Embroidery => General Embroidery => Topic started by: Denis Kolar on August 12, 2011, 10:05:41 AM

Title: Exciting times...
Post by: Denis Kolar on August 12, 2011, 10:05:41 AM
..... I have just taken my first 300 piece embroidery order  ;D
300 hats with a small logo on it. Lettering only  8)

Loving it, money might be coming in for another machine...
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: GraphicDisorder on August 12, 2011, 10:20:26 AM
..... I have just taken my first 300 piece embroidery order  ;D
300 hats with a small logo on it. Lettering only  8)

Loving it, money might be coming in for another machine...


Doing a 250pc order today ourselves.   Got a guy wanting a 1000pc order, I may out source it.  Would take too long on our 3 heads.
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: Socalfmf on August 12, 2011, 10:33:48 AM
sweet..we just finished 500 polos and now are getting an order for 2500 or 5000 hats...he is still trying to figure out how many he wants to do for the local racetrack give-a-way!!

Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: Denis Kolar on August 12, 2011, 10:39:25 AM
Hopefully, I'll get to those numbers one day :(
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: GraphicDisorder on August 12, 2011, 10:44:03 AM
sweet..we just finished 500 polos and now are getting an order for 2500 or 5000 hats...he is still trying to figure out how many he wants to do for the local racetrack give-a-way!!


How many heads do you have now Sam? 

I really need a 4 or 6 head before I could take on anything that big at one shot.
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: Clark on August 12, 2011, 11:13:25 AM
Even on a 4 or 6 head 2500 or 5K pieces would be a beating.  I would send stuff that size over seas or to a shop with 50-100 heads.
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: Socalfmf on August 12, 2011, 11:16:46 AM
we have 9 heads...and Clark..these people actually care where their hats are being made...they ALWAYS get USA made hats and have them done by American workers...

we figured it will take about 7 days to do it is only 5100 stitches...
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: inkman996 on August 12, 2011, 11:20:08 AM
Any order above 1,000 we go to a second shift. That way our main operator can spend the day time doing smaller runs that need the experienced person involved with.
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: Doug B on August 12, 2011, 11:27:47 AM
 Did 3500 pieces once. T-shirts full front. Did it in 8 days- 4 people, two machines.
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: Denis Kolar on August 12, 2011, 11:31:51 AM
Hey guys, cut it off!!!

I do not feel as excited any more seeing all those numbers flying around, 500 here, 1000 there, 2500 this guy.......
My 300 does not look as good as before :)

Just kidding, 300 for a single head is plenty, luckily the logo has only around 2500 stitches.
All I need is one or two orders like this a month, and a few screen printing order, I will be happy.
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: GraphicDisorder on August 12, 2011, 11:37:34 AM
Hey guys, cut it off!!!

I do not feel as excited any more seeing all those numbers flying around, 500 here, 1000 there, 2500 this guy.......
My 300 does not look as good as before :)

Just kidding, 300 for a single head is plenty, luckily the logo has only around 2500 stitches.
All I need is one or two orders like this a month, and a few screen printing order, I will be happy.

crap 300 on one head..  WHEW...
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: Denis Kolar on August 12, 2011, 12:08:18 PM

squat 300 on one head..  WHEW...

You got to start somewhere....
All I need is 3 singles, I will be OK with that......
I can not have anything bigger in my basement, it will not fit :(  Even the 2 head would not fit through my door or staircase.
When I outgrow that, I will start looking for a space to rent.
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: inkman996 on August 12, 2011, 12:12:40 PM
300 hats on a single is nuts, honestly I bet you can sub that out and make as much or more on it. We could have that run in several hours tops.
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: Clark on August 12, 2011, 12:16:10 PM
we have 9 heads...and Clark..these people actually care where their hats are being made...they ALWAYS get USA made hats and have them done by American workers...

we figured it will take about 7 days to do it is only 5100 stitches...

