screen printing => Ink and Chemicals => Topic started by: mimosatexas on January 18, 2014, 01:03:25 AM

Title: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: mimosatexas on January 18, 2014, 01:03:25 AM
I've been using these for some time now: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007V2HBJS (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007V2HBJS)

They cost about 50 cents each, and I can use them to store discharge mixes for weeks in the fridge which is awesome.  I am finding though that I toss them more often than not, and they are somewhat brittle, so my fin bit on the drill will occasionally crack them when mixing inks.

I guess I am just curious what everyone else is using, and if there is a cheaper alternative that also offers an airtight lid and is hopefully less brittle.  I am open to 32oz or larger, but 32oz really is ideal for most of my runs as it will hold up to 1000g which will usually last 200-300 shirts.
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: dirkdiggler on January 18, 2014, 09:45:21 AM
http://www.hillmansupply.com/1-Qt-Multi-Mix-Plastic-Container-Leaktite-2M3_p_265.html (http://www.hillmansupply.com/1-Qt-Multi-Mix-Plastic-Container-Leaktite-2M3_p_265.html)
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: Homer on January 18, 2014, 09:45:47 AM
I bought a case of these:

http://www.webstaurantstore.com/dart-conex-32dw05-32-oz-white-plastic-deli-container-500-case/30132DW05.html (http://www.webstaurantstore.com/dart-conex-32dw05-32-oz-white-plastic-deli-container-500-case/30132DW05.html)
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: dirkdiggler on January 18, 2014, 10:02:24 AM
price is right on those, but the link I posted is solvent resisitant and they are clear.  Havent tried them, but I think I am going to order a case.
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: screenxpress on January 18, 2014, 11:50:17 AM
32 oz??????  Aren't those a bit large?  I did see the 16 oz there
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: Frog on January 18, 2014, 11:56:38 AM
32 oz??????  Aren't those a bit large?  I did see the 16 oz there

A little inefficient on space-saving, but a quart sized container is nice for really stirring up a mixed pint, a pretty common size.
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: Homer on January 18, 2014, 12:00:23 PM
32 oz??????  Aren't those a bit large?  I did see the 16 oz there

A little inefficient on space-saving, but a quart sized container is nice for really stirring up a mixed pint, a pretty common size.

yeah, good for mixing with the drill, less spillage. I do see where the solvent resistance comes in. we ran some nazdar inks yesterday and it ate right through the container after 20 minutes. but for wb/plastisol they worked great. We have an ink room so space isn't a big deal.
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: kingscreen on January 18, 2014, 12:05:40 PM
We use these: http://www.usplastic.com/catalog/item.aspx?itemid=97010 (http://www.usplastic.com/catalog/item.aspx?itemid=97010)
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: Frog on January 18, 2014, 12:17:11 PM
A few years back, I came across a carton of these at a garage sale.
Very nice for small amounts, but not nice enough to justify buying the crap that comes in them!

(the label slips right off leaving a nice white container)

Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: mimosatexas on January 18, 2014, 01:02:42 PM
Wow!  Thanks for all the suggestions.  I actually buy other things from webstaurantstore already and the price is definitely right.  I was wondering though about the different materials for the different options.

The ones I buy on amazon are polypropylene, but the cheapo version on webstaurant is polystyrene.  While not microwaveable, the polystyrene is described as "high impact" which I would hope implies they aren't as brittle as the polypropylene.  Anyone else mixing directly in these without it splitting?  I also found these which don't say what kind of plastic they are: http://www.webstaurantstore.com/newspring-ysd2532-32-oz-clear-round-deli-container-combo-pack-240-case/128YL2532%20%20%20COMBO240.html (http://www.webstaurantstore.com/newspring-ysd2532-32-oz-clear-round-deli-container-combo-pack-240-case/128YL2532%20%20%20COMBO240.html)

