Computers and Software => Raster and Vector Manipulation Programs, and How to Do Stuff in Them. => Topic started by: Rocfrog on April 02, 2014, 05:08:20 PM

Title: Illustrator PDF's.....???
Post by: Rocfrog on April 02, 2014, 05:08:20 PM
How can I make the smallest possible file size of a PDF out of Illustrator??

As in I create the proof in Illustrator and then safe as a PDF so I can send it to the customer. We use ProofStuff for that and they require the file size to be under 1mb and I have sent some larger ones successfully but some of the files go up to 5mb, so I need to figure out how to make them smaller.....

When I create them in Corel they are always way under 1mb but I don't want to add that to my process as an extra step.

Title: Re: Illustrator PDF's.....???
Post by: royster13 on April 02, 2014, 06:10:35 PM
Use Acrobat Pro......You can make them as low of resolution as you need...
Title: Re: Illustrator PDF's.....???
Post by: jvanick on April 02, 2014, 06:19:40 PM
have you tried save as -> adobe-pdf, then select 'smallest file size'.. verify that preserve illustrator editing capabilities is unchecked as is the 'layers' checkbox...

you can  verify that your image compression is set lower too under the compression tab...

I find that helps a lot on our proofs...
Title: Re: Illustrator PDF's.....???
Post by: Rockers on April 02, 2014, 07:50:49 PM
have you tried save as -> adobe-pdf, then select 'smallest file size'.. verify that preserve illustrator editing capabilities is unchecked as is the 'layers' checkbox...

you can  verify that your image compression is set lower too under the compression tab...

I find that helps a lot on our proofs...
Most proofs and mock ups we sent are saved as "save for web and devices". That gives you a real small file.
Title: Re: Illustrator PDF's.....???
Post by: 3Deep on April 02, 2014, 10:11:02 PM
Whats wrong with sending a jpeg or png file?
Title: Re: Illustrator PDF's.....???
Post by: Rocfrog on April 03, 2014, 03:34:52 PM
have you tried save as -> adobe-pdf, then select 'smallest file size'.. verify that preserve illustrator editing capabilities is unchecked as is the 'layers' checkbox...

you can  verify that your image compression is set lower too under the compression tab...

I find that helps a lot on our proofs...

I never even noticed that drop down! I just did a test one and the only thing is it made the embedded png's look pixelated.....but the file size was definitely way smaller!

Title: Re: Illustrator PDF's.....???
Post by: Sbrem on April 03, 2014, 05:12:53 PM
Saving for Web and Devices will let you choose formats, we go with jpeg... that way a potential customer can't send the editable pdf to your competitor...

Title: Re: Illustrator PDF's.....???
Post by: GaryG on April 03, 2014, 05:29:41 PM
we go with jpeg... that way a potential customer can't send the editable pdf to your competitor...

We always send low res for that very reason. Looks fine on screen for proofing.
Or even if it is editable, it is print resolution to copy and use.
But having a signature or deposit before starting any art helps too.
Title: Re: Illustrator PDF's.....???
Post by: Rocfrog on April 03, 2014, 05:50:12 PM
Ya we've talked about going to jpg proofs, but I forget why we decided against it.....maybe it's something that needs revisiting.
