Is short body easy to shear while long body is sticky?
Cab is a desiccant. If you inhale it, you will severely dry out your mucous membranes. I.e. nose, throat, lungs etc.... not fun! So be careful.
Hmm, maybe that's what I need right now... sinus issues for this past MONTH!
One of the main things I enjoy with Wilflex is nearly every ink we print finishes matte-satin. I really hate glossy plastisol prints....in fact I pretty much dislike gloss in any medium with a few exceptions.
I really hate glossy plastisol prints....in fact I pretty much dislike gloss in any medium with a few exceptions.
I had the walls of my office painted with a matte finish for that reason. Don't do what I did.
I really hate glossy plastisol prints....in fact I pretty much dislike gloss in any medium with a few exceptions.
I had the walls of my office painted with a matte finish for that reason. Don't do what I did.
We're rocking the flat finish in the office here. Super bland ass grey for color neutrality. One of my ink reps saw and said it looked exactly like the inside of the light boxes used at shops printing for Nike, etc.
You mean because it gets smudged up and dirty?
Yeah, I tried to clean up a smudge on a wall and started taking paint off!
Gerry, cut it with any old reducer or softhand. It'll print nicer and finish flat.
Got a gallon of reducer here so I will try that. Gotta get a long scoop to get the ink out as well. 5 gallon buckets saves money but doesn't seem like the best idea for dispensing.
Just buy the Wilflex Epic Matte Black. It's great.
Just buy the Wilflex Epic Matte Black. It's great.
This is what I use also. Shiny black looks bad in my opinion
Wilflex epic matte black here too.. over cook, no problem....
Tried a bunch of other cheaper choices, and I have the partial gallons to prove it.
Reduced the Rutland Solid Black about 5% and its perfect now. I may stick with that cause $125 a bucket is right up my alley lol!