I prefer the 32oz over the smaller containers, even when the ink only requires 1/4 of the volume.  Just as a few other people mentioned, it makes the mixing process much cleaner.  Even with the 64oz containers, which I use for large jobs, the mixing isn't as clean due to the more squat shape.
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: Inkworks on January 18, 2014, 01:09:04 PM
Polystyrene is highly susceptible to damage from any sort of aggressive chemical or solvent, I'd even worry about plasticizers effecting it after prolonged storage. It also doesn't do well to extended UV exposure as it becomes brittle, heck it's pretty brittle to begin with. I'd say it's fine for temporary, disposable use for plastisol or WB, but I wouldn't use it for extended time storage use. There are very good reasons why Plastisol and WB come in HDPE or PP containers from the manufacturers.
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: mimosatexas on January 18, 2014, 01:21:20 PM
good to know.  I'll just get a case of the pp ones and call it a day.  I can deal with the cracking at that cost...
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: mk162 on January 20, 2014, 02:27:52 PM
i bought the 16oz, it's good, but you almost need both sizes.  The 32's would be better to have if you are only getting one size.

I went clear as well
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: Colin on January 20, 2014, 02:34:51 PM
We buy ours through Ryonet.  http://www.silkscreeningsupplies.com/product/RPCONTQTLID (http://www.silkscreeningsupplies.com/product/RPCONTQTLID)

Work great long term for plastisol, waterbase, discharge, solvent inks...  We get better pricing than the website but we order 100 or so at a time.

Not as cheap as others..... but they do everything we need them to.
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: Nick Bane on January 20, 2014, 02:51:03 PM
[url]http://www.hillmansupply.com/1-Qt-Multi-Mix-Plastic-Container-Leaktite-2M3_p_265.html[/url] ([url]http://www.hillmansupply.com/1-Qt-Multi-Mix-Plastic-Container-Leaktite-2M3_p_265.html[/url])

Have an ink room full of these at a shop im working at now, filled with a rainbow of plastisols and wb/discharge inks and they go back and forth from the production floor all day long and hold up to the beating they get on the floor also.  as long as you keep them clean youre good and they seem to last.
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: tancehughes on January 20, 2014, 02:56:42 PM
This is what we use - http://www.webstaurantstore.com/32-oz-microwavable-plastic-deli-container-with-lid-240-case/128HRD32%20%20%20%20COMBO240.html (http://www.webstaurantstore.com/32-oz-microwavable-plastic-deli-container-with-lid-240-case/128HRD32%20%20%20%20COMBO240.html)

These things are great, and CHEAP!

Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: mk162 on January 20, 2014, 03:07:31 PM
I also find tons of other uses as well...like storing small amounts of grout or paint for touchups, keeping small parts of a project together.

Works great.
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: mimosatexas on January 20, 2014, 03:21:48 PM
This is what we use - [url]http://www.webstaurantstore.com/32-oz-microwavable-plastic-deli-container-with-lid-240-case/128HRD32%20%20%20%20COMBO240.html[/url] ([url]http://www.webstaurantstore.com/32-oz-microwavable-plastic-deli-container-with-lid-240-case/128HRD32%20%20%20%20COMBO240.html[/url])

These things are great, and CHEAP!

Those are the ones i ended up getting.
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: mimosatexas on January 20, 2014, 03:25:36 PM
I also find tons of other uses as well...like storing small amounts of grout or paint for touchups, keeping small parts of a project together.

Works great.
Yea, i have about a dozen of these on my workbench with everything from drill bits to screws in them.
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: Binkspot on January 20, 2014, 08:43:18 PM
We started with the ones listed but found these work better. Easier to mix the ink at the bottom and if you drop them they won't break or crack. Yes they will stand up to plastisol, discharge, WB and the silicone, I have also user them for solvent based inks but not for long periods.

http://www.webstaurantstore.com/choice-32-oz-microwavable-translucent-round-deli-container-500-case/127RD32BULK.html (http://www.webstaurantstore.com/choice-32-oz-microwavable-translucent-round-deli-container-500-case/127RD32BULK.html)
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: ScreenPrinter123 on January 20, 2014, 08:55:39 PM
Who's got the best pricing on empty gallon containers?
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: Binkspot on January 20, 2014, 09:15:22 PM
We have been getting ours from U-line and Sherwin Williams.
Title: Re: Ink Mixing/Storage Containers?
Post by: mk162 on January 21, 2014, 09:48:29 AM
check with your local ink supplier...especially one with your favorite bucket style