Those customers are few and far between at least in my experience.  I'm just not that big on tying up equipment for more than a couple days. Especially when there are plenty of embroidery houses in the U.S that will do that work at a high level for cheap....and they can have it done in a couple days.  I did a couple big jobs on our 6 head and it was a total beating...then found out we had an embroider right up the road with 160 heads that specialized in caps.  Made more money sending it out than doing it in house. 
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: jason-23 on August 12, 2011, 12:21:29 PM
so whats the bottom line then? 300 tells me nothing ;D
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: Denis Kolar on August 12, 2011, 12:22:11 PM
300 hats on a single is nuts, honestly I bet you can sub that out and make as much or more on it. We could have that run in several hours tops.
I'm pondering that in my head. I know that I have to get him 80-100 by next Friday. I might be subbing out the rest if I have something else to do.
If there is nothing else to do, I'll do it. My machine will be sitting there anyway.
I'm guessing 20 hours to complete them all, and I do not mind doing that when making $60-$70/hour.
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: mk162 on August 12, 2011, 02:39:36 PM
I wouldn't do that many on a single.  Check around, I bet you can get them sewn for under $2 each.  I have a person I use when we are booked or if the order is too large for us to run comfortably.  Her work is awesome and she is a card, do it's a great fit.

On a less fortunate note, I had a backup woman that would come in and run the equipment when we were swamped.  I'd pay her $20 an hour, but she could move like nobody's business.  She used to own an embroidery company, so she knew how valuable time was.  It was cheaper to bring her in than to pay overtime for another person.  But she's 63, and just doesn't have the stamina to run 8 hours a day anymore, so she can't help out.
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: Denis Kolar on August 17, 2011, 08:07:05 AM
I wouldn't do that many on a single.  Check around, I bet you can get them sewn for under $2 each.

I did call Pierre's partner who runs embroidery side of Blue Moon and talked to him in case I get more stuff to do. Told that to my wife, and when I was doing that, my brother heard the conversation. (I forgot about him being here to visit from Europe)
He did 100 pieces last evening while I was doing other stuff (only 2400 stitches in the logo).
I think I might be finishing them in house ;)
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: mk162 on August 17, 2011, 08:27:36 AM
2400 stitches is nothing, I am running a left chest design with 19,000 right now.  I think the 74 pcs will put me through over 20 bobbins...I have been lining them up like little soldiers...I have plenty of time between runs.
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: Denis Kolar on August 17, 2011, 08:36:15 AM
2400 stitches is nothing, I am running a left chest design with 19,000 right now.  I think the 74 pcs will put me through over 20 bobbins...I have been lining them up like little soldiers...I have plenty of time between runs.

I think that my brother did not change a sigle bobbin last night. I finished one job, did a set up on caps, put new bobbin in, and after that he just ran the rest of the evening.
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: alan802 on August 17, 2011, 09:42:53 AM
We are in the middle of a 7500 hat run right now.  It's nice to have big orders like that but lot's of other customers can suffer and it ties up the machines.  I had an opportunity to bid on a 20K piece screen printing order last week but they needed a fast turnaround and we would have had to only print that one job for 5 days and we have over 40 screen printing jobs in the system right now.  Trying to do 4K pieces a day for 5 days in this heat is asking for trouble as well.  Oh well, it wasn't meant to be.  Why don't 20K piece jobs come around in February?
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: Sbrem on August 17, 2011, 10:10:29 AM
go for it Dennis. Eventually, you'll want to sub out what can be done less expensively, and do what you do best with your equipment, or of course, start buying more equipment. But you need the experience under your belt. I worked for someone else for about 18 years before going on my own 20 years ago. Our first big job was when the Pope came to Boston in '79. We had 5 designs all being printed by hand. For one color, we had 3 people on a manual with a speed table, one loader, one unloader, and one printer. Over 200 per hour easy. I guess what I'm saying is you'll figure out what works best by experiencing doing the process yourself, then you have something to work with when contemplating the next job. One embroiderer that we print for gets tens of thousands of hats made in China.  Complete custom hats for under a buck. They lose bids over a penny. But they don't have to do anything but place phone calls, and meanwhile his machines run "normal" orders.

Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: Denis Kolar on August 17, 2011, 10:27:35 AM
go for it Dennis. Eventually, you'll want to sub out what can be done less expensively, and do what you do best with your equipment, or of course, start buying more equipment. But you need the experience under your belt. I worked for someone else for about 18 years before going on my own 20 years ago. Our first big job was when the Pope came to Boston in '79. We had 5 designs all being printed by hand. For one color, we had 3 people on a manual with a speed table, one loader, one unloader, and one printer. Over 200 per hour easy. I guess what I'm saying is you'll figure out what works best by experiencing doing the process yourself, then you have something to work with when contemplating the next job. One embroiderer that we print for gets tens of thousands of hats made in China.  Complete custom hats for under a buck. They lose bids over a penny. But they don't have to do anything but place phone calls, and meanwhile his machines run "normal" orders.


