screen printing => Equipment => DIY - From master engineered marvels to cobbled together jury-rigged or Jerry-built junk! => Topic started by: Dochertyscott on September 19, 2014, 10:20:11 AM
Wouldn't have thought of this without tsb.
A bit of problem solving when the original camera tripod idea fell through but hey... Worked a treat. .
A hell of a lot quicker than my past method.
Considering purchasing the real thing... Someone on here sells a beauty I heard.
Do those who have one make good use? .
Is there a stand that you can get or do you mount to machine?
I must say, i was shocked at what last year's supplier had delivered..
Pinholes, dags, bleeding, tape scum, all the good stuff. and relableled the tee with there branding.
That beauty is from member and sponsor binkspot, who advertises his laser line up tools on the forum.
Look at his MadeEzSolutions line here http://www.inkweartees.com/ (http://www.inkweartees.com/)