screen printing => Ink and Chemicals => Topic started by: Sbrem on November 25, 2013, 02:01:24 PM
Hey all, I need a new brand of ink for my 1400. My last batch from inksupply.com was bad, and for some reason, they aren't responding quickly enough to my liking, so I need a new source. I use Ulano and Fixxons waterproof films; the ink should be a dye base, and thanks.
I only have experience with their Pigment stuff, but I use these guys.
http://cobraink.com/index.htm (http://cobraink.com/index.htm)
I believe that Pierre uses the ink from Chomaline
Always been good with Davis Int.
www.davisint.com (http://www.davisint.com)
Check out Accuink from Chromaline. Costs a hundo per jumbo cart for the 4800 but, dang, it's worth the price jump. Darkest positives I've ever seen out of our shop, going onto the fixxons stuff as well. I don't think it's available bulk unfortunately though I wish it was.
Here is what we use:
http://www.atlasscreensupply.net/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=122_166&products_id=846 (http://www.atlasscreensupply.net/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=122_166&products_id=846)
It works real nice, but I have to admit I don't really have much to compare it to.
I'm pretty sure my artist gets the cobra ink like Frog.
I've been using inksupply.com for years Steve. My last two orders have taken inordinately long to ship, no communication
on backorders, etc. Going down the drain and I've kindly let them know, twice. Looks like we'll be switching as well.
giving Cobra the nod, thanks everybody. Still nothing from inksupply.com. Pretty surprised about that.
I use Cobra Inks DYE based black in the All Black setting through Accurip. Seldom clogs (really just dries out) and is plenty UV dense for my purposes. However I would try the ink from Chromaline like Pierre reportedly used, but they don't sell it (or didn't last I checked) in bulk for usage in my 1400's.
I can't believe how much ink I've put through a 1400 without "clogs".
I just use Cobra's refillable carts for my 1400's, but I wouldn't hesitate to use Cobra's CIS. There are some tricks to keep the carts primed, if they run dry (bad) and it is frustrating if one of the gals up front doesn't pay attention to the ink levels. With the CIS, you can plainly see when levels are low.
Has anyone had any luck finding a ciss for the artisan 1430?
Has anyone had any luck finding a ciss for the artisan 1430?
http://cobraink.com/CIS/CIS%20Kit%201430.htm (http://cobraink.com/CIS/CIS%20Kit%201430.htm)
Filmdirectonline.com 1 black rest cleaning love it. P tested a printout said for 1 slot black impressive the density. 4800 .
Has anyone had any luck finding a ciss for the artisan 1430?
[url]http://cobraink.com/CIS/CIS%20Kit%201430.htm[/url] ([url]http://cobraink.com/CIS/CIS%20Kit%201430.htm[/url])
What the frig Andy I searched their site this AM and did not find this! Thanks buddy!
what are the pros and cons of a CIS for the 1400 vs the refillable cartridges? I see all this talk of cleaning carts for the larger printers, would this be helpful on the 1400? I don't use a rip, so would either a CIS or the refillables still work with just the stock print driver/spooler printing from photoshop?
Yes, you just can't run all black carts without a rip (assuming you wanted to).
I'm tempted to go refillable and just fill them all with black bulk ink and let it use them how it wants. My films are plenty dark with stock settings using the standard cartridges, but they cost way more than I would like to spend for a printed that only outputs films.
I'm tempted to go refillable and just fill them all with black bulk ink and let it use them how it wants. My films are plenty dark with stock settings using the standard cartridges, but they cost way more than I would like to spend for a printed that only outputs films.
If you do that don't forget to get a chip resetter unless the carts come with auto resetters.
Get a refill system and a rip, it will pay for itself.
How much time does it take to refill each time? and is it a pain or easy?
It's a matter of practice, and then ity can be pretty neat and easy.
My carts hold only about 10 ml. Way less than a minute to actually fill and wipe if I was at all sloppy, but I keep them out of the machine for a couple more minutes if (and only if) the printer had read them as empty, so they'll re-set. Larger carts, use a bigger syringe, and it may not take much longer.
You don't have a reset to full chip/button on yours?
Do you guys run the actual colors or do you just fill with bulk black?
You don't have a reset to full chip/button on yours?
After giving the empty warning, the Cobra carts (at least on my WF1100) reset upon re-insertion, as long as the slot has been empty for a minute or two.
I have another set, never used, that require the "shorting out with a paper clip" method.
What was strange getting used to, is when a cart sends the empty signal mid print, the machine stops. I then go through the re-fill procedure, re-insert the cart, the printer goes through the cleaning cycle, and then continues on the same page as if it didn't miss a beat.
Do you guys run the actual colors or do you just fill with bulk black?
I also use my printer for transfers, so all colors, and pigment ink.
what about these guys haven't bought from them but I believe they got a pretty good report here before?
http://www.inkjetcarts.us/ (http://www.inkjetcarts.us/)
http://store.inkjetcarts.us/storefront.aspx?Keyword=hk&hiddenInputToUpdateATBuffer_CommonToolkitScripts=1 (http://store.inkjetcarts.us/storefront.aspx?Keyword=hk&hiddenInputToUpdateATBuffer_CommonToolkitScripts=1)
Moose, Ross is a pretty good dude, hard to complain, but I guess I could.
Frog, mine has the chip sandwiched in behind the carts and a button sticking up... You can just hit the button (when in ink change position) and keep going.
How about this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/220831699917?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 (http://www.ebay.com/itm/220831699917?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649)
what about these guys haven't bought from them but I believe they got a pretty good report here before?
http://www.inkjetcarts.us/ (http://www.inkjetcarts.us/)
http://store.inkjetcarts.us/storefront.aspx?Keyword=hk&hiddenInputToUpdateATBuffer_CommonToolkitScripts=1 (http://store.inkjetcarts.us/storefront.aspx?Keyword=hk&hiddenInputToUpdateATBuffer_CommonToolkitScripts=1)
Ross has been awesome to us. When we first got started with our 4800, he basically walked us through everything. One cartridge we bought came with a bad chip, he ended up sending us a brand new chip no charge. Their inks are dark and our films have been a huge upgrade from our old Screenwriter.