Steve, I understand what you are saying. If I had something else I had to embroider, sure, Michael (Pierre's partner) was willing to do it for me.
I know I need more machines, but I have a small problem with my set up. I can not have anything bigger than a single head. I can not take it into the basement. My plan is to get two more single head Tajimas (Used) and set them up next to each other. I like that set up because it I have a thread break on one, other two will keep stitching. If I get too much work that I can not do with three heads and a manual screen printer, then it will be the time to rent the place and buy multi-head and auto printer. (And quit my regular job :)  )
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: Clark on August 17, 2011, 11:37:19 AM
We are in the middle of a 7500 hat run right now.  It's nice to have big orders like that but lot's of other customers can suffer and it ties up the machines.  I had an opportunity to bid on a 20K piece screen printing order last week but they needed a fast turnaround and we would have had to only print that one job for 5 days and we have over 40 screen printing jobs in the system right now.  Trying to do 4K pieces a day for 5 days in this heat is asking for trouble as well.  Oh well, it wasn't meant to be.  Why don't 20K piece jobs come around in February?

I got room for it.  :)
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: alan802 on August 18, 2011, 09:44:07 AM
We are in the middle of a 7500 hat run right now.  It's nice to have big orders like that but lot's of other customers can suffer and it ties up the machines.  I had an opportunity to bid on a 20K piece screen printing order last week but they needed a fast turnaround and we would have had to only print that one job for 5 days and we have over 40 screen printing jobs in the system right now.  Trying to do 4K pieces a day for 5 days in this heat is asking for trouble as well.  Oh well, it wasn't meant to be.  Why don't 20K piece jobs come around in February?

I got room for it.  :)

Next time I come across one of those big bids I'll forward it to you as well.  If we don't get it, I'd want a friend to have it.
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: Socalfmf on August 18, 2011, 09:57:35 AM
I want in on the action too if possible...

Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: mjrprint on August 18, 2011, 10:59:58 AM
We are having our second lazer installed this week and two more 8 heads are on the way.
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: Denis Kolar on August 18, 2011, 11:06:47 AM
We are in the middle of a 7500 hat run right now.  It's nice to have big orders like that but lot's of other customers can suffer and it ties up the machines.  I had an opportunity to bid on a 20K piece screen printing order last week but they needed a fast turnaround and we would have had to only print that one job for 5 days and we have over 40 screen printing jobs in the system right now.  Trying to do 4K pieces a day for 5 days in this heat is asking for trouble as well.  Oh well, it wasn't meant to be.  Why don't 20K piece jobs come around in February?

I got room for it.  :)

Next time I come across one of those big bids I'll forward it to you as well.  If we don't get it, I'd want a friend to have it.

I can take 300-400 ;D
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: GraphicDisorder on August 18, 2011, 11:08:50 AM
We are having our second lazer installed this week and two more 8 heads are on the way.

I hate you.

Just sayin'. 
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: mjrprint on August 18, 2011, 11:14:47 AM
Hahaha. I don't have to deal with that side of the business  ;D. We are a large company though est. in 1991 and they have been very successful in our market (collegiate) Sometimes I wish I was at a smaller shop and got to do some contract work though. That may seem crazy lol.
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: Denis Kolar on August 18, 2011, 12:11:57 PM
I can take 300-400 ;D

This was suposed to be a joke
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: Mr Tees!! on August 18, 2011, 01:41:29 PM

We are having our second lazer installed this week and two more 8 heads are on the way.

I hate you.

Just sayin'.

...SEE? you ARE a hater!

..."tooooo funny"!!
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: Denis Kolar on August 18, 2011, 01:46:04 PM

We are having our second lazer installed this week and two more 8 heads are on the way.

I hate you.

Just sayin'.

...SEE? you ARE a hater!

..."tooooo funny"!!

LOL!  :>@
Title: Re: Exciting times...
Post by: GraphicDisorder on August 18, 2011, 02:08:48 PM

We are having our second lazer installed this week and two more 8 heads are on the way.

I hate you.

Just sayin'.

...SEE? you ARE a hater!

..."tooooo funny"